Foot Stomping Odyssey- Confessions of A Trample addict
Author Unknown
Slave Eddie is a good looking Italian stallion kinda guy. He's 6' 170 lb. strong looking with a red rose saying Mom tattooed on his right arm. Eddie is the epitome of a macho man who's been in his share of scrapes as a bodyguard & bouncer. No one would ever suspect that this confident masculine man that you see today has had a severe addiction to women's feet for as long as he can remember. It came to light when he was just out of High School. He was home from boarding school for the summer.
Eddie was small for his age & painfully shy due to a studdering problem. At age 18 he looked much younger, being very small(only 5'9") & frail from attacks of asthma. His mother hired a cook & house-keeper because she was a busy executive & so was his Dad. Eddie was told to help around the house.
Sonya was about age 25, painfully shy also, & a bit homely. She was very self conscious about her size most of her life. She was a very large slavic woman 6' & 220 solid lbs.. Sonya had very large & pungent feet. From the first moment Eddie met Sonya, he noticed an acrid smell whenever she was near & it seemed to be coming from her feet. Sonya walked around the house bare footed from the very start of her employment. Eddie had a frightened feeling from the first moment Sonya started towering over him & giving him his orders for the day. She was so large, strong, & bossy with humongously wide size 12 feet. Little Eddie was terrified she would accidentally step on him & do harm to his frail body, especially with her frightening feet. She was not sweet like his petite mother. Sonya would order Eddie to clean the bathroom & take out the trash, & etc.. She'd inspect his work very closely. He'd always smell her perspiration under her arms & her bare feet. Emanating from her large canoes was a strange intoxicating smell, that somehow gave him a peculiar feeling in his crotch area. He was afraid to anger Sonya so he'd do as she asked carefully. Then he was ordered to play or read or watch tv while Sonya would nap in her bedroom watching her soap opera's laying on her belly with her huge ass cheeks & muscular thighs bulging out of her shorts. She'd bend her legs with the soles of her feet straight up relaxedly wiggling her toes. Eddie peaked into her bedroom & watched what his mysterious large woman would do. He was transfixed by her large size 12 feet, hypnotized by the power they held over his puny little body. They seemed so disgusting with their strong odor, not like his perfumed mom at all. And yet Eddie was drawn like a moth to the flame to her feet. Sonya would fall asleep and Eddie would sneak into her bedroom to have a close look at her huge feet. Her feet were bigger than both of his hands, bigger than Dad's feet. He'd never seen anything like it. Her wide soles transfixed his gaze and the pungent aroma was strong in his nostrils. He remembers now, how he was so afraid that to admit he wanted to kiss those feet. But he did think how nice it would be if he could just touch them closely. Then he'd be repulsed by the idea, running quickly out of the bedroom.
One day as Sonya was taking her nap, she awoke suddenly . She saw big eyed Eddie staring at her feet. She became enraged grabbing him and asked him what in the hell he was doing. He couldn't answer, he was mortified with fear & embarrassment. Sonya decided to teach Eddie a lesson he'd never forget. She held his puny little body with her big strong hands around his waist so he couldn't move,forcing him down onto the carpet Then she sat on the couch planting her heavy gigantic foot across his tummy, looking down menacingly at him. Eddie's little heart was racing so fast he thought it was going to burst out of his chest. He thought for sure he was dead. As he lay there helplessly squirming, looking up at her muscular thighs, he somehow felt that maybe he should die at her hands, if it would make her happy. Eddie felt enormous pressure on his pelvic area and prayed silently that she would not really kill him. Sonya was still on a rant. She said things like "so you're laughing at my big feet, well I'll squash you like a bug with them. I'll teach you to respect my feet, you little brat". Sonya just lifted her gigantic foot up & stomped it down wherever she felt like all over Eddie's little body. He didn't resist in any way.
