Foot Fetish Witch
Natascha had been watching Kathrin for days. Since she had seen her in the supermarket, wearing a summer dress and black shoes, that left the back of her feet exposed and had little heels to them, she'd been looking for and at her at every chance she got. Her attention had been caught, as Kathrin was bent over the freezer in the supermarket, reaching for a pizza, and stretching to her toes, exposed her delicious soles to Natascha for a few delightful seconds. Since that moment Kathrins soles were always on Nataschas mind. The skin, pulling taut with the tension of stretching, the beautiful heel and the delicate lines on the bottom of her feet. It would be so delightful to touch them.
Fortunately Kathrin lived close to Natascha so they came across eachother often, and soon Natascha found out that Kathrin was not living alone, but with her boyfriend. Which might be a cause, but not a problem in Nataschas view. Within the next days Natascha arranged a series of 'random' encounters getting chance after chance to talk to her. Finally after a few days of small-talk, they happened to meet at Nataschas flat for the first time... to chat... and Nataschas mind was set not to waste that chance...
It should be told that Natascha was by no means an ordinary woman, but meddled with things that most other people wold call nonsense or superstition. Natascha didnt talk about it, she found it much easier if people did not know what she did, but... she was a witch. Already in her teens she was taught by an old Lady who shall remain unnamed, how to gain influence on people, and change things in lots of little ways, that tended to have big effects. She had long gained all the career she wanted, her payment kept being raised and everything worked for her, 'like a charm'. Now the main thing she was using her powers for was to create more room for, and aid her in, her sexual desires.
About 3 pm that afternoon Kathrin arrived at Nataschas flat, she wore Jeans, a white top and that black shoes with the little heels again that opened in the back. Nataschas feet were bare and she was wearing a light blue summerdress of exactly the same shade as her blue toe and fingernails. Soon the two young women sat and talked, about all and everything and that way, of course, soon enough, about sex. After Kathrin had told Natascha all about her bland and boring heterosexual lovelife Natascha carefully confessed her bisexuality. At first Kathrin was drawn and curios, and Natascha could sense a certain openness. But as soon as Natascha admitted how interesting she found Kathrin, underlining her words with a soft caress of her toes against Kathrins leg, her friend suddenly seemed nervous. "..oh... its late already... I... I think I better go" Natascha looked at her intently and smiled. "dear dear dear...", she softly shook her head, " need to be afraid.." Kathrin gave her a tense smile. "okay.. I have to go" She got up. Natascha remained seated and smiled at her calmly. " I think you should stay a little longer... maybe you will not want to leave anymore soon." She waved her hand into the direction of the door, which slammed shut. Kathrin flinched, then she grabbed the doorknob, but it wouldn't move. Kathrin looked unsure and nearly scared as she turned. "Let me go!"
But Natascha just smiled darkly, and stretched out on the couch. Kathrin ran towards the window, which stood wide open, but in the middle of the room, her shoes suddenly stopped. Tey were like stuck to the floor and Kathrin, stumbled and fell onto her hands and knees. While she was still on the floor, Natascha drew a circular motion into the air towards her and suddenly, a creeping-plant which had minutes ago just hung on the wall, shot down at Kathrin. Within seconds the plant wrapped all around her body, growing all over her, pulling tight, until she was unable to move. Kathrin opened her mouth to scream, but trie as she might, no sound came out. Natascha watched her for a while then said: "I think you should calm down now.... You'll like what I'll do to you." With that she pointed two spread fingers towards Kathrin and chanted some words. Kathrin felt her fear subside, everything seemed more friendly and calm. She stopped struggling and trying to scream. Natascha looked pleased. "There you go... and now..", she made a grabbing motion into the general direction of Kathrins shoes, and they started to slide across the floor towards her. Natascha picked one of them up and sniffed it, "mmmh... that's good...", she smiled thoughtfully, " relax a little.." Natascha ran her fingernails over the inside of the shoe in a tickling motion. The sensation hit Kathrin with the prick of an electric impulse as she felt Nataschas fingers on her feet, tickling her soles, trailing up to the balls of her feet and her toes. She struggled, trying to pull her feet away, but the invisible fingers never lost contact with her skin, although Natascha sat meters away on the couch, tickling her shoe. Kathrins body squirmed in the tight grip of the plant, her toes wiggled and clenched, as the tickling ran in waves through her whole body. Kathring still fought for control as Natascha now grabbed her second shoe and thrust both hands into both shoes tickling. Kathrin squirmed and jerked in desperation but the tickling wouldnt stop. At a point Kathrin couldnt hold back anymore, and she started to laugh. "ahahahaha, let mm....aaahhh!! ahahahahahaha, pleease, it tickhihihihihihi hahahahahahha, Natascha!!! hihihihihhi....." But Natascha showed no mercy, she gave Kathrin a taste of her fingernails. Nataschas own desire rising, she was using Kathrins shoes like a vodoo doll, to tickle her relentlessly. Kathrin squirmed on the floor, laughing and begging at the same time. But Natascha only smiled joyfully and continued to tease her. Then she stopped... dropped Kathrins shoes.. and smiled "well that was fun.. " She smiled at the breathless Kathrin on the floor. "And I will have lots more fun with you today, hihii" Kathrin still lay on the floor, exhausted, in the tight grip of the plant. Natascha got up and walked over to her. "I think we should find us a comfier place dont you agree?" She knelt down next to Kathrin and gestured with her hands. At once all the plants tendrils fell off Kathrins body, but as she tried to sit up Natascha pressed her down onto the floor again. Natascha straddled her body "schschsch..", she smiled, "you stay just like that.. after all you are very tired, aren't you?", speaking this words she did a sweeping motion over Kathrins eyes, and although she fought back, Kathrin sank into darkness and sleep.
