A Brother's Servitude.
By Horsefly
e-mail comments to: the_horsefly@hotmail.com
"Bye now, dear!" Claudia said to her daughter, weeping. Samantha gave her a big hug, tears streaming down her cheeks. Claudia looked down at her daughter one last time, and unable to bear the sight of her sad face, left without saying another word. Samantha's dad,
however, wasn't quite as emotionnal as his wife: "Now Samantha, you KNOW that mommy and me love you very very .much." Samantha stopped crying and nodded silently. He smiled and lifted her chin. "Come on, sweetie! Can't you give daddy a little smile?" Samantha looked at h im and managed a small, feeble smile. "Don't worry, honey... Me and mommy will be back soon. We just need some time alone. The week will go by like that!"
With that, he snapped his fingers. As sad as she felt, Samantha couldn't suppress a giggle. "I love you, daddy." Her dad gave her a hug and said: "Now you be a good girl, okay? You can invite some friends to sleep over you want, but be nice. Nana's phone number is posted on the fridge, and I want you to listen to your brother, okay? He's older, so he's in charge."
With that, her dad gave her a big kiss on the cheek, and started out the door. Before closing it, he turned to his daughter and said half-jokingly, "I don't want to hear any horror stories from Tommy, okay? BE NICE."
As her dad closed the door, Samantha let out a big sigh. Be nice. She snorted. Yeah, right. Why the hell did her dad tell HER to be nice?! Shouldn't he have said that to Tommy??? HE was the jerk. Right on cue, Tommy came noisely down the stairs.
"Old folks gone yet?" Samantha looked at him with disgust. "You shouldn't call them that, Tommy. Why are you such a jerk?" Tommy touseled her hair, then made his way towards the kitchen. He said, without looking back:
"Oh, shut up, little girl. I swear, what the hell is with you 14 year olds? You all think you're all that. Just pay attention to your elders and betters, i.e., moi, and the week will go by way quicker." Samantha stuck out her tongue at him and went upstairs to her room. Tommy was a mean, mean asshole, but he was right about one thing: he was seventeen years old, and she was just fourteen. This had all the makings
to be a LOOOOOOONG week.
"Oh, well, at least I don't have to suffer through him alone..." , she thought as she picked up the phone and called her best friend. "Hi, Jenny? It's Samantha." "Hi Shan! What's up? Your parents finally gone?" "Yeah, now Tommy's in charge. Wanna sleep over tonight?" "Cool! I'll be right there!" Jenny arrived shortly after. After setting up her sleeping bag in Samantha's room, the 2 girls spent the next few hours talking about fashion, music and (what else) boys. As they were listing which guy fit in which category (hot or not) , Jennt let out a big sigh.
"You know" she said, "Why do guys have to be such dicks? I mean, why do THEY call us, and THEY decide when to kiss and stuff?" Samantha nodded, and replied: "But isn't it kind of romantic that way?" "No way!", shouted Jenny, giggling. "Why do THEY get all the power. I think all guys should worship the majestic species. That is, us."
Having said that, both girls started laughing like crazy. Laughing, that is, until Tommy suddenly opened the door. "Goddammit, shut up!" , he yelled. Both girls rolled their eyes, and Jenny snorted. Samantha looked in back of her brother and noticed someone standing behind him.
The mystery man walked into the room, and Jenny recognised him as her brother's equally obnoxious friend, Eddie. He was carrying the portable phone in his hand. Her brother spoke again: "Look, you little brats, shut up and go away. We're having a party." He glanced at Jenny. "Hey, Samantha, mom said no pets allowed!"
Both guys found that comment hilarious, and Eddie collapsed to the floor, laughing. Tommy carried on: "Who said you could have some friends over, anyways? I'M in charge, remember??? Go sleep over at Jenny's tonight. Just get the hell out of here. Don't come back until tomorrow afternoon."
Samantha was used to this kind of treatment, and contented herself by balling up her sock and throwing it at her brother. Tommy collapsed to his knees, grabbing his neck. "Stink bomb! Direct hit! Help me, Eddie! I'm going down!" Eddie, who barely managed to pull himself together from the previous joke, collapsed once again. Samantha rolled her eyes in discust. Jenny, however, was less than amused. She approached Tommy, who was still on his knees. She stood directly in front of him, arms crossed. After a few seconds, she said:
"That's it. Apologize."
