Night Life
By Author UnknownIt was my first time at a Fetish club. I'd been hearing odd snippets about these places for months now. The news had thrilled me, the existence of places where you really could be yourself; I just couldn’t wait to find them. That isn’t difficult, just browse through the fetish magazines in the local porn shops and sooner or later you find the flyers or the ads. Getting the gear to go along had been hassle through. I’m no exhibitionist so trying on all that rubber stuff in the shop got to me a little. Fortunately for me the owner was sympathetic. Guess he saw straight through me, very young and very nervous, dragging behind a baggage train of passions that had never seen the light of day. So there I was, 19 years old, knees knocking and praying for the chance to do what until now I’d always believed was forbidden.
The place I found myself in was kind of what I expected. We were under street level with a pub upstairs. It was suitably seedy, black walls and dungeon furniture scattered here and there. Plenty of nooks and crannies and the dance floor with a rather out of place crystal ball. The place was full but you could move, a few people danced, the majority seemed to be looking for other thrills. I felt paranoid, was it obviously my first time? Were there strange etiquettes here that I should know about, deviation from which would invite scorn? I moved round the nooks and crannies, hoping for some dreams to come true. I rounded a corner and caught sight of something that stopped me in my tracks. A young woman, clad in a skin tight red leather dress, sat reclining on a sofa. She was chatting idly with a female companion, dressed in a PVC cat suit, all the while peering down her nose at a naked man grovelling at her feet. He was laying on his stomach, frantically pressing kisses against her feet and shoes. She wore black leather pumps with peep-toes, her friend in calf length platform boots. The energetic nature of his adoration contrasted completely with the partial attention they paid him. The lady in the leather dress would occasionally pause her conversation to lean over and issue instructions to her prostrate admirer, ordering him to lick here or kiss there. Both ladies would, now and then, stamp or crush down on him for apparently no other reason than amusement.
I’d finally seen in the flesh what I’d dreamt of all my life. A man down on his knees treating a woman like a goddess. That’s how women had always made me feel. Something about them quite divine, something one wanted to bow down before and surrender too. I’d been watching, unable to drag myself away, for far too long now. I wanted to keep on watching the tense, energetic and respectful way he worshiped. I wanted to keep watching the nonchalant manner in which they received his offering .Its then I looked up and saw Her. Standing several yards back from the scene, Her piercing blue eyes regarding me with some suspicion. She had been watching me watching them, and I fancied something predatory about Her. She was dressed in a dark purple rubber dress, hugging her full bust, then dropping tightly down her hips to just below the knee. I gazed briefly at her feet, clothed in sheer black stockings, she wore purple high heeled sandals with a thin platform soul. Her sharp aristocratic beauty putting me on edge, self-consciousness gripped me again, I moved on.
As I moved around the club, I couldn’t bear to let her out of my sight. I would move around, lean here and there, unable to keep my eyes off her. She would catch me looking, ignore me or stare me down, depending on her fancy. What was clear was that this was her domain, she was the queen and I the upstart looking above his station. I was afraid of her, I wanted to put my face, my whole being at her feet, but feared the spectacle it would bring. Would she laugh at me, walk away or spit in my face for being the jerk she would surely take me for?
Then she turned suddenly and walked straight toward me. I began to panic, my attention hadn’t been wanted, was she going to lay into me or get me barred? She stopped directly in front of me, her sublime face inches from mine, hands clasped behind her back, staring impassively at me. The people around us stopped talking and watched. "Do you really think that’s the right way to impress, lurking around in shadows, steeling secret glances when you think I’m not looking?" she laughed at me, and others joined in. I felt my palms sweat as I began muttering apologies and denials. "Don’t you dare take me for a fool", she interrupted, "I can forgive your awkward boyishness but not stupidity". "Come on, redeem yourself, do something that will impress". She watched me go white. Unimpressed she turned and walked across the dance floor to the bar. She stood there, looking like the woman I’d waited all my life to crawl to. My heart now offered the thoughts my brain had failed to deliver. I sank down onto my knees and began to crawl across the floor to where she stood. I could hear the tutting and mocking comments of the people who had been standing around. Crawling across to her was damn sight harder than walking. Several people backed onto me, a couple cursed as they tripped. I wasn’t sure if she was even watching. I was shaking as I approached, the closer I got, the faster my blood began to pump. As I neared her I dropped as low as I could and slid on my stomach before her. When I reached her feet, I stretched my arms wide in praise and began kissing the floor she stood on.
She left me kissing the floor for some time, giving no sign that my gesture pleased. Some time passed while I sensed her shifting her stance, chatting with those either side of her. My only reassurance, as my mouth worked on the ground she trod on, was that she remained standing over me. Finally my reward came as I felt her shoe tread down on my head. She ground down until my face collapsed on its side, where she twisted it into the dust. "Good, that’s more like it, don’t hide your feelings from me, I like my boys to lose control", she remarked coldly. "You’re damn lucky you didn’t touch without asking. You may now kiss my feet". Clearly this was an honour, and I couldn’t help but agree. I began very slowly, very gently, kissing this woman’s feet. I spent my life, up until now, thinking this day may never come, that this was forbidden. Now I was in heaven. I knelt up slightly and began kissing around her toes, her insteps, her heels, over the tops of her feet, around her ankles, everywhere. The faint smell of her feet through her stockings began to spur me on. My kisses became harder and harder as by body began to tense and contort with the passion I felt bursting from inside. I trust my body back down flat on the floor in front of her and grovelled, the overwhelming frustration being that I couldn’t make myself any smaller. I began licking around the sides of her platform sandals, along the straps, around her high heels. Finally she pivoted one foot back on its heel for me to lick clean. I worked my tong hard against the sole of her shoe, wiping off the filth and dirt she’d been walking in. I found this task enormously satisfying, this is what I felt like, the dirt at her feet, this is where I belonged.
She turned me over with her now spotless shoe onto my back. She stood over my neck and stepped down with the dirty shoe on my face. "Clean it doormat", I began licking. It was blissful, seeing her smiling down at me as she wiped her shoe on my face. I licked frantically as she ground down on me. I could see other faces in a circle around us, all enjoying the spectacle of this delightful creature degrading and dehumanising me. Someone helped her step up on my chest and she began to step harder down on my head. The pain was excruciating as her heels sank into my body and her weight pounded down on me. I must have looked in agony for as she glanced down she mouthed a cry; but this didn’t deter her, merely encouraged. She began to sway and bob in time with the music, pressing her heels ever deeper into my flesh. She stood with both feet on my chest and gyrated with the music. Then, seeing me looking up in awe, she again stepped hard down on my face, forcing my head sideways, forcing me to look away. This continued for several tracks. Her gyrating to the music while standing on my chest. Any misdemeanour on my part corrected by her shoe crashing into my face.
Eventually the music changed to a tune she did’t like and she stepped off. There was considerable applause for her show. She began to walk away and my heart sank - was she really going to just disappear now, after trashing me in public like that? She paused some ten yards on and looked back over her shoulder. "Please, let me stay with you", I cried out. "What makes you think I want you", she laughed again, "What have you got to offer?" I thought for a long moment. What did I have that she could possibly want. Still kneeling I toold her I offered obedience. She thought on it a moment. "That’s piss poor but will have to do". She strutted back over, clipped a lead on my collar, and walked me out of the club.
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