When Kathrin woke up she was lying in Nataschas soft huge bed, but when she tried to move she found her hands were tied to the bedposts with nylon stockings, and her feet were tied together somewhere outside of her view. Natascha had stripped her to her underwear and was now caressing and admiring the soft curve of her hips, and stroking on down her legs. "you are pretty... very pretty indeed" Kathrin felt Nataschas hand on her leg, and noted in surprise that it did not feel unpleasant. Natascha stretched out beside her, placing her hand on Kathrins flat, soft stomach. She was still wearing her dress and Kathrin could feel Nataschas breasts, soft against her shoulder. Nataschas voice was soft and full of caring affection, and her hand was gently caressing Kathrins belly and her navel. "I want you to feel comfortable about this.. I will untie you soon, as well... dont worry..." Kathrin looked up at her feeling unsure. The charm had calmed her fears, but they were not gone. In spite of that she found Nataschas touch unexpectedly delightful, and a small part of her enjoyed Nataschas soft gentleness. Natascha got up and went to the footend of the bed, sitting down on a chair directly in front of Kathrins feet. Her smile was nearly compassionate as she said: "well dear... you have got really beautiful feet.. and I have been looking forward to this for some time..." She reached out and gently grabbed Kathrins right foot. Kathrin tried to pull away, but her bonds held her. "No, please no, I do anything you want, please dont tickle!" Natascha gave her an amused and knowing look. "you are going to do whatever I want... hihi... absolutely right... you will...!" With that she bent over and sniffed Kathrins soles, savouring the heavy cheesy smell, delightfully sucking it in. "mmmhh.. that is soo good..!" She smelled between Kathrins toes which were moving in the process and licked playfully over the ball of her foot.
Kathrins feet were surrounded by a soft sweaty smell, and she felt Nataschas nose brush gently up against the bottom of her feet. She felt the gentle tickling on her soles as Nataschas sniffed between her toes.. She tried to pull her foot away, but the bonds held her in place. Natascha continued to smell Kathrins feet, licked softly up the soles, and snaked her tongue in between her toes. Kathrin wasn't struggling anymore, waves of arousal were flowing through her body and building up between her thighs. She felt a luscious warmth inside her, her heat tingling with desire. Nataschas tongue wedged in between her toes, her lips wrapped around her big toe, sucking it, then sucking all her toes, one by one until she was sucking her big toe again. Kathrin felt all that with an intensity that made her forget bonds and captivity, she just gave herself completely to the feeling. Nataschas tongue flicked all over her foot, her sucking lips captured Kathrins little toe, her tongue playing all around it. Kathrins body began to arch, desire burned all through her body, she could feel her clit swell and the throbbing in her heat would soon become unbearable. She struggled in the bonds that held her still. Natascha grabbed Kathrins other foot in her left hand and tickled it with her sharp nails. Kathrin squirmed, the combination of Nataschas joined sucking and tickling drove her beyond herself , and suddenly... her bonds fell off her... Kathrins knowing fingers found her heat, her hand moving quickly in between her thighs, and expert fingers sank into the tightness of her sex. Quickly relieving her pent up desire, Kathrin was soon squirming and moaning in an intense climax. Wave after wave of orgasm was washing over her body for an amazingly long time, at least 10 seconds, during which she believed to see Natascha above her, making strange gestures upon her, each of which drew another wave of pleasure all across her body... after the last wave had died down Kathrin sank into exhausted sleep, but the experience lingered inside her, in her dreams...
