Fun and Games
By Author Unknown
Note: I do Realize that this Story Has Just about the worst Grammer One can find, but It is intrusting to see how a translateor works on a foreign story with the correct concept
As I came on the June 1971 in the light of this world , as normal and innocent male humans I d'ont suspected , what would expect me in the future of everything.I grew as it were in a home for children ,I was all day long there, because I was an only child and because the parents worked.
In this home it had after the housedoor such a shoe box, where we had to tighten all in such a way our material-finches or house - slippers and doing then the normal shoes now all day long into these small boxes. In this finches are we in it all days been to we then in the evening from the parents were fetched.
Also shoes of the girls were natural too were ,in it also each small box there described with the name.The age groups were enough from 6 to 14 year old child.As I came with 6 years into this home at that time, were very shy and reserved , but this noticed naturally also the others .
It had several groups, in different spaces, in this home where also similar age groups together were.
In the last group was almost exclusively girls were, also the oldest were of this Home.One of these girls were called Nathalie, them had dark long curved hair and were at that time large and slim for me. She was an Italian and had also a temper, which one could classify in a certain dominance.
Why I tell of this girl on it ,I will be come later.
This shoe box, was not without reason after the housedoor, could I today imagine, which it smelled much of the feet, since one not necessarily often washes oneself as a child.
Additionally were there also many Southland - child ,this was enough from children from Turkey up to the Italians.
As children ,we played there often various play. An a play I can still today very well remember.We did play at that time something similar as a guessing game if we did not even homework to make had and always, if one lost had it somewhat certain to do to the punishment. This play rather often played we,so almost each month 1 to 2more. Sometimes also the group - leaders did play also and there had one the punishment one minute a stand on the head or three times around the house. The Fate wanted it run anyhow in such a way I think once, that the group leaders on this certain day not had the time with us playing this play .On this day almost only the girls were there, the others were in the school or simply where different - I except. I was also the youngest of all and was even finished with my homework, as suddenly the door go up and Nathalie in full size with an easy smile in mouth corners before me ,they was one of the girls, that much noticeable with its type and her was so rather the largest of all in this group of girls. She asked me then,whether I would have played desire with the other Girls this famous play . I even was finished also with the homework and I assured naturally.
I was there so naive,I d'ont noticed at the beginning not yet, what would come there to me.The other girls laugh already little.
As if they would have agreed upon it, I lost naturally at most and there naturally the punishment came on me.Those girls was dominant and harm joyful always all so rather, actually if I think back in this time.
There probably occurred that, what my innocent " normal " life until today would influence me.
Now ,well I had the play times lost and there said to me Monika (a colleague of Nathalie) that I am to surround my eye with the bandage .That I made myself and She turned me also to so approx. 10 times around the own axle and then I fell to the soil, because it giddy in my head. There laughed naturally all girls around me.
Nathalie said now " You are now at the correct place! "
" and now you may kiss our feet! " And again all girls laughed .
I thought, that should have been probably a joke and took themselves my binds away. When I wanted to rose,Nathalie pressed me which her dirty sole had already out of its finches down to the soil .
What could I do against at that time to 13 and 14 year old girls?
I was so small and helpness with my 6 years.I did not have little chance.And the group - leaders was also not there.Then Nathalie press me down to the soil with their large foot on my small thorax and the 2 other girl hold or press my arms down with their foot ,the another two of these 6 girl hold my leg and the sixth girl be already with their foot beside my heading and look already smile down on me . Nathalie cry from this laugh quantity of girl "kiss now this foot of Mirella". At the same time Mirella slipped out of their material finches,those was already rather threadbare with various holes at their finch.To the fact I must say that it was even summers and was verry hot,corresponding their feet smell also appropriate. Mirella was also an Italian -girl and it noticed that I did not want so,however her had also which dominantes at it,one can say that it made its accurately fun ,for me press their almost black discoloured soles into my face. It rubbed its toes against to my nose and asked me,"well is good this taste?" I could say nothing at all more or make,I was there on the soil and was completely delivered to the girls at their feet .Mirella was with a foot at the soil directly beside my heading,so that I could not turn my heading neither site to the left or right,thus her could enjoy avail itself,by constandly rubbing its naked dirty sole into my face.I got suddenly dreadful fear,but at the same time I had a well -being feeling to have to inhale this smelling - sole,the obligation smelling their sweet .