He was mesmerized and terrified, frozen in time. He was a deer caught in headlights. Every stomp pounded an indelible memory into Eddie's mind that he'd always remember. Sonya just sat glaring down at him, continuing her foot stomping up the length of his skinny little man body, placing her boats wherever her whim took her. When Sonya placed her foot across Eddie's face,smothering his entire face with her sweaty acrid sole, his nose could hardly breathe air, the smell was so sharp. The pressure upon his little face was unbearable. He thought to himself that now he knew what it would be like for an elephant to step on him. He just laid there knowing he had no choice but to endure Sonya's full measure of punishment. When he didn't die, he felt a strange calm & an arousal that has affected him ever since.
It took Sonya some time for her rage to calm down. She suddenly realized that this young man was her toy, not her enemy. She started to feel powerful and wicked. She'd never felt such absolute power over anyone or thing. An urge to have her feet kissed overcame her. She ordered Eddie to start kissing her enormous feet. She let up on the pressure on his face with her foot just enough for little Eddie to start kissing. She ordered him to rub her feet holding it up while he kissed it. Sonya was becoming pleased with this foot worship. Little Eddie had sweet lips and it was making her feel very relaxed and sensual. She'd never had her feet kissed before. She said out loud "I love having you kiss my feet, I've never had this before and I will have it every time you come here, do you understand little Eddie?" She also said "if you ever tell anyone, I'll kill you with my feet, stomping you to death." Eddie never told anyone. Sonya continued to demand her foot worship that day for at least an hour before it was time for Eddie folks to come home.
She instructed little Eddie how to tongue in between her toes slipping his tongue in every nook and crannie on her feet. Eddie had to taste her salty sweat and inhale her sharp pungent smell for as long as she commanded. Sonya just sat above him on the couch using him as a foot stool and carpet. She was quite pleased with herself. Now she had a pet. She no longer had to feel embarrassed about her feet when she had little Eddie to worship them. Eddie continued in Sonya's service throughout that summer. She advanced his training to having her calves and the back of her knees kissed and licked, & to having her panties sniffed. Sonya was always a profuse sweater. She always had incredibly strong odors to endure. But, Eddie looked forward to his times when he was her pet. He loved the way she commanded him to serve as her foot stool first, then as her carpet, then as her kissing cushion. Eventually Sonya wanted to explore Eddies manhood. She started putting her feet on his clothed crotch just to feel good about subjugating a male creature. Eddie would get quite an erection that Sonya would toy with. She'd place one gigantic foot across his crotch & another one across his face & keep him squished like a pancake while she rubbed & undulated her feet across his crotch & face. Eddie couldn't see anything, he just felt helpless and aroused. He did not orgasm, but he did stay stiff the entire time.
Sonya would keep his face covered making strange moaning sounds. He could feel her feet flexing & her legs contracting and girrating. Once he was able to peak from under the gigantic foot holding his face helplessly down on the ground, and he watched while she slipped her hand inside her shorts and rubbed herself. He was very aroused and curious about this ritual that Sonyaloved so much. One day, Sonya surprised Eddie when she dressed up. She wore a just below the knee length skirt with silk tan colored nylons on. Because she was so large, she wore them gartered with the elastic loops around her protruding thighs. Eddie was very surprised that she had even washed her feet and shaved her legs. She told him that she now had a boyfriend and wanted to practice some other feet techniques on him to tease her boyfriend with. Eddie became her guinea pig, at the mercy of her nylons & pumps from that day on. Throughout that endless summer Sonya blossomed into an attractive Amazon woman with a mysterious magic in her feet. She reveled in her power of seducing Eddie & her boyfriend with her feet. When they were alone, Eddie was commanded to kiss her leather pumps. This was a brand new smell, what a delight to inhale the animal odors of leather. The softness of her shimmery nylons had little Eddie more aroused than ever.
Sonya stood over him while he kneeled, commanding him to look up her skirt.He had to watch as she teased with her nylons lifting her skirt a little to show off her garters and eventually her red lace panties. This was a brand new Sonya, a bathed & perfumed Sonya.
Eddie was baffled. He thought she only wanted to degrade him with her dirty smells. And now she wanted to entice him with perfume and feminine allure.