When Kathrin woke up, she was still lying in Nataschas bed. She wasnt tied up anymore, so she got up on still unsteady legs. Was it a dream? She found herself still only in her underwear. She looked around for her clothes but couldnt find them. She walked through the door, which was only half closed and peeked through the gap into Nataschas deserted living room. She spotted her clothes in on the couch, and quickly went into the room, slips into her clothes, picks up her shoes and runs for the door. But as soon as she places her hand onto the doorknob, she hears Nataschas voice behind her. "you want to leave already? ..after I gave you such pleasure you want to just leave?.. thats bad form dear.." Kathrin found that the door wouldnt move again. She turns. Natascha is sitting on the couch again, wearing her blue dress, and her bare feet with their blue nails are propped onto the table. Natascha smiled her secret smile. "...being my footslave you should learn a few rules.. wouldnt you think?" She made a series of tickling gestures into Kathrins direction. Suddenly Kathrin feels invisible fingers on her hips, under her arms and on the bottom of her feet, tickling her softly still. "you do already know this spell.. but I will intensify it a little this time..." The tickling sensation rolls in a wave over Kathrins body, invisible fingers tease under her arms, tickle her ribs and tease all her most ticklish spots with merciless expertise, leaving kathrin jerking and twitching. Wave after wave of tickling sensation run up her feet, tingle on her soles and tickle between her toes. Burstin with laughter, Kathrin sinks to her knees, desperately trying to stop the tickling with her hands and arms clasping around her body. "Aaaahahahahaha, nooo, pleeeahihihihi, Natascha, I.. aaahahahahahha, hihihihi, it tickles sooohohoho, hihihi, haaaahahahah, hehehehe." Kathrin rolls over the floor, squirming at Nataschas feet. Natascha speeds her tickling movements. ". AAAAAAhahaha,hihihihihi,hahahaha, bihihihitte, hahahaha" Natascha laughs: "hihi, now how do you like that?" A incredible fit of tickling surges through Kathrins body, every inch of her body tickles at once, she writhes in front of the couch, alughing, unable to stop. ""hihihihi,hahahahaha,aaaaaaahhahahaha, Nataschahahahahaha, I do every.. everythehehehehehe pleeeheeheeheehe" Natascha still tickling notes how Kathrins hips buck more and more rythmically. Kathrin feels nothing but tickling, everywhere, mercilessly... and she feels... lust! The tickling arouses her in unknown ways, causes her nipples to pull taut under Nataschas tickling spell.. and then... suddenly... its over... silent... she gasps, breathes.. and calms down a little. She's laying on her back right in front of the couch, Natascha right above her. Natascha takes her feet off the table and brings her right foot over Kathrins face. Her pink sole hovering closely over the tip of Kathrins nose. And Kathrin smells Nataschas feet. Smells the soft cheesy scent. Natascha rubs her toes gently across Kathrins lips. "Sniff them, thats right..!" She moves her toes slowly along Kathrins lips. Kathrin breathes Nataschas footsmell, savouring it, her lips carefully kissing Nataschas toes, covering the ball of her feet. Her hands touch Nataschas foot, lightly holding it to her nose, sucking the scent of her soles into her nose... kissing the bottom, snaking her tongue gingerly across the inside of Nataschas feet, on to her heel and back again. Her tongue tickles Nataschas sole, and again and again Kathrin kisses her foot with tender lips.Natascha leans back with her eyes closed, her other foot slides slowly under Kathrins shirt, toes slipping under her bra, finding Kathrins small pert breasts. Her feet rub over Kathrins nipples, gently circling them with her big toe, feeling them harden, while Kathrin is delightfully sniffing the cheesy smell of her feet.
Nataschas toes are next. Kathrin sniffs in betwen them, sucking in the stronger smell of Nataschas feet, kissing her toes, then wrapping her lips around the little toe sucking it, nibbling it slowly... and for a long time. Her tongue playing with Nataschas toe, while Natascha sinks back into the cushions, gently stroking herself her fingers playing between the lips of her heat, givign the softest, sucking sound. Kathrin keeps licking Nataschas toes, sliding her big toe into her mouth, sucking on it, while her free hand playfully tickles over Nataschas sole. Natascha knows she wants to feel more of that incredible tongue... she moves her foot slowly upwards, bringing Kathrin who follows without taking her lips of the foot, into a kneeling position, Nataschas foot, ligthly bent, resting upon her sex. She removes the foot and pushes Kathrins head gently but firmly down between her thighs. Willingly and excited Kathrin starts to kiss Nataschas pubic lips, and tastes the salty moisture, wiggles her tongue between Nataschas lips, sliding her hands underneath her buttocks, pulling her towards her face, pressing her opened mouth upon Nataschas sex, her tongue thrust in deeply. Natascha moans, and starts moving her hips in time with Kathrins tongue. She holds Kathrins head pulling her closer, and spreads her head a little more... Kathrin licks lightly and quick for a while then more and more slowly and increasing her pressure, sucking Nataschas clit, occasionally teasing it with the tip of her tongue... Natascha moans and squirms more and more hotly, she bucks.. twitches.. and reaches a shuddering orgasm. Kathrins skillfull tongue prolongs her climax and as it finally subsides, she spreads gentle soothing kisses... Natascha falls exhaustedly back onto the couch, smiling and Kathrin. "come here...!" Kathrin climbs onto the couch next to her, and sitting closely cuddles up to Natascha. Natascha kisses her gently. "That was wonderful.... ...let's go to bed...its much more comfortable there" Kathrin is filled with happy joy as she slips under the sheets next to Natascha. She feels Nataschas body, brush up against hers from behind. With her eyes closed she enjoys Nataschas fingers, gently caressing her belly.. then up to her breasts.. trailing a shiver of joy over her entire body. She enjoys Nataschas nearness, the fondling, and the exciting tingling, when Natascha playfully tickles her nipples. She turns on her back and gives herself to Natascha. Nataschas fingers massage gently over her lap, stroke softly through her silky hair, and arouse new passion inside her.. then she feels Nataschas soft lips on hers... opens her mouth.. feels their tongues touch... and allows them to play...
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