In this moment Mirella said:"if you does not kiss my feet now, then I crush you like a worm" and all the girls laughed again.
Mirella pressed with its toes my chin down, that I must open my mouth and it pushed its sweated toes into my mouth, as if being slip in it her shoe .
It then also still played with this toes."mmmmmmmmh feel so becomes now my sole and the toes ...licks to it is clean! Is that clear?"
I did then, as it disgust to me would in such a way ,but its salty easily toes burning on my tongue ...I like good somehow .
After 15 minutes then Nathalie said "so now wants however that you clean my feet and took their large feet away of my delicate thorax or better of myT -shirt,what is damp of her feet. Nathalie came now and she kept its hand before her mouth and wanted to hide her laughs.
She put their toes into my mouth.
Since Nathalie had almost always sneakers on ,their smell was also somewhat stronger, than smell of Mirella. Now I knew,which feet smelled into the shoe box,when I changed my shoes. It was without doubt Nathalie and it had also still such a mixture of a shampo and its foot - sweat,which smelled very pleasantly.
The girls had also noticed the fact that I did not resist in such a way any longer, as at the begin and went then still another step further. Nathalie was dominant rather and it like me not so much. She pressed then her toes so far into my mouth and she said:"So now you may lick us still the shoes cleanly". In this moment already shifted it to me, her old finches,those were formed of its feet and have black foot casting on the shoe sole had forwards to my mouth."You clean these shoes with your tongue and I want see no more the black foot casting inside my shoe ...are clear that?!"And she stepped me easily into my belly. The door open suddenly and a group-leader is coming in and the play at which I had already fun,was over at this moment.
Afterwards I was another humans and each day,where I came to this shoe - box, I had to think of this history before every time at Nathalie, whose leave after their smelling sneakers to be not far of my shoe-box. I it not to do and same time I put my nose in the Nathalie sport-shoes,if it I felt unobserved.
Nathalie also always laughed,if she saw me and thought probably of the same story,as she had dominated me with its smelling feet.
From now, I was fixed on the female feet and looked every time on the soil.
In certain situations,if I had seen a woman, also always it in the Disco or in the school ,I asked myself, whether or how these women would probably smell at their feet? How to smell the blond girls or the girls with hair in red? Whose type woman are dominate? All these questions employed me. Beside this home was a meadows,where we child frequent played.There a few years later, where I was approximately 14 years old, I acquainted Patrizia,which was 17 years old.
It had shoulder-long brown hair and its remembered me somewhat at Nathalie, there it was almost alike of the type.If you did not fit somewhat,then she said also even out,what she mean. It was again once summer and I went on this meadow, where sat already Patritia there and played cards with 2 other colleagues . I sat myself behind patrizia on the soil, actually unconsciously behind its feet, if one takes it exactly.
All 3 girls wore such plastic-sandals,which would wore mostly in the holidays.
There I sat now on this meadow behind Patrizia,whose I saw her naked shining feet or sole.
Coincidentally, I saw a few dark marks at their sole and had state that it held itself thereby around little insect, which saw obviously even crushed by it at their sole. I saw also still the wings of these Insects, which stuck at their sole. I imagined,what she would say probably, if she knows that there a few flies on her heel exist. I was however with my 14 years somewath shy and was ashamed her to ask she could perhaps notice ,that I was fixed on their feet..
I knew also that my Faible of womans - feet was not normally, necessarily being this probably by the education, that feet anything is not beautiful or simple somewhat disgusting was be ,however finally my curiosity was more strongly than my shame and collected myself all courage and asked her finally:"Patrizia, you have a few Insects at your heel" In hope I could touche their feet possibly there, asked them equivalent far:"I take them scratches away?"
Since it was busy with packs of card, I think naturally that she would say to me: yes do it take away..
But Nathalie looked around to me, how I would say,"cool" first into my eyes and then without to move her heading downward on their foot and said to my surprise:"Ohh no, d'ont take away this, I wash my feet evening"and played again,cards with its 2 other colleagues.
I imagined, how come probably these insects on their heel, those perhaps by come,because of their sweat?Since it was rather hot on this day had it probably assume that this could be the reason-I asked myself,if these Insects like that?