This totally confused little Eddie. She put him in his usual position of being her carpet as she sat on the couch. First Sonya toyed with Eddie with her 4" pumps rubbing the heels up and down his body. Eddie was aroused by the smell of leather and the power of the heels digging into his little body. She made him suck the heel, and she wasted no time in putting her hand inside her red panties. Eddie could see clearly from under the heel quite well. He could see her stroking herself quite good. She then had him remove her pumps. The familiar odor filled his nostrils with their pungent smell once again. Sonya would always have smelly feet. She rubbed and teased his face and crotch with her nylons continuing to play with herself. She no longer tried to hide it. Eddie was more aroused than he could ever remember.She unzipped his pants removing his little tool for the first time. She rubbed and squeezed his erect naked male organ with her huge gigantic feet.
His teenie weenie barely measured to one third the length of her giantess feet. Sonya reveled in rubbing with her nylons across his erection, then she exploded in a loud grunting orgasm. Little Eddie actually had an orgasm with her, he spilled a warm load in his pants spontaneously.
Sonya was not done with little Eddie yet. She had to make sure he would never tell, so she reminded him of his secrecy and devotion to her. She stood over him, removing her nylons and placing her big sweaty foot over his face, smashing him down until he cried for mercy. That was the meanest she'd ever been, combined with the sweetest she'd ever been .Sonya continued Eddie's foot subjugation until he had to go away to college that fall. He missed her terribly while he studied and grew. He filled out quite a bit that school year. He came home for Thanksgiving . Sonya took over his training once again.. She always had some new way to crush him with her feet. Sometimes she'd dress up if she had a date with her boyfriend. Sometimes she was just the old funky Sonya, in shorts and bare unwashed feet. He never knew what she would do next. But he always looked strangely forward to when his parents were away.
When Eddie came home for Christmas, it was time to teach him more about her panties.. He was filling out more now. After a long foot worship session where Eddie had to suck each toe & clean the toe jam in between, and he had to lick every inch of her wide thick soles, she guided his face up to between her thighs, underneath her skirt. Sonya grabbed him by the ears guiding & forcing his face up to her pantied crotch as she sat on the edge of the couch. Eddie could smell an even more animalistic scent than he ever had with her feet. She was pulsating and her panties were wet.
Eddie was scared shitless with this move. He didn't have a clue what was under those panties. Sonya placed his nose right on her pubis, then wrapped her thighs around his entire head. Eddie felt so completely helpless. He thought for sure that he'd be suffocated to death this time. Sonya squeezed and rode his face until he struggled violently, pushing as hard as he could on her thighs, trying to escape so he could grab a breath of air.
Sonya would let him breath just long enough to capture him over and over again. She used him as a human vibrator riding his face up and down, while her sweaty pussy excreted more frightening juices & musky smells. Eddie was revolted by this hot wet strange clammy thing in his face. Sonya had no mercy.She was horny & ready for a good cum. Eddie begged to be let go. But, Sonya said "not until I'm ready little boy". She rode his face until she was intensely on the verge of an orgasm, then she slid back the crotch of her panties to reveal her huge clitoris. It protruded out of her lavial lips.
She loved touching it in front of Eddie's face. She stroked it making it quiver. She told Eddie that his tongue was born to serve & lick women's feet & pink clams. Eddie was sick to his stomach, but knew he had no choice other than doing exactly as Sonya ordered. He thought maybe this red hot pink thing would eat him alive if he put his tongue in there. It was way too strange. Sonya would not accept any less than his tongue lapping her hard clitoris. Eddie closed his eyes following her command. He lapped reluctantly with his shy tongue. Sonya got mad, & told him she would twist his balls off if he didn't please her. She opened his fly releasing his erect penis, grabbing his balls & twisting vigorously. Eddie decided at this time the lesser of two evils was to lick. He tried very hard to do as she instructed. She said "slowly flicker the tip of my clit with the tip of your tongue" and he did. Then shesaid "lap it like is the most delicious ice cream you've ever tasted", and he did. He felt her organ engorge even more and it was spasming. She was girrating her hips up and down on the edge of the couch. When Eddie felt that his tongue would fall out of his mouth, she grabbed his entire head with her huge hands, fucking his face violently,moaning loudly as she orgasmed. Eddie was overcome once again with her passion, rubbing his erection on the edge of the couch bringing himself to an orgasm, spilling a load in his pants.