"You heard me. You have a lot of nerve treating us like that." "Get fucking out of here..." "After all..." she said, flashing Samantha a smile, "we ARE the dominant species."
This time she didn't give Tommy a chance to come up with a clever reply. Jenny grabbed him by the shoulder, brought her bare foot back, and kicked him hard in the nuts. At first Tommy wasn't sure what happenned. A second later, his testicles cried out in pain. He fell on his back, shocked.
"Wha..." Jenny didn't give him a chance to finish. His legs were closing quickly to protect his manhood, but Jenny was faster. She raised her right foot and quickly brought it down again. Another direct hit. She raised her foot and brought it down again. And again. And again. By now Tommy was howling and crying like a baby. Eddie realised the pain that his buddy was in and managed to get Jenny into a
bear-hug from the rear. Jenny looked at Samantha and cried out: "Come on, Shan! Let's teach these dogs a lesson!"
Samantha glanced at her writhing brother at her feet, then at the girl that put him in that position and got up from the bed. Stepping on her brothers face with her bare foot, she went in back of Eddie, brought her left leg back, and kicked him in the balls. Samantha's kick wasn't perfectly on the mark, though, and Eddie managed to stay standing. Jenny managed to get free, though, and punched Eddie right in the dick. Eddie slumped against the wall, but still didn't go down. Jenny flashed Samantha another smile, and the two girls proceded to kick him in the balls, one right after the other, until Jenny realised that the poor asshole was unconscious. The only thing keeping him on his feet was the girls' feet that would plant themselves on his exposed groin.
She giggled, and the girls let him slump to the floor. She then raised her foot and gave him one last stomp. She giggled yet again, realising for the first time what it felt to have a guy's dick squished under her foot. The girls then turned around to give Tommy their full attention. Tommy had managed to get up on all fours while the 2 fourteen year old girls were beating up his best friend. He couldn't beleive it. Neither one of the girls could have been over 5'5, could have weighed over 120. He and Eddie were both about 5'10", and were in great shape. Muscled yet lean, maybe about 170 to 190 each. The girls approached him slowly, stalking him.
He lunged at Jenny, but the throbbing pain in his crotch made turned his vicious attack into a pathetic dive at her feet. He regained his four-legged position, trying to salvage any pride that he could. Jenny turned to Samantha and said, laughingly: "Well... Well... Well... I guess we've proved to Tommy who is the dominant species."
Samantha turned to her friend and said: "I don't like the name Tommy. His new name will be.... slave-boy." She walked in front of her brother. He kept his eyes down, looking at her deadly feet. She wiggled her toes and said to him, speaking as if she were talking to a 2 year old: "Your new name is slave-boy. Is that okay? Is little slave-boy going to be a good little doggie?" Jenny patted him on the head gently and said: "Now lie on your back." Tommy didn't move a muscle, defiant, until he felt his sister give his swollen groin a hard squeeze, reminding him of who was boss.
He quickly flipped over on his back and looked up at the 2 goddesses above him. He saw his sister holding something in her hand. She bent down and put it her damp socks on his face. "Hey slave-boy! Now how to my socks smell? Take a nice, long whiff." Tommy decided to risk disobeying her, and took small, controlled breathes, to avoid the stench of his sister's dirty socks. Jenny put her foot on his groin. "No, no. That won't do at all." She then started pushing down harder and harder on Tommy's balls, until he took a huge breath through his mouth. Samantha was prepared for this, though, and jammed her
sock into his mouth. "Now suck on it, slave-boy! And don't you dare take it out!" She then pulled up a chair and placed it near his head. She sat down, crossed her left leg over the right, and rubbed her smelly left foot on her brothers face. Jenny, in the meantime, started rubbing Tommy's crotch with her foot very gently, laughing. After about a minute of this, Jenny felt something move in Tommy's pants. She reached down and undid his fly. Tommy mumbled something, but his sister's sock muffled whatever message her was trying to get through.