Or was also it pure coincidence? Anyhow I thought some there over this situation.
I observed now Patrizia the whole time and had think of these insects under its feet.
After this play of cards she rose then and she laughed then continuously from something.
The mostly fascinated me these insects where had to leave their life under her foot.
That has remember me,where I to make themselves acquaintance with woman feet before few years .
I had it anyhow survived in contrary to this insects.
The thought, that a few Insects under their heel had to leave their life around for a few seconds to be able smell at their feet, where its does not simply notice that these insects existed,fascinated me uncommonly.
Patrizia was the type woman,where changed more frequent its friends. Thats the life, because the young people must checkout many friends and besides she was very pretty and she d'ont noted or considered its feet also to much pedicured, because she think, that all man looked only at her bosom.
I asked myself then also, how many women in this world was probably even in the same situation as patrizia? In the evening as I went go home, I saw patrizia still once with its new friend.They kissed even together, the friend sat on the moped and she was beside of him.
I looked automatically on its feet and stated that she had always still the same sandals on her feet.
I imagined naturally in this moment, as probably now under its sole This action embloyed me much still years. I was now the genuine footfetish man,which me make not necessarily proud.
Which would probably think or would say the people ,if they knew, what I think every day?
I know also that I was not normal with my thoughts.But with whom I could talk about it?I knew nobody,which was fixed by woman also like that on the feet,how me.
I locked me also ever more and did play even with the thought suicide. But however on commit that was not so simple. Anyway,I was go to the future in my world and mine desire of woman feet dominated.
As I said I looked every time on the soil and after also always experience with patrizia and its crushed insects at their heel, I became then also attentive on this insects .
I imagined even,if I'm a Insect how beautiful, then I could do me unimpaired at the feet of the women and more admire. Or I could myself creep into the shoes of the women and these shoes it to investigate and smell it.
However which would be, if the feet of the owner of this shoe would suddenly slip into this shoe?
I could not flee from these shoes,if these are closed. I imagined,what for a feeling would probably be, if I were as an insect in a closed lady`s-slipper and where I would hide myself, if necessary, if this shoe even were, with a female foot. Best it would be probably quite in front of the toe, there has it always little place.
But which is, if it where summer and this woman sweates strongly at her feet?
Would I drown then in its foot-sweat? As would be the feeling, if it runs with this shoes? I think that were probably very loud in this footwear, if it had pumps or clogs.And in such a way I concentrated myself on this species "of the insect world".
I noticed also that the insects were not largely considered by the humans.This expressed itself by the fact that I saw some insects on the ground,which was crushed ...from large beetles to the spiders and from the ants to the worms,everything represented.
I asked myself then also, who has probably this insect even be crushed.
Is there rather the women or the man where is crushed this?
I wanted to try out and know this once whether my suspicion would acknowledge it self.
That was also rather simply. I went into the forest and got a few snails.
I put this snails on the ground before our house and observed this from the our window.
There I in the city lived,where life to much people,which walking on this sidewalk.
I saw then also the snail crawl there on the sidewalk in hope a safe place to probably find.They were in the center of this sidewalk placed and sometimes crept exactly them from the center to the left or to the right side.
I determined, that these snails had to probably suspect,what them shortly happen,because every time someone walk on the right side from this snail crept it to the left side or in reverse.
I introduced myself,how that would probably, if I were so small and there on the ground.
How is the feeling if someone come with its clogs or its pumps, these ever more near to come it come the vibrations at the ground,which continue to increase the more near them to come.
Most people did not look at all on the ground and walk by sometimes around centimeters besides this snails.
The reason for it was simple that women looked actually fewer on the soil, as the man.
They stepped sometimes in such a way on these snails that they did remain sticking them at their shoessole, because d`ont met correctly. These women did not even notice that under their shoes these snails stuck there.
Some snails were met fully and the woman looked down briefly on the ground and clean its dirty shoe few times at the ground and continued walked simply.
I saw being young girls,where remained before these snails and then lifted the foot and laughing,when she crushed these insects . As that must be probably, if one is so small,as an insect,which and can nothing to do against it to humans.
It would be nevertheless still once to consider, if I nevertheless not rather humans remains...Because as an insect the life would be probably too brutally and too dangerously...although the life for me personally there somewhat more interesting would be...The End of Story Autor will be anonym
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