Sonya continued Eddie's foot, panty and pussy training for just one more year. He was starting to date a girl at college. And Sonya was going to get married. Eddie was sad to lose his domineering & subjugating Sonya. He'd grown quite attached. But it was time for him to be a manly man. Eddie didn't ever let anyone know of his weakness for the feet of an Amazon. He kept up his machismo image as he matured into a very buffed out young man.
He became handsome and sought after by the girls in college. (Therapy helped to overcome his studdering, but it was probably Sonya's training) He kept his distance. He went out with a few pretty debutantes,having hot make out sessions which led to some back seat sex occasionally.
But, he was unfulfilled. All he could do was long for Sonya's feet. All these puny girls had such little un-powerful feet. They wanted "him" to be the boss and he secretly did not like this role at all with a woman. He played the expected role for awhile, becoming a studly bouncer in nightclubs at night, and pursuing a business career in college.
He would stare at the high heeled babes coming into the club to dance,secretly hoping one of them would decide to torment him with her feet.
Finally, he couldn't stand it anymore. He was 20 years old, and bored with women. He picked up a copy of Screw (in New York), and looked at the ads. Hewas overcome with the possibilities. All the pictures of the dominant women, advertising for foot slaves and body worshippers. He was scared to contact them. Finally he saw an ad from a 6' Goddess named Helga. He called her, timidly asking for an audience. She told him the fees and location . Eddie showed up for his training session with Helga the very next day, nervous as hell. Helga was a 180 lb., 35 yr. old german Goddess, tall strong, truly dominant. She told Eddie over the phone that she'd instruct him in the art of complete foot service.
Helga had a cruel streak in her. She loved stomping on her slave's with her stilletto 5" heels. So, when she saw a strong young man before her, she saw great potential for the grooming of a personal foot & high heel slave. She liked the idea of young stud in her stable that was muscularly built and could endure her long sessions of trampling and crushing. She could only become aroused if her slave could take all the punishment she had to dish out. Eddie gladly became her chattel, her personal piece of property. He was at her beckon call. He was consumed with her gorgeous high arched size 11's. She had a shoe wardrobe of over 200 pairs of shoes. She would buy several new pairs of stilleto open toes mules or pumps every week.
Eddie had to baptize them, softening them with his tongue. Eddie dropped out of college and became her full time pet. She groomed him to escort her to all the S&M nightclubs. He had to drive her everywhere. He was constantly ordered to kiss her feet wherever they went. He was sometimes rewarded with licking her royal pussy. They had a very romantic slave/ Mistress relationship. He eventually moved in with her.
That lasted for about a year until Helga decided she wanted someone with lots of money. Eddie was heartbroken. But, he decided to go back to work and school to make enough money to keep a Goddess happy. He knew what he wanted now, and knew now that he belonged under the foot of a dominant foot Goddess forever.
To make a long story short, Eddie got through school, met & married a gorgeous young foot Goddess. But it didn't last, she was too young and inexperienced to keep slave Eddie in his place. She did not understand the meaning of Power over men. After graduating from school, Eddie moved from New York to California, where he started his search for his ultimate foot Goddess owner. After a few months of trying to make contacts through the ads to no avail, Eddie saw an ad from the renowned Goddess Giantess, Queen Adrena in a little newsmagazine he picked up at the local bookstore. Queen's ad for a personal foot slave in "In Step Magazine" caught his eye. Slave Eddie called immediately with his heart racing with excitement. He offered himself totally to her for her amusement & pleasure. The Queen, from her 25 years in the scene, could tell that she had a truly sincere foot slave on the phone. So, they arranged a meeting for the that very evening. In his first meeting, slave Eddie found the owner he'd been looking for and dreaming of. Queen trampled him and demanded hours of titillating foot worship with her aromatic well pedicured size 11 high arched commandingly sensual feet. He felt at home in his new Queen's presence, a familiar feeling from he was a little boy overcame his senses. Queen's forceful aura captivated Eddie into desiring degrading acts at her feet. He knew her possession of him would be for as long as she so desired.
