By Soly at
My story begin few years ago when I was 15 years old.I don't know when it started but I remember
Strange feeling during my sleep. I felt like someone is touching me, my feet to be exact.
Usually I fell asleep very fast ,few moments after I go to bed. one day I slept in the afternoon
After staying all night in one of my friends slumber parties. That night I couldn’t sleep so I just laid in bed waiting to fall asleep. The light, of course, was off. suddenly I felt something touching my feet. At first I was very afraid, but afterwards I got some courage to open my eyes. what I saw put me immediately in shock.
My older brother was sitting at the end of my bed and he was kissing My Feet!!! I couldn't believe it
There he was, his tongue licking my soul and toes. I wanted to scream to my parents but I was to
Shocked to do anything so I just kept laying in the bed hoping he would go away. After few moments he really go away and left my room. I was still in shock. I realized that all the strange touching I felt so many nights was from him, my older brother who was touching my foot. I didn't know what to do.
My parents were very conservative and telling them about there sick son, my brother will ruin them completely realized that I would have to deal it myself. I must make him stop because It really made me sick. My thoughts continued and finally I fell asleep.
The next day I came with an idea that I thought would make him stop. It was after Gym class as all of as girls went to the locker room to take a shower and change cloths. The smell of the girls feet after the practice gave me the idea. I didn’t shower that day and after school I went home and stayed with my snickers on for the whole day. Only when it was time to go to bed I removed them in my room. The smell was awful I bearly could breath it and that was the idea.I hoped the awfull smell would cause my brother to be disgusted so he would't touch my feet anymore. I didn’t remove my socks and went to bed ,my leg were in the end of the bed
.I didn't sleep but waited and after an hour or so(my brother must have known by now my sleeping habits) I saw the door open slowly I my brother came in. I saw him getting close to my feet and than he moved backwards quickly. I thought to myself he must have smelled the sticky stinky feet and couldn’t bear the smell of them. .I thought he will leave any minute now. For my full surprise he didn't.I saw his head back near my foot and what the hell!! He was sniffing my smely feet and first very slow but then harder and hearder heavy sniffing.then he lift my foot (he still thought I was sleeping heavily) and remove my left sock. he toke it and smell it heavily and than he put it in his mouth, I couldn't believe that he was turned on by my smelly feet instead of making him go away. After he removed my second sock too he lowered his head to my foot and started to smell it. than he put his nose between my toes. After few minutes of sniffing he started to suck my toes one by one and then he moved to the other parts of the feet. Licking it with his tongue and probably having the time of his life. After half an hour this nightmare ended at last and he left my room.There I was in my bed laying there and my head full of thoughts. How can I stop the sick brother which the smell of an sweaty and showered feet only turn him on.I kept thinking and then came to the idea that if the smell didn't bordered him maybe the look will.
The next day after I return from school I removed my shoes and sockes and stayed barefoot for the whole day.I deliberately walked all around the house barefoot and even went to the basement.The floor
Of the basement haven't been cleaned for some time now and it wall full off dust and dirt.I walk dragging my feet all over the floor in order to make them as filthy as possible. It was already evening and my parents and my older brother were sitting in the living room watchint t.v .I joined then as I laid on my stomach
In front of the t.v..we watched a movie together and I move my legs from time to time making sure my brother could see my dirty sole. after the movie finished we were about to go to sleep when my mother told me "I better take a bath Soly your feet are very dirty ,they are completely black!!"
"I'm to tired now, I will shower in the morning" I told her, making sure my brother hears me, and went to my room.I sat on my bed looking at my foot. it was very dirty so dirty that you couldn’t see the skin. my feet were actually black!!. No way my brother will touch ,not to mention lick such dirty feet. I turned the light off and went to bed.I stayed awake and waited after hour passed and my brother didn’t show up I thought I have made it. He must have saw my dirty feet and decided to avoid it, after all even sick people have there limits. I was very tired because I hadn't slept well for two night finally I will sleep quietly I thought. I almost fell asleep when to my great surprise the door of my room open and my brother came in.
He remove my blanket very gently of my foot (I was awake and almost didn’t felt when he removed the blanket, he must have been expert by now). Even with the light off you could see that my feet were very dirty, the darkness only make them look worse. This didn't border him at all. Like usual he started to lick my feet. I hoped the dirt would leave bed taste in his mouth and he would stop, but he didn't. He just continued to lick and lick much harder then yesterday.I was so tired and sad from that situation and I fall asleep as my sick brother was still licking my dirty feet.
I don’t know how much time he continued with my feet. The next day when I woke up I was very confused from last night events. I didn't knew weather I had a dream or something really happened. I looked at my foot, I was in complete shock, my dirty almost black feet were now completely clean!!!. Not a single bit of dirt on them. If I hadn’t known better I would have thought someone had washed my feet. Actually someone did-my sick brother, using only his tongue.
To be continued.
(Part 2)
The morning after my sick brother cleaned my dirty feet I was very nervous.nothing I did stoped him.The smell and dirt didn’t stoped him .I didn't know what to do-still telling my parents was not an option because I knew it will heart them very much to know that their beloved son,my brother is a seek freak.Since I discovred what my sick brother was doing to me I could'nt sleep well and just waited every night till he finished his ''business'' with my feet and only than went to sleep.