Jenny pulled down his pants and underwear, and burst into hysterics when she saw that Samantha's brother was starting to get a hard-on. "Hey look!" , she called out. "Slave boy's getting a hard-on! He must LIKE getting the shit beat out of him by his sister!" Samantha got up from the chair and stepped in front of her brothers exposed hard-on. She turned to Jenny and said: "Jenny, this is the most fun I've ever had! Thanks for showing me how worthless this loser and his friend really are!"
She then turned to her brother, who was still chewing on her sock. "So what were you most turned on by? Jenny's foot job or my socks? Do you like it when we beat the shit out of your worthless ass?" Tommy looked up at his little sister and started making pleading noises through the sock. Jenny knelt by him and put her ear by his mouth. "slave-boy says he loves getting his worthless ass beat up by 2 goddesses like us."
Samantha smiled at her brother, and asked him: "Is that true, slave-boy?" Tommy shook his head from side to side. "Really? You like it that much?" She turned to Jenny and said: "Well, then, I guess it would be heartless to deprive him of what he wants so bad..." Suddenly, she kicked him in the balls. His screams were muffled by the sock. Jenny slapped him in the face. Tommy's sister kicked him again. Then stomped it twice, laughing at her pathetic excuse for a brother.
Tommy looked up at his little sister, seeing the sole above him come crashing down, his mouth tasting of his sister's sweaty feet, his erection popping out, a perfect target for Samantha's deadly feet. She felt another blow land, and another. Samantha saw her brother fall unconcious from the beating she was giving him, smiled, and kept on kicking...
Tommy awoke on the floor of his sister's room. At first he was bewildered, wondering what the hell he was doing there. He became conscious of a dull pain in his balls, and realised that his legs were ties together at the ankles, and his hands here bound behind his back. A dirty sock was stuffed in his mouth. Suddenly, all of the previous night's humiliation came flooding back to him. He thought of spitting the sock out of his mouth and trying to crawl out of the room, but thought better of it. If his sister beat the crap out of him when he was able bodied, he didn't even want to imagine what she'd do to him with his legs and hands bound. He turned his head and saw Samantha sleeping peacefully in her bed, her foot dangling over the side. He noticed that Jenny wasn't in the room. Thank god, he thought.
Instinct made him want to try to get free, but he decided to think out the situation logically: Jenny was the one who instigated the previous night's... activities. If she was gone, surely he could convince his sister to let him go. Sure, he'd have to apologize profusely, and be really nice to her for a few days, but if he could get away with that, he'd be very pleased. Why, by the end of the week, if all went well, everything could be back to normal!
Tommy smiled at that notion, and waited patiently for his sister to stir. The one thing that DID trouble him was the fact that he didn't see Eddie anywhere. After about a half hour of contemplation, he noticed that his sister was starting to stir. "Easy now..." , he thought. "Don't do anything to annoy her. Make her feel comfortable, be patient, and you'll get out of this easily!" By this time, Samantha groggily sat up in her bed, blinked and looked at her brother. At first, it looked like she was shocked to find her big, tough brother on her floor, bound and gagged with one of her old socks. That only lasted a moment, though, as she suddenly burst out laughing. "So, Tommy. Oh! I forgot! Tommy's gone! You're slave boy. Are you going to be a good doggie today?" Tommy, not wanting to encourage, nor infuriate her, just looked at her with pleading eyes. Samantha looked at him and smiled.
"Well, you're my brother, so I guess I can let you off easy..."
She then stood up and walked in back of Tommy. He heard some rustling, but couldn't make out what she was doing. She then walked back in front of him, underwear in hand. She giggled, and put her dirty underwear over his nose.
"Just stay like that while I have breakfest, and I promise I'll untie you. See you, slave-boy!"
As she said this, Tommy heard her close the door. His nose was getting itchy, but he didn't dare move. His sister might have been acting like a total bitch, but she never lied in her life. If she said that after breakfest she'd untie him, he knew that she would stick by her word. One more humiliation wasn't so bad, he guessed. After a couple of weeks, this would be ancient history! After a while, he heard the door open, followed by near-hysterical laughter. Bewildered, Tommy didn't move, waiting for his ordeal to end. Suddenly, the underwear was removed from his face, and Jenny's smiling face appeared inches in front of his. Tommy yelped, shocked. Jenny's smile broadened and started to talk.
