By Author Unknown
The original plan had called for Sue and one of her employees, Jennyto have an afternoon squash game and arrive back at Sean's house ataround 4 or 5 in the afternoon. Sean was expecting them "sometime"after noon. Jenny ended up not being available.. but Sue was keen for a tramplingpartner so she approached another shop employee .. a young girlcalled Anne. Anne was all of 19.. but very anti-male. A legacy of adrunken wife-beating father and an obnoxious bullying brother. Shehad never trampled a man before, nor had decent foot worship, but waskeen to try and eagerly accepted Sue's offer. Standing over 6' in her size 9 Nike's and weighing nearly 145lbs, Anne was bordering on Amazonic in appearance. She had shortclose-cropped black hair and a wide gorgeous smile. She lookedsomewhat like a young Katherine Hepburn. The change of girl alsoallowed for a rescheduling of the squash game to 10:00. They were alldone by 11:00 with Anne the winner. Sean was washing dishes. It was a few minutes before noon and he hadplanned to be at his expected doormat position by soon after thehour. Anne parked her Volvo on the street a door or two down. AtSue's insistance they sat in the car till 12:00. At precicely 12:02 she used her door key and entered Sean's house .. catching himtotally by suprise for the 2nd time in 3 days. "You turkey .. don't you _ever_ learn" she snarled at Sean. "I saidwe'd be here in the afternoon .. and it's afternoon. Why aren't youlying down for me to wipe my feet on?" "Sean didn't know what to say. Whatever he said would only aggrivateher so he settled on a simple "Sorry" and dropped to the floor .. onhis back. Anne looked down and gave a little chuckle. What a patheticsight. A full grown man lying on his back, dishcloth in one hand .. asaucepan lid in the other .. waiting to get walked on by two women ..one of which (her) he had never even met before. What a wimp. Sue wasted little time. "This is how I like to greet Sean" she saidto Anne."He's a good doormat.. hardly moves at all and doesn't likeit one bit" Sue stepped forward and placed her left foot on Sean'schest. She pressed and twisted it a bit and noticed that the gripptsoles of her Nike's were causing the cloth of Sean's T-shirt togather and bunch. She raised her foot a tad, to allow the cloth tostraighten out, and then bought it down firmly on his upper chestfollowing through immediately with her right foot, twisting quicklytill she was standing with both feet on her human rug. Sue then simply started to wipe her feet on his body.. just as thoughshe was on a conventional doormat. Each wipe was accompanied by asmall shifting of weight from one foot to the other .. andaccompanied also by a slight groan from Sean. "Big weekend for youbozo" she snarled at him "Turn your face towards the side" Seancomplied and was at once feeling her weight on his cheek as shestepped forward onto his head. Standing and balancing on one foot fora moment before stepping off him and onto the ground. "Your turnAnne: she said. Anne walked towards the wimp, stopping when she was next to him. Sue could see the look of uncertainty that was growing on Anne's face."Of course.. how silly of me", she said, "You've not been properly introduced .. where are my manners?. Sean .. this is Anne, a friend..and colleague of mine.. a woman and therefore your natural superiorin everything. Obey and serve her as you do me. Anne .. this isrugboy.. aka carpetman, footslave, bozo or whatever other epiphat youwant" "The trick" Sue continued "The trick is to not think of him ashuman. He is nothing more than a piece of furniture. When you wipeyour feet on him don't be put off by his mumblings. He'sinsignificant" "OK" replied Anne. "I can handle this" With that Anne placed herright Reebok on Sean's stomach. Using the door jam for balance sheslowly transferred her weight onto that foot until she was standingwith her full 145lbs on one foot before bringing the other one slowlydown in front .. onto Sean's left breast. She shuffled around a bitbut was finding traction hard. Sue noticed this and asked Anne tostep back onto Sean waist. This done Sue knealt down beside therugman and hoisted his T-shirt up and over his head, exposing hisbare flesh. "Try that" said Sue. "your Reeboks should be able to grip his skinreal well" Anne stepped forward again. Sean's face showed what Suehad expected He was grimacing and struggling for breath as theamazonic young girl stood full weight on his stomach.. squeezing thewind out of him. Emulating Sue's moves, Anne began to wipe he feet onthe man's chest and stomach. She marvelled at the power she felt. She particularly liked the way he groaned as she shifted from foot tofoot .. and she liked the little 'track' marks her Reebok soles wereleaving on his skin. "These shoes dig into squash court floors