homeless girl
Author Unknown
There is a homeless girl that always hangs out in the park across the street from my building. I always see her sitting at the park bench smoking and talking with the bums.
She seem like she was pretty always laughing out load trying to make the best of her situation. Whenever I saw her she was always wearing a black parka and heavy looking black boots. So you know I was wandering how her feet sell with the boots off.
Well, this girl was in her late 20's early 30's I never asked. She looked like she might actually be cute if she got her shit together.
Well, I was coming home from work one day and I noticed that she was alone for the first time. So I took a chance to see if I could get a whiff of those feet.
As I started to cross the street I noticed she was looking at me the whole as I approached her, you know in that head tilted down and eye brows raised up kind of way.
I don't know if she was thinking "what the hell do you want" or "it's about time you come over to say hello.
Well, we chatted for a while. She said she always noticed me everyday when I come home. And she always saw me looking at her. She was under the impression that I was interested in her. She really cool. I did not want to fr eak her out with the feet smelling thing so I made up something about want to photograph her feet because I wanted to see the effect the boots have had on her feet. That was why I was looking at her all the time, and that I would pay her for her time. She was really cool about it and stated complaining about how much her feet hurt in those boots and that she is going to get rid of them as soon as possible. She complained all the way up to my apartment. Kind of irritating.
She sat on the couch and started to untie her boots (about anklehigh) I left the room to get my camera, as I came back in the room she looked up at me and said very apologetically, "I'm so sorry about the smell" before she got the words out the smell hit me. Now let me tell you I am one of those guys that like feet very smelly, the stinker the better. And I have had some pretty stinky feet in my time. But this girl blows them all away. There were times when I actually did not like it. She kept saying it was in her boots. she said "My feet are wet from the boots that's all I'm sorry" As I was taking the pictures the smell of rotten old eggs filled the entire apartment I mean it was in the carpet too. I was beginning to regret what I have done. I got in close for close-up shots.
the smell was not very strong. She was right. it was all coming from her boots. I said "you know something, it is your boots and not your feet that smell bad." To prove it to her I sniffed her toes. She said "what!!.. oh yea the smell a little" She did not seem to mind me doing it. Her feet smelled great not bad just very very strong, kind of vinegary cornchips. It was obvious she had not washed her feet for days. Her feet were kind of wet and extremely soft. My nose was very comfortable on here soles. After a minuet or two of smelling all around her soles she said. "Oh,, I guess you like how they smell huh?" I forgot what I said ,, I was in heaven. She closed her eyes and just relaxed.
Later, I paid her then she left. I had to open a window the smell of feet stayed in my apartment for the next 2 days. A week later we did it again but this time she had sneakers. She was so happy to not have the boots anymore. Unfortunately her feet did not smell that bad at all and they were king of dry. She knew of my disappointment. That was the last time I saw her.
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