In the pictures that I've enclosed with this story you can see that I, Queen Adrena have been training slave Eddie not only to take all the foot & ass subjugation I demand, but he is also being tested to serve my little assistant Princess Mika. I will continue his trampling lessons as time goes on. He's one of a very few loyal slave's that are in my personal stable. I enjoy having him suck my long spike heels & painted toes. I loved walking on him. That is a true test of strength and devotion, with my 300lbs.crushing & impaling him more than anyone ever has.
I decided to show Princess Mika how to stomp, crush & smother a slave properly by demonstrating on slave Eddie. Of course I didn't tell her she was going to be foot subjugated along with slave Eddie. Mika is such a fun little pixie. I have a great time showing her the ropes. She's also my slave girl. I demand foot worship from her for my pleasure whenever the mood strikes me. We've been working & playing together for about 6 months now.
I commanded slave Eddie to report for human furniture duty this special day.I verbally humiliated him in front of Princess Mika as he kneeled before us.I told slave Eddie what his lessons for the day would be. He was to be kneeling always at our feet while being allowed the privilege of being in our special presence. He was to be our front door mat, for every visitor to my house to step on. He would be our kitchen throw rug, to stand on while we cooked. He would be our bathroom mat to step on after we got out of the shower. In the living room as we watched television, he would be our foot stool. If we hadn't washed our feet that day, his mouth was to clean every drop of perspiration, every ounce of toe jam was to be tongue washed. If our shoes needed polishing, he would have to clean and shine with his tongue.
As long as he was in my Queendom he would be just an insignificant piece of human furniture whose job is to bring constant pleasure to his Queen & Princess as well as any visiting Lady's. The stage was set for perhaps the most delightful day of Kinky play & video taping of a " Foot Stomping Odyssey" with a real foot slave and a real Foot Goddess's..
We started out the training of slave Eddie by modeling our very sexy new high heels that I bought recently at Frederick's of Hollywood's 50th anniversary sale. Princess Mika had slave Eddie help her put on her black patent 4" ankle strap pumps to walk on him with. I wanted to test slave Eddie to his max. He was on the floor at all times throughout our 4 hour play session. He licked & cleaned Princess's shiny pumps, and my slick patent 5" pumps with open toes and ankle straps. I love to have my feet worshipped while wearing my heels with slave Eddie slipping his tongue inside the open arches of my feet in their shiny pumps. If I happen to smash his tongue inside my arches of the shoes, so much the better.. A good slave's tongue was meant for squashing. I was so amused with the pleasant feelings that Eddie was giving to my feet that I temporarily forgot about tormenting his tongue. I started out immediately using slave Eddie as a carpet. I commanded him to "Lay like rug, slave". I told Princess to mount her rug immediately. She found it very different to walk on a human carpet. But she held her balance quite well. I commanded slave to keep his hands up to his sides as her balancing pillars. She being only 4'9", found his raised arms just the right height to help her walk sinking her heels deeply into his chest, stomach, & crotch. I used slave's body for a foot rest, placing my spike heels on his torso from my sitting position above him. Slave was given a "safe" word, in case we were too rough and he needed a break, but he never used it. He endured pound for pound a most thorough, brutal foot stomping without one peep. His face was constantly covered and smiling in the agony and ecstasy he had been craving for so long. We ordered our to slave undress our lovely legs and feet while he served beneath us as our pleasure carpet. We constantly had our feet on him. He was commanded to remove our heels slowly kissing & smelling each beautiful heel & each divine foot. After each foot was released from its' heel,we placed it on our rug man, sinking our nyloned feet into his flesh. I particularly enjoy foot slapping my slave in the face and all across his chest, and sometimes in the crotch. At times, we both stood full weight on his torso and chest. We applied 430 lbs., to be exact, upon his subjugated body.