"Good morning, slave-boy!"
Immediatly, she spat out a huge wad of saliva on his face. Tommy could smell her foul smelling breath in the spit that was trickling down his forehead, into his eyes and on his nose. She then stood up, giving him a dog's eye view of her bare feet. She raised her left foot and started playing with his hair. She spoke again:
"I'm going to be nice and take your sister's sock out of your mouth now. But speak only when spoken to!"
With that, she lowered her left foot, grapsed the sock between her toes and removed it from his mouth. Tommy gasped for fresh air, but no matter how desperatly he sucked fresh air into his lungs, he could still taste his sister's sweaty socks. Jenny noticed his torment, and suddenly became very serious.
"Now stay on your bellie, slave-boy. I'll untie you in a second."
Tommy obediently remained lying on his stomach, Jenny's toes inches away from his face. His labored breathing accomplished 2 things: exhaling the smell of his sister's feet, and inhaling the aroma of Jenny's. She spoke again: "Hmmmm... Aren't slaves supposed to kiss their master's feet? I got a better idea!" She pulled up a chair and sat down in front of Tommy, right leg crossed over the left. Her right sole was dangling just above Tommy's head. "Now wash my sole!" She looked down at Tommy's confused face. Jenny lost patience and yelled:
"LICK THEM NOW, SLAVE!" Her toes curled back. Or do you want me to kick the shit out of you again?" Normaly, Tommy wouldn't have taken such a threat very seriously. But he was genuinly scared of Jenny. He had no idea HOW a girl so much smaller than him could order him around, but at that moment, he realised that she could. He raised his head and
tentativly stuck out his tongue. He continued raising his head until his tongue come into contact with her sole. He quickly lowered his head, a feeling of utter shame washing over him. He closed his mouth, savoring, against his will, the taste of Jenny's foot. It was slightly moist, sweaty, and had a distinct smell. He realised that her foot didn't taste entirely bad. At that moment, Tommy just broke down and started to cry. The magnatude of what was happenning finally hit him: he just willingly licked his sister's friend's foot. He had never felt so ashamed, so powerless. He looked up, and was horrified to see Jenny's deadly toes curl back again, poised to strike. Without hesistation, he immediatly raised his head and continued lapping at her sole, licking away the dirt and the sweat. Jenny smiled, relaxed her toes and went on:
"Good. I see you're starting to learn who the dominant species really is. Now guess what. I have a surprise for you: my parents say that I can stay here all week! Isn't that great?"
Tommy was barely aware of what she was saying. The sudden news left him in shock, and he was still working feverishly to avoid making Jenny upset. He was working on fear. Jenny looked down at him and smiled. "I went home to get some things from my house this morning. I have some more news for you: I also persuaded Eddie to call his parents, and HE'S staying the week too!" She laughed and went on: "It took some convincing, but I finally got Eddie to call his parents and beg permission to stay here. Now I'll untie you, but first..."
A flash suddenly caught Tommy's attention. He turned to the door, and saw his sister with his camera. "Smile for the camera, slave boy!" His sister took a few more shots and left. After a minute, Jenny got up and slowly, methodically, started undoing the rope around Tommy's ankles.
"She's on my way to my house. She's going to drop off your camera... MY camera, there. If you're a bad doggie, everyone will know what a bad dog you are. Me and your sister have come up with some ground rules for you and Eddie. First, me and Sam are your unconditional masters. Whatever we want, we get. Second, you're name is slave-boy and Eddie's is dog. Third; speak only when spoken to. Finally, you shall address your sister as Goddess Samantha. To you, I'm Goddess Jen. Got it?"
Tommy had resumed licking her sole as she was saying the rules. He was thinking more clearly now, and realised that he didn't have much of a choice. If those pictures got out, he was dead. Besides, he didn't want to make Jen mad. Her lowered his head and mumbled. "...yes." She spoke sternly: "Yes what?"