I didn't know exactly what to do but since he disturbed me I decided to make his life as hard as possible.Sometimes I would have walked barefoot all day long in order to make my feet as dirty as they can be.I used to step on the mud in the garden or in the basement.other times I used to make my feet smell very bed by walking in my sweaty snickers for 2 or 3 days without washing my feet.I didn't cat my finger nails and did all I could to make my feet an attractive to him.I must say it didn't stoped him completely but still the time he 'spent' with my feet was getting shorter-butter than nothing.
Things went on like that and I thought that it will last for ever. The summer vacation arrived and I afraid that things will get worse because during the last summer I stayed most of the day in the house and use to sleep late up untill the afternoon so now I knew I won't be able to do so because of him-that will realy make him happy.Since it was summer and hot I couldn't walk with my closed shoe so I used to wear open sandels and evreyone could see my feet.I didn't want other people to think my feet is ugly and dirty so I clean them and washed it every day day my best friend Lisa came to our house to hung out with me.we set out side the house the get some tend.we set one infront of the other talking about everything from school to music.I had this fashion magazine and we were looking at the models and clothes theywere wearing passing the magazine between us.I was looking at this model wearing lovely dress and wanted Lisa to see her."look at that drees it's beautiful isn't it" I told her given her the magazize.The sun must have hit her eyes , see didn't catch it and it dropped right near my feet.she reached out to get it and by the way she could see my feet."why don't you paint your toenails"she told me"it is much beautiful when they are painted she told me".I couldn't tell her the real reason why I didn't cared much about my feet so I told her that I didn't thought about is so much."well you should faint them you know,they will realy look good that way"she told me."well I will do it latter "I told her but one Lisa started something you couldn't stop her."do you have nail polish in your house"she asked me.i knew my mother had some in various colors so I told Lisa we will go to my parents room to take some.we my mother kept all her make up and stuff on a small table near her bad.there were 4-5 different colors and Lisa took them all.we went to the living room and set on the sofa.Lisa removed hear sandels and said"I must repaint mine to because the polish almost gone"she looked at the different colors"I think I will take the blue one this time" she said"it like like it will fi my blue sandels".she started to paint her nails one by one.I could tell she knew what she was doing because she painted the very fast and not even drop of polish touched her skin.After she finished she told me"it's your's turn now pick up a color and paint".I looked at the varous colors and decide the take the yellow one."don't take that "Lisa told me"I think I should go on darker color maybe even the black one" she said.knowing her by now I knew threr is no point arguing with her"allright I will take the black one"was my answer.I didn't used to paint my nails very often (for known reasons) so I tried to paint vert slowly and even tough I accidentally paint my toe skin to."oh you are not doint it right "lisa told me"here let me do it"she didn't waited for my reaction and took my leg to her lap.she was painting my toenail with the black polish when my brother came in. obvious he was very surprised at first and just said hello and went to his room.After a minute or two he came back to the living room at set on the other sofa.he took the newspaper from the table and start raiding it.By that time Lisa almost done with me first leg"see how beautiful your feet now"she told me."let me just dry them a little" she said and by that she rised my leg and moved them near her face.she than started to blow air from her mouth on them."soon they will dry out" she said.I just looked around when I saw my brother staring at Lisa face and my feet.he was so focused on her that he didn't notiched that I watch him.from one look at his pants I could tell he was very aroused from with he saw and why won't he.If he likes my feet I could only think what the look of very sexy girl like Lisa(and believe me she was)touchig and blowing near (almost touching it with her lips) would do to him.And then it hit me,I knew how can I heart him back for what he did to me.After few minutes lisa said"well that leg is finished give me the other one.I rised my other leg towards her but instead off lowering the already painted one I put her on Lisa shoulder.I didn't know how will she react but it didn't bothered her and see started to paint my other feet nails.I could only thick now what my brother felt.There was I sitting in a very sexy possition when another sexy girl was touching my feet. But this was the idea if I can't stop him by causeing him rejection I will arous him as much as possible.At first you think that is very bed idea to heart someone,but when you think about it you realize that not like that.The unfulfilled fantasies he will have will torment him and that is exactly what I wanted.Lisa finished painted my nails and again move my feet close to her mouth as she stated to blow on my toes.I think my brother wasn't so aroused in whole his I was one leg on Lisa
Shoulder and the other one near her mouth.I decided to increase his ''torture''.I ''accidentally '' moved my feet which was very close to Lisa mouth forward so my big toe entered her mouth!!!"I sorry Lisa"I told her as I quickly(the most slowest 'quick' I could) move my feet backward."never mind" said Lisa"your feet are very nice"see told me and right before lowering my feet she kissed my sole.we went back outside and all I could think off was how lackey I'm that Lisa helped me with my plan without even knowing about it.I could only think now about the fantasies my brother will probebly have about Lisa,me and my feet.!!!
To be continue…
I would like that other women who similar experience-to e-mail me I'm sure there many women like me out there.
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hi how old are u and your brother
ReplyDeletedon't talk KAK me bru jy is a poes niaar