Princess could walk up and down. I told her to step on his face with both feet while I held her up. I love seeing slave's entire head become covered with her 120 blanket of feet. I helped Mika keep her balance so that our slave could feel her entire weight on his face & head crushing it into the ground like a pancake. It's such an amusing sight to see the deep indention's upon slave's face. It is so entertaining to imagine that his head is like a pumpkin, and courd burst at any moment. I stood full weight upon his entire body, with one foot deeply implanted into his chest and one foot covering his face entirely. He had to turn his face to the side to take my entire heavy load. I told Mika to jump up and down on his chest. She couldn't help giggling and enjoying herself as she bounced on her human trampoline. It's truly amazing to feel the power you have over a slave at your trampling mercy. We stomped, trampled, crushed and foot smothered slave Eddie relentlessly. I was even more turned on than usual sharing my foot toy with my precious Princess. We used slave like a bedspread to lay on, & to sit on like a chair. He was the best human furniture I've had in a very long time.
Queen then decided that it was time for the ultimate foot subjugation lessons. She ordered slave to remove their nylons so their bare feet could get their proper worship. With bare feet Queen & Princess walked on and kicked and stomped and teased our slave. We foot fucked his mouth mercilessly, having a contest to see who could insert their feet the furthest into slave's sucking mouth. Having a complete foot suck is one of the most erotic feelings there is. It is especially erotic if the slave is mesmerized into a passionate spell of magical sensuous submission to the superiority of women's power. Our slave performed quite well, keeping us in a very provocative dominant mood. Queen decided to show Mika how to properly smother our slave. I told her to sit on his face while I sat on his chest. We both sat on his face and his chest and bounced. I thigh scissored slave into submission several times. I sat full weight right on his face forward and backwards rubbing my ass and crotch deeply into his nose and lips. He was ordered to lick past the panties and find my pink paradise. I had him gasping for air and tapping my thighs, begging for mercy, which turns me on greatly. I surprised little Mika by commanding double foot worship from slave Eddie and her both at times. I also sat on both their faces at times. We played endlessly trying every suffocating ass smothering position we could think of. We were deliciously intertwined in a menage'a'toe to ass for the longest time. Princess & I had our breasts licked by slave Eddie. We enjoyed playing with each others lovely hard nipples as well. Queen had a lovely orgasm while sitting on Eddie's face,his tongue slipped inside her panties attached to her stiff clit while Princess licked Queen's nipples. Mmm I get hot remembering this exquisite pleasure.
Queen decided to try on our new high heel mules during the next play scene. Slave Eddie was ordered to dress the Queen in her 5" soft back leather 5" mules and to put on Mika's red spiked mules. Of course, he had to smell & lick all the soles and leather of the shoes. After we were decked out in our our heels, we walked on our slave more, having our toes & soles licked inside our open toed, backless heels while we teased Eddie's manhood inside of his briefs. Queen grabbed his his hard tool in her gloved hand baring its naked sheath. Queen then slipped the erect toy between her soles and shoes stroking, teasing & squeezing the one eyed jack. Mika stepped on his long schlong. It was finally time to capture slave Eddie with a complete delicious foot job..
Princess & I oiled up our feet to start the teasing of slave Eddie's hot pepperoni. He was quite firm as we slid our feet all over his sausage and balls. We wanted to make slave cum all over both our feet and have him lick it off. Queen took his hard cock and slipped it between her toes and slid up and down, stroking it mercilessly. Slave Eddie begged to be allowed to cum. They must always ask permission. I gave permission as both Mika and I watched as the Big worm spurted its load across Queen's toes. Princess then guided slave's face to Queen's feet and told him to lick clean the Queen's feet. He did as he was told. Then I ordered slave to satisfy Princess in whatever way she so desired. She said that she would wait to indulge in her complete tongue service until next time, giving slave something to hunger for in the future. But she did tell me that having a foot slave is the greatest turn on ever. She used her vibrator later as she relived our foot stomping odyssey in her imagination.
Queen Adrena and Princess Mika would very much like to hear from you.
write QK, POB 5050, Carson, Calif. 90745 e-mail
or call 310-518-1522 for information on personal meetings in my private dungeon in Los Angeles.
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