"Yes, Goddess Jen." , and he resumed licking her sole.
"Bye now, dear!" Claudia said to her daughter, weeping. Samantha gave her a big hug, tears streaming down her cheeks. Claudia looked down at her daughter one last time, and unable to bear the sight of her sad face, left without saying another word. Samantha's dad,
however, wasn't quite as emotionnal as his wife: "Now Samantha, you KNOW that mommy and me love you very very .much." Samantha stopped crying and nodded silently. He smiled and lifted her chin. "Come on, sweetie! Can't you give daddy a little smile?" Samantha looked at h im and managed a small, feeble smile. "Don't worry, honey... Me and mommy will be back soon. We just need some time alone. The week will go by like that!"
With that, he snapped his fingers. As sad as she felt, Samantha couldn't suppress a giggle. "I love you, daddy." Her dad gave her a hug and said: "Now you be a good girl, okay? You can invite some friends to sleep over you want, but be nice. Nana's phone number is posted on the fridge, and I want you to listen to your brother, okay? He's older, so he's in charge."
With that, her dad gave her a big kiss on the cheek, and started out the door. Before closing it, he turned to his daughter and said half-jokingly, "I don't want to hear any horror stories from Tommy, okay? BE NICE."
As her dad closed the door, Samantha let out a big sigh. Be nice. She snorted. Yeah, right. Why the hell did her dad tell HER to be nice?! Shouldn't he have said that to Tommy??? HE was the jerk. Right on cue, Tommy came noisely down the stairs.
"Old folks gone yet?" Samantha looked at him with disgust. "You shouldn't call them that, Tommy. Why are you such a jerk?" Tommy touseled her hair, then made his way towards the kitchen. He said, without looking back:
"Oh, shut up, little girl. I swear, what the hell is with you 14 year olds? You all think you're all that. Just pay attention to your elders and betters, i.e., moi, and the week will go by way quicker." Samantha stuck out her tongue at him and went upstairs to her room. Tommy was a mean, mean asshole, but he was right about one thing: he was seventeen years old, and she was just fourteen. This had all the makings
to be a LOOOOOOONG week.
"Oh, well, at least I don't have to suffer through him alone..." , she thought as she picked up the phone and called her best friend. "Hi, Jenny? It's Samantha." "Hi Shan! What's up? Your parents finally gone?" "Yeah, now Tommy's in charge. Wanna sleep over tonight?" "Cool! I'll be right there!" Jenny arrived shortly after. After setting up her sleeping bag in Samantha's room, the 2 girls spent the next few hours talking about fashion, music and (what else) boys. As they were listing which guy fit in which category (hot or not) , Jennt let out a big sigh.
"You know" she said, "Why do guys have to be such dicks? I mean, why do THEY call us, and THEY decide when to kiss and stuff?" Samantha nodded, and replied: "But isn't it kind of romantic that way?" "No way!", shouted Jenny, giggling. "Why do THEY get all the power. I think all guys should worship the majestic species. That is, us."
Having said that, both girls started laughing like crazy. Laughing, that is, until Tommy suddenly opened the door. "Goddammit, shut up!" , he yelled. Both girls rolled their eyes, and Jenny snorted. Samantha looked in back of her brother and noticed someone standing behind him.
The mystery man walked into the room, and Jenny recognised him as her brother's equally obnoxious friend, Eddie. He was carrying the portable phone in his hand. Her brother spoke again: "Look, you little brats, shut up and go away. We're having a party." He glanced at Jenny. "Hey, Samantha, mom said no pets allowed!"
Both guys found that comment hilarious, and Eddie collapsed to the floor, laughing. Tommy carried on: "Who said you could have some friends over, anyways? I'M in charge, remember??? Go sleep over at Jenny's tonight. Just get the hell out of here. Don't come back until tomorrow afternoon."
Samantha was used to this kind of treatment, and contented herself by balling up her sock and throwing it at her brother. Tommy collapsed to his knees, grabbing his neck. "Stink bomb! Direct hit! Help me, Eddie! I'm going down!" Eddie, who barely managed to pull himself together from the previous joke, collapsed once again. Samantha rolled her eyes in discust. Jenny, however, was less than amused. She approached Tommy, who was still on his knees. She stood directly in front of him, arms crossed. After a few seconds, she said:
"That's it. Apologize."