underspeed .. and fairly wreck my lawn when it scuff my feet .. it's coolhow they mark him" "That's nothing sweety" Sue replied .. just waitto you see the pock marks my stilettos leave.. and you will .. later"Anne interpreted this as a `that's enough' hint from Sue and startedto dismount her doormat. "Wanna try the face?" Sue asked. Annethought a moment but declined. "Maybe later" she said. "I want to trythis foot worship you're alway on about.. I want him to lick-clean mysweaty feet" "Absolutely!" exclaimed Sue. He's here to serve .. andhe really LOVES sucking sweat .. isn't that right Sean?" It was asilly question. Sean had his own hate list. Sure he hated virtuallyeverything That Sue did to him.. but having to lick her feet was oneof the most demeaning tasks a chore that always made worse by the waySue almost totally ignored him while he was servicing her. He had nofetish at all. And she knew it and played on it just to make his lifemore miserable. The girls entered the lounge room and sat next to each other on thecouch Sean dragged himself up and followed. At Sue's command he wentback into the kitchen and retrieved 2 small plastic garbage bags, thetype that are used to line small waste bins. He also bought back 4wire ties to secure the contents in place. "Remove my Nikes" growledSue. Sean complied and waited front of his tormentress waited for thenext unpleasantness. He did'nt have to wait long. Sue extended herfeet and began to rub her sweaty white sports socks on his face. "Breath deep little man" she said. The stench was incredible. Like a bowl of nasty European cheese. Sue observed his disgusted look andsmiled. She loved doing this to him. She rubbed for a minute or two before commanding Sean to remove thesocks and stow them in one of the bags. He was then made to do the same with Anne's attire. Anne, still a bit unconfident of her powersdidn't rub _her_ feet on him. He bagged up her socks and was somewhatpuzzled when Sue told him to take the two bags into the bathroom andput them into the bathtub. She also told him to turn on the hot waterfaucet till all four bags were bobbing up and down comically in apool of hot steamy water. "Those bags better be done up tight Sean.. ther'll be hell to pay ifmy socks get wet" Sue yelled from the lounge room. Sean doublechecked. The bags were air/water tight.. but already the plastic wasvery hot to the touch. "Get your arse back in here footboy!" Seanhurried back into the room. Sue's glare told him that she thought hehad taken too long. He once again knelt before her. She gave him a swift kick to the right side of his face. "Where's your manners boy..we have a guest .. do her's first" Sean shuffled to his left till hehas in front of the attractive.. tall.. long legged house guest."Sean is pretty good at foot service" Sue said "I'll get him to runthrough his entire repetoire for you... give him one of your feet"Anne grinned. THIS is what she wanted. A man, virtually a stranger,on the floor waiting to worship her. Waiting to treat her like thesuperior being she knew she was. She extended her right foot and Seancradled it reverantly in his hands. He reach behind him and slid afoot stool over.. manouvering it till it supported her leg, leavingher foot, ankle and several inches of leg dangling over the edge. "First... the ankle lick" ordered Sue. Sean lowered his head and puthis tongue on the outer side of Anne's ankle. She jerked a little atfirst before Sue gave her some reassuring words. "just sit back andrelax your leg" saud Sue. He will do any moving that needs to bedone. You'll love this .. he'll ensure that, as he knows what i'll doto him if he doesn't please you" Anne relaxed. She settled back inthe chair and closed her eyes as Sean's tongue traced it's way aroundher ankle. "Now lick the heel" Sean shifted position and licked her heel. Theskin was harder here.. but soft enough for Anne to feel this patheticmale's moist warm tongue at work. "the arch and the the outer edge"prompted Sue. Sean had been taught this very well. Sue would totally immerse her feet in things like custard or chocolate sauce and haveSean lick them clean.. then she'd examine her feet closely and if anytrace of the substance was found on her skin she'd punish himseverely. Sean could do this without looking. His tongue was welltrained in seeking and moistening ever square millimeter of thefemale foot. Anne was geeting so relaxed that she barely heard Sue telling Sean tonow lick the sole. It tickled a bit at first and she wondered how badit must taste. Small bits of sock fibre intermixed with flakes ofdead skin and gelled together with dried perspiration. As the stickysweat was removed she could feel the cool air reaching her refreshedskin. He licked for about 10 minutes before moving to her toes.Sucking them at first one-at-a-time