Avril Lavigne's feet
Author Unknown
Just after the set of her Avrils new video Skater boi, she went to her change room to get changed to go home. She changed into some jeans, a t-shirt, grey socks and skater shoes. She grabed her bag and left her locker room. she headed down the hall to her limo waiting to excort her back to her house. She got outside, and admediatly the limo driver opened the door to the limo.
"How are you today avril, where are we off to?" He said
"pretty good, almost done the new video, but im kind of tired, i think ill just go home today" She said
With that, she hoped into the back seat, and they drove off.
About 45 minutes later they reached her out of town home which was a smaller house living alone.
"see you tomorrow Avril" The driver said
"Bye Bill" She replied
She took a deep breathe then walk to her front door, she opened the door, walked in, and crashed on the couch. she turned on the tv, and thought of a great plan. She knew she had many loyal fans, and one of which was one of her friends, she thought to herself, what people would do for her, how far they would go, and with that she began to think about throwing them at her feet and worshipping them. She thought it was a great idea, and then went out and did a 1 hour jog came back and called her friend craig.
"Hello?" Craig asked.
"Hey Craig, whats up? its me Avril" She answered.
"Oh hey, whats up, what are you up to?" He asked.
"Nothing much, i was just wondering if you wanted to come down and stay the night here if you want" She said
"Sure, of course i will, if i leave now, i should be there in about half an hour or so" He said
"Great, see you soon, Bye" She said
They both hung up and she thougt what can she do to make her feet sweat more. She quickly thought of a few ideas such as jumping jacks and more joging. She ended up joging for another 20 minutes and doing a few exercise moves, just then the door bell rang. She walked to the door to open it.
"Hey Craig, come on in, sorry im out of breath, i just did some exercises" she explained
"Hey, ok no problem, i understand" He replied
"Lets go watch of a movie" She asked
"Sure" He said
They both sat down on the couch next to each other, Avril was on the right, she got up and grabbed the movie Gone in Sixty Seconds.
"You like action movies right?" She asked
"Yes, i wanted to see this movie so bad" He said excitedly
She poped it in the dvd player and sat back down, she skipping a few scenes until the movie start. They watched about 10 minutes when Avril asked.
"Hey Craig, you would basically do anything for me right"
"Umm sure, of course i would" He said
"Good" She said
and with that she lifted both her feet onto Craigs lap, which she had her shoes on. He looked down, and then looked back at her
"Kiss my shoes" She said
"What?" He said confused
"You said you would do anything, so bend over and kiss my shoes" She said again
"Now!" She demanded
Craig slower lowered his head and kissed the tops of Avril's shoes
"NO! Better then that, keep kissing them" She said
He kept kissing her shoes, as well as the soles of her shoes
"Now tell me how much you love me" She said
"Avril, i love you so much, and i love kissing your shoes" He said
"Good, Now Get under my couch" she said
She moved her feet off his lap, and Craig got up and got under the couch.
"No you idiot, get all the way in, i only want to see a bit of your cheat and all of your face!" She yelled
He positioned himself to exatcly how she wanted
"Good, now do as i say" She demanded
She took off both of her shoes exposing her grey sweaty socks. she looked at him on the ground
"Your pathetic" She said
just then she lowered both her socked feet onb his face. He gasped for air, but her feet covered to much of his face.
He stoped moving
"Now smell my feet, i bet they smell good, ive only been wearing these socks for 3 days now" She said
she moved her feet around his face, covering his face with her sweat from her feet.
"Now kiss my feet, everywhere, Kiss them" She demanded
She shoved her right foot on his mouth and he started kissing, as he kissed , she moved her feet around, she switched foot and he started to kiss her left foot, and then she positioned her right foot on his nose so her would be smelling as well.
After 20 minutes of this she got bored and took off her left sock.
"Open your mouth now" She said
With that he opened his mouth just a slight bit, he socks smelled awful for him and he couldnt image how Avrils socks tasted. She griped her sock, bent down, and pushed her sock down into his mouth toe end first. Just the ankle part of the sock was hanging from his mouth. She then moved her right socked foot onto his nose, and her bare foot over onto his mouth to hold the sock in.
"How does my socks taste? Suck my sock clean, and when your finished with that one, you will sock my other sock clean, i want all the sweat out" She said
He sucked and smelled her foul smelling feet for 15 minutes, she took out the sock, threw it on the ground, took off her right sock and shoved it far down into his mouth.
Instead of making him smell her feet as well, she grabbed her shoes and put them on.
"Keep sucking on it" She said
He sucked the sweat from Avril Lavignes socks as much as possible, and finally stoped him about 20 minutes later.
She took her sock from his mouth. SHe lifted both her feet on his chest, and moved her feet onto his face.
"Kiss my shoes again" She said
He started to kiss her shoes again for a few minutes
"Enough" she said
she took off both her shoes reveling her bare feet. She threw her shoes to the side and placed both bare feet onto his face. By now her feet were still very sweaty and very smelly.
She moved her bare feet up and down his face, then cupped her right foot on his nose.
"Smell my feet, smell it good!" She said
He took deep breaths of her foot, and smelled her odor, after she switched feet and cupped her toes with her left feet over his nose and made him smell.
After a bit, she started to slide her big toe into his mouth.
"Suck on every one of my toes atrting with the big toe, i want 5 minutes of sucking for each toe"
Every five minutes she took out one toe and replaced with another, and so on and so on. After he sucked on each toe, and put both her big toes in his mouth at the same time, grabbed one of her shoes and placed it over his nose.
"suck on my toes as well as smell my shoe" She said
He did exatly as he was told.
Later on, she stoped that. She placed her right big toe on his mouth
"Lick inbetween each toe i have, and trust me, there will be lots of toe jam, so thats your dinner for tonight, i want you to eat every speck of my toe jam from my toes" She said
He started to lick inbetween her big to and second bigggest, then moving down, there was a lot of toe jam coming from her toes, it tastes very salty and sweaty. The toe jam just oozed down his troat, he had to enjoy it, because it would be his only meal.
After 30 minutes, he licked inbetween every toe and ate every piece of toe jam. She took her feet on his face, and looked at him
"Youreally are pathetic you know that" She explaned to him
"I cant wait till tomorrow and what i have in store for you" She said
She thought to her self after "I geuss people would just about do anything for me" She smiled, looked back down at Craig, Got a pair of hand cuffs, and hand cuffed his arm to a big table. She felt kind of tire, so she went upstairs grabbed a few pairs of used old socks. came back and gave it to Carig
"With the one hand you have, i want you to grab them, put them in your mouth and sock them clean, and they all better be clean in the morning or ill be pissed, you got that foot boy" She said
"Yes Avril" He said
"Good! Now kiss my feet good night"
She walked over to him and placed her right foot on his face, he kissed her foot and said good night, and she placed her left foot on his face and he again said goodnight
She went upstairs and started to think of new ideas to torture Craig, but adventually she fell asleep.
The end
I would have no problem sucking her feet. I hope they stink. I would even hope they are sweaty. I would lick them dry.
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