"You heard me. You have a lot of nerve treating us like that." "Get fucking out of here..." "After all..." she said, flashing Samantha a smile, "we ARE the dominant species."
This time she didn't give Tommy a chance to come up with a clever reply. Jenny grabbed him by the shoulder, brought her bare foot back, and kicked him hard in the nuts. At first Tommy wasn't sure what happenned. A second later, his testicles cried out in pain. He fell on his back, shocked.
"Wha..." Jenny didn't give him a chance to finish. His legs were closing quickly to protect his manhood, but Jenny was faster. She raised her right foot and quickly brought it down again. Another direct hit. She raised her foot and brought it down again. And again. And again. By now Tommy was howling and crying like a baby. Eddie realised the pain that his buddy was in and managed to get Jenny into a
bear-hug from the rear. Jenny looked at Samantha and cried out: "Come on, Shan! Let's teach these dogs a lesson!"
Samantha glanced at her writhing brother at her feet, then at the girl that put him in that position and got up from the bed. Stepping on her brothers face with her bare foot, she went in back of Eddie, brought her left leg back, and kicked him in the balls. Samantha's kick wasn't perfectly on the mark, though, and Eddie managed to stay standing. Jenny managed to get free, though, and punched Eddie right in the dick. Eddie slumped against the wall, but still didn't go down. Jenny flashed Samantha another smile, and the two girls proceded to kick him in the balls, one right after the other, until Jenny realised that the poor asshole was unconscious. The only thing keeping him on his feet was the girls' feet that would plant themselves on his exposed groin.
She giggled, and the girls let him slump to the floor. She then raised her foot and gave him one last stomp. She giggled yet again, realising for the first time what it felt to have a guy's dick squished under her foot. The girls then turned around to give Tommy their full attention. Tommy had managed to get up on all fours while the 2 fourteen year old girls were beating up his best friend. He couldn't beleive it. Neither one of the girls could have been over 5'5, could have weighed over 120. He and Eddie were both about 5'10", and were in great shape. Muscled yet lean, maybe about 170 to 190 each. The girls approached him slowly, stalking him.
He lunged at Jenny, but the throbbing pain in his crotch made turned his vicious attack into a pathetic dive at her feet. He regained his four-legged position, trying to salvage any pride that he could. Jenny turned to Samantha and said, laughingly: "Well... Well... Well... I guess we've proved to Tommy who is the dominant species."
Samantha turned to her friend and said: "I don't like the name Tommy. His new name will be.... slave-boy." She walked in front of her brother. He kept his eyes down, looking at her deadly feet. She wiggled her toes and said to him, speaking as if she were talking to a 2 year old: "Your new name is slave-boy. Is that okay? Is little slave-boy going to be a good little doggie?" Jenny patted him on the head gently and said: "Now lie on your back." Tommy didn't move a muscle, defiant, until he felt his sister give his swollen groin a hard squeeze, reminding him of who was boss.
He quickly flipped over on his back and looked up at the 2 goddesses above him. He saw his sister holding something in her hand. She bent down and put it her damp socks on his face. "Hey slave-boy! Now how to my socks smell? Take a nice, long whiff." Tommy decided to risk disobeying her, and took small, controlled breathes, to avoid the stench of his sister's dirty socks. Jenny put her foot on his groin. "No, no. That won't do at all." She then started pushing down harder and harder on Tommy's balls, until he took a huge breath through his mouth. Samantha was prepared for this, though, and jammed her
sock into his mouth. "Now suck on it, slave-boy! And don't you dare take it out!" She then pulled up a chair and placed it near his head. She sat down, crossed her left leg over the right, and rubbed her smelly left foot on her brothers face. Jenny, in the meantime, started rubbing Tommy's crotch with her foot very gently, laughing. After about a minute of this, Jenny felt something move in Tommy's pants. She reached down and undid his fly. Tommy mumbled something, but his sister's sock muffled whatever message her was trying to get through.