then in groups of 2 or 3. Henibbled on the ends at she curled up a bit as she felt his tonguesliding between them, massaging the tender skin and removing the small gritty particles. "He likes toejam .. don't you.. loser" said Sue.. prodding his ribs with her foot. "I never thought it'd feelthis GREAT" exclaimed Anne. "I could handle having this done everyday.. many times each day in fact" "no reason why you can't" said Sue. Plenty of men out there.. just pick out a wimp. With training theycan all be as good as him" 20 minutes later he was finished. Anne needed no prompting and quickly swapped feet for him to repeat on her left foot. Seanrepeated his performance. He could feel little bits of between-toegrit getting stuck between his teeth, his nose, constantly rubbingher foot, was full of the odour of smelly feet. his tongue wasgetting dry and he had to keep wetting it, each time spreading theunpleasant taste to other regions of his mouth. The left foot had a couple of rough spots on the sole, which he nibbled on and scrapedwith his teeth. His mouth becoming a quasi pumis stone. When finishedsome 25 minutes later her left foot felt as good as new. She wasimpressed. There was no let up for Sean though. Sue quickly orderedhim to crawl to her end of the couch. "Just a quickie for me dear"she said "On your back" Sean lay down and position his face where heknew she'd want it. Immediately Sue placed one foot on his facepressing his nose under the ball of her foot. She twisted and rubbedfor a moment before plunging her pointed toes towards his mouth. "Toesuck" is all she said. Sean opened his mouth and began to suck. A fewminutes into this she told him to lick between them. Then she toldhim to stick his tongue out and hold it flat. Sue placed her heel onthe tongue and firmly dragged her foot downwards till her toepadsrested on the back of her tongue. She lifted her foot back to thestart position and Sean took the opportunity to wet his tongue. Thisroutine carried on for about 5 minutes till she swapped feet andstarted over. An hour and a half had passed. It was nearly 2:00. Sean was told togo the bathroom and bring back a warm moist hand-towell and a largerdry one. He was then told to clean his saliva off their feet and dry them. This he did gently but thoroughly. Their feet now refreshed,the women sat back in the couch contented. Sue suddenly sat up .. shedidn't want Sean to have a break. "Hey bozo" she said "Sniff my shoesfor a while " Sue commanded Sean, laying face up beside the couchheld the stinky Reebok to his face and breathed in deeply. "I've gotsome very good news and some not-so-good news for you sean" Seanlooked up. "At last the male dweebs upstairs have realized my worthand i'm being transferred .. promoted .. to the East Coast. Your timewith me is just about over. I leave in 2 weeks" Sean listened "And"sue continued "I've spoken to Wendy and we've decided you've doneenough penance. You're going to be set free" Sean could hardlybelieve his ears. Could this be true? Could the many months oftorment, the hours of trampling, the waking up most mornings withbruises and sore ribs.. the taste of dirty feet and socks .. be over!He could hardly contain himself. He removd the shoe from his face andbegan to sit up. Sue leapt up and jumped in the air. Landing with one foot on Sean'sgut and one on his shoulder .. pressing him firmly back to the groundand causing his head to strike the carpet hard. "Where the fuck areyou going rugboy?" she snarled.. stepping forward and press her footfiercely into his face. Grinding it over his cheek and eye she continued. "I said i leave in two weeks! .. till then .. and this isthe bad news till then you are going to go through hell" She sat backdown. Sean just laid there, not knowing exactly what to do. Sue soonfixed that by kicking him it the ribs with the heel of her rightfoot. "I told you to sniff my shoes .. DO IT!" she screamed. "Now Anne" Sue continued "I've taken Monday off work.. told 'em Ihave some things to arrange if i'm moving state. Can you get off worktomorrow too?". "Sure" replied Anne "I'll just have to make a calltomorrow morning.. Monday's our quietest day and they'll not mind atall" "Great" said Sue. We'll stay overnight tonight. Have some funwith our little carpet man here, spend all day with .. or should isay ON him tomorrow.. sleep over again Monday night, and go to workfrom here on Tuesday" "Count me in" said Anne. "but I'll need a fewthings if i'm to stay" said Anne "No problem!" said Sue. We'll make aquick trip to your place.. but we'll have to find something forcarpetboy here to do while we're out" they sat back and thought for amoment. Sue placed her feet on Seans chest, crossed at the ankles with her heel digging painfully into his nipple, Anne dangled hersover the armrest, swinging them back &forth. "I know what we'll do"said Sue. "Hey turd ..have you still got your video camera andtripod?" she asked. "yes .. yes I have" he replied. "Good .. go getthem now" Sue removed her feet from Sean's chest and waited till heleft the room before talking to Anne. "Here's the plan", she said. "go get your squash sox and shoes andwhen carpetboy gets back i'll set up the Video camera" Anne lookedbemused .. but figured Sue had a good scheme in mind. Sean returned with the video gear and went into the lounge room. Sueinstructed him to set it up then lay face down on the floor andresume his shoe sniffing. Sue went over and fiddled with it till itwas in the corner getting most of the room into it's field of view.Then she disappeared off into the bathroom, leaving Sean tocontemplate his fate. Anne retrieved the plastic bag with her soiled socks inside andreturned to the lounge treading on Sean's back as she entered. "Shovethe socks in his mouth" Sue yelled from her room. Anne Removed thesoiled socks, screwing her face in distaste at the smell, and stuffedthe dirty toe-ends into sean's mouth. At this point both Sean andAnne realized why Sue had demanded the bizarre plastic bag and bathtub routine. The heat of the water had made them moist.. dank almost.They had been fermenting nicely.. wrapped in the plastic bag in thehot stemay bathtub. They were putrid and Sean's senses were againoverwhelmed with the taste and smell. Sue re-entered the lounge room.. also treading on Sean's back. She instructed Sean to move tothe middle of the room and asked Anne to check the video-cam to makesure he was in-shot and then set it to record what it saw. "Allright sock-sucker.. on your back" Sean complied and Sue producedher socks from a bag and placed them over Sean's face arranging themso that the smellier toe ends were over his nose. "Ok Sean", said Sue, "we are going out for a while, and here's thedeal" Sean heard Anne fiddling with the Video Camera. "It's recording" she said "Good" replied Sue. "Now Sean, while we're goneyou are going to suck Anne's sox clean. I don't know how long we'll be.. but you keep sucking The camera will record your every move. WeWILL watch the video later, and If you leave the room or remove thesocks from your mouth, you will be severely punished .. understand?"Sean nodded. "Oh and if you don't do a good job we're going to dancethe twist on your face while wearing our sports shoes .. comprende?"Sean nodded again. "OK, let's go girl" Sue and Anne put their sports shoes back on, this time without socks. It was a hot day outside, with out the socks, their feet were goingto sweat badly .. a fact realized by Sean as he watched them dress.Sue walked up and put her foot on his chest. She was about to treadon him but thought again. "Both at once i think" she said. The othersadist joined her side and they interlocked arms. On a 3 count theyboth trod simultaneously on their rugman. Sean was treated to 275lbof female weight. He groaned and another tear formed in his eye. The duo stepped off and without even looking back continued out thedoor. He heard the Volvo start.. and he began to suck. The girls arrived at Anne's apartment and Anne collected some thingsshe wanted. changes of clothes, clean underwear and two more pair ofshoes. One being a pair of ankle high leather boots with 2" heelswhich she would wear to work on Tuesday, the other a pair of lightpink fluffy slippers with very soft vinyl soles. "Bring stockingstoo!" Sue said to Anne. Anne didn't understand exactly why .. butfigured Sue had her reasons. They left Anne's house all prepared for the next few days. "I just want to stop off at the markets on the way back" said Sue "Sean's got almost no food in the house.. typical unprepared male" At the markets the girls wandered about. Whatstarted as a quick grocery pitstop turned into a 2 hour romp. Theyhad much fun trying on clothes and hats and eventually stopping for acoffee. "What's the plan for tonight" asked Anne. " I think we'll feed him"Sue replied "then i'll show you a nice version of the game `Twister'.. then maybe just listen to some cd's while fast viewing the video.We could take it in turns to sit on his face .. fully dressed ofcourse, say 15 minutes per girl per turn. Then maybe a little footworship, a final trample then bed". "shouldn't he feed us" Anneenquired "I thought he was meant to be our servant" "Ah yes", Sue replied, ".. but it's all part of the fun. Our feet aresweating chronically at the moment. When we get back we'll be sweetand nice to Sean .. lull him into a false sense of comfort, cook himdinner .. then make him lick it off our stinky feet" Sue grinnedwidely and observed a wry smile form on her partner's lips "Soundsideal" said Anne "Let's get back" ---------------- End of Part 1
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