Jenny pulled down his pants and underwear, and burst into hysterics when she saw that Samantha's brother was starting to get a hard-on. "Hey look!" , she called out. "Slave boy's getting a hard-on! He must LIKE getting the shit beat out of him by his sister!" Samantha got up from the chair and stepped in front of her brothers exposed hard-on. She turned to Jenny and said: "Jenny, this is the most fun I've ever had! Thanks for showing me how worthless this loser and his friend really are!"
She then turned to her brother, who was still chewing on her sock. "So what were you most turned on by? Jenny's foot job or my socks? Do you like it when we beat the shit out of your worthless ass?" Tommy looked up at his little sister and started making pleading noises through the sock. Jenny knelt by him and put her ear by his mouth. "slave-boy says he loves getting his worthless ass beat up by 2 goddesses like us."
Samantha smiled at her brother, and asked him: "Is that true, slave-boy?" Tommy shook his head from side to side. "Really? You like it that much?" She turned to Jenny and said: "Well, then, I guess it would be heartless to deprive him of what he wants so bad..." Suddenly, she kicked him in the balls. His screams were muffled by the sock. Jenny slapped him in the face. Tommy's sister kicked him again. Then stomped it twice, laughing at her pathetic excuse for a brother.
Tommy looked up at his little sister, seeing the sole above him come crashing down, his mouth tasting of his sister's sweaty feet, his erection popping out, a perfect target for Samantha's deadly feet. She felt another blow land, and another. Samantha saw her brother fall unconcious from the beating she was giving him, smiled, and kept on kicking...
Tommy awoke on the floor of his sister's room. At first he was bewildered, wondering what the hell he was doing there. He became conscious of a dull pain in his balls, and realised that his legs were ties together at the ankles, and his hands here bound behind his back. A dirty sock was stuffed in his mouth. Suddenly, all of the previous night's humiliation came flooding back to him. He thought of spitting the sock out of his mouth and trying to crawl out of the room, but thought better of it. If his sister beat the crap out of him when he was able bodied, he didn't even want to imagine what she'd do to him with his legs and hands bound. He turned his head and saw Samantha sleeping peacefully in her bed, her foot dangling over the side. He noticed that Jenny wasn't in the room. Thank god, he thought.
Instinct made him want to try to get free, but he decided to think out the situation logically: Jenny was the one who instigated the previous night's... activities. If she was gone, surely he could convince his sister to let him go. Sure, he'd have to apologize profusely, and be really nice to her for a few days, but if he could get away with that, he'd be very pleased. Why, by the end of the week, if all went well, everything could be back to normal!
Tommy smiled at that notion, and waited patiently for his sister to stir. The one thing that DID trouble him was the fact that he didn't see Eddie anywhere. After about a half hour of contemplation, he noticed that his sister was starting to stir. "Easy now..." , he thought. "Don't do anything to annoy her. Make her feel comfortable, be patient, and you'll get out of this easily!" By this time, Samantha groggily sat up in her bed, blinked and looked at her brother. At first, it looked like she was shocked to find her big, tough brother on her floor, bound and gagged with one of her old socks. That only lasted a moment, though, as she suddenly burst out laughing. "So, Tommy. Oh! I forgot! Tommy's gone! You're slave boy. Are you going to be a good doggie today?" Tommy, not wanting to encourage, nor infuriate her, just looked at her with pleading eyes. Samantha looked at him and smiled.
"Well, you're my brother, so I guess I can let you off easy..."
She then stood up and walked in back of Tommy. He heard some rustling, but couldn't make out what she was doing. She then walked back in front of him, underwear in hand. She giggled, and put her dirty underwear over his nose.
"Just stay like that while I have breakfest, and I promise I'll untie you. See you, slave-boy!"
As she said this, Tommy heard her close the door. His nose was getting itchy, but he didn't dare move. His sister might have been acting like a total bitch, but she never lied in her life. If she said that after breakfest she'd untie him, he knew that she would stick by her word. One more humiliation wasn't so bad, he guessed. After a couple of weeks, this would be ancient history! After a while, he heard the door open, followed by near-hysterical laughter. Bewildered, Tommy didn't move, waiting for his ordeal to end. Suddenly, the underwear was removed from his face, and Jenny's smiling face appeared inches in front of his. Tommy yelped, shocked. Jenny's smile broadened and started to talk.
"Good morning, slave-boy!"
Immediatly, she spat out a huge wad of saliva on his face. Tommy could smell her foul smelling breath in the spit that was trickling down his forehead, into his eyes and on his nose. She then stood up, giving him a dog's eye view of her bare feet. She raised her left foot and started playing with his hair. She spoke again:
"I'm going to be nice and take your sister's sock out of your mouth now. But speak only when spoken to!"
With that, she lowered her left foot, grapsed the sock between her toes and removed it from his mouth. Tommy gasped for fresh air, but no matter how desperatly he sucked fresh air into his lungs, he could still taste his sister's sweaty socks. Jenny noticed his torment, and suddenly became very serious.
"Now stay on your bellie, slave-boy. I'll untie you in a second."
Tommy obediently remained lying on his stomach, Jenny's toes inches away from his face. His labored breathing accomplished 2 things: exhaling the smell of his sister's feet, and inhaling the aroma of Jenny's. She spoke again: "Hmmmm... Aren't slaves supposed to kiss their master's feet? I got a better idea!" She pulled up a chair and sat down in front of Tommy, right leg crossed over the left. Her right sole was dangling just above Tommy's head. "Now wash my sole!" She looked down at Tommy's confused face. Jenny lost patience and yelled:
"LICK THEM NOW, SLAVE!" Her toes curled back. Or do you want me to kick the shit out of you again?" Normaly, Tommy wouldn't have taken such a threat very seriously. But he was genuinly scared of Jenny. He had no idea HOW a girl so much smaller than him could order him around, but at that moment, he realised that she could. He raised his head and
tentativly stuck out his tongue. He continued raising his head until his tongue come into contact with her sole. He quickly lowered his head, a feeling of utter shame washing over him. He closed his mouth, savoring, against his will, the taste of Jenny's foot. It was slightly moist, sweaty, and had a distinct smell. He realised that her foot didn't taste entirely bad. At that moment, Tommy just broke down and started to cry. The magnatude of what was happenning finally hit him: he just willingly licked his sister's friend's foot. He had never felt so ashamed, so powerless. He looked up, and was horrified to see Jenny's deadly toes curl back again, poised to strike. Without hesistation, he immediatly raised his head and continued lapping at her sole, licking away the dirt and the sweat. Jenny smiled, relaxed her toes and went on:
"Good. I see you're starting to learn who the dominant species really is. Now guess what. I have a surprise for you: my parents say that I can stay here all week! Isn't that great?"
Tommy was barely aware of what she was saying. The sudden news left him in shock, and he was still working feverishly to avoid making Jenny upset. He was working on fear. Jenny looked down at him and smiled. "I went home to get some things from my house this morning. I have some more news for you: I also persuaded Eddie to call his parents, and HE'S staying the week too!" She laughed and went on: "It took some convincing, but I finally got Eddie to call his parents and beg permission to stay here. Now I'll untie you, but first..."
A flash suddenly caught Tommy's attention. He turned to the door, and saw his sister with his camera. "Smile for the camera, slave boy!" His sister took a few more shots and left. After a minute, Jenny got up and slowly, methodically, started undoing the rope around Tommy's ankles.
"She's on my way to my house. She's going to drop off your camera... MY camera, there. If you're a bad doggie, everyone will know what a bad dog you are. Me and your sister have come up with some ground rules for you and Eddie. First, me and Sam are your unconditional masters. Whatever we want, we get. Second, you're name is slave-boy and Eddie's is dog. Third; speak only when spoken to. Finally, you shall address your sister as Goddess Samantha. To you, I'm Goddess Jen. Got it?"
Tommy had resumed licking her sole as she was saying the rules. He was thinking more clearly now, and realised that he didn't have much of a choice. If those pictures got out, he was dead. Besides, he didn't want to make Jen mad. Her lowered his head and mumbled. "...yes." She spoke sternly: "Yes what?"
"Yes, Goddess Jen." , and he resumed licking her sole.
wery nice please CONTINUED