In 1991 a beautiful young brunette moved into the house next door to me in my neighbourhood. Her name was
Kristin. Kristin was 16, tall, slender, with beautiful olive skin, long brown hair, green eyes, and a body that would
make any man look twice. She was beautiful! Well, it wasn't long before I met Kristin. One day I noticed her
sunbathing on her back deck. Well, I could not pass up this opportunity. So I went over there. As I was walking up,
not only did I notice Kristin's seemingly perfect body, her perfect tan, her red, sexy lips, but I also noticed
Kristin's beautiful feet! I had never really paid that much attention to feet before. but I couldn't take my eyes off of
them! Her feet were small, and her toes were little, perfectly shaped, and she had on crimson toe nail polish. Some
people's feet look rough or dirty, hers looked like she had never walked on them. I thought for a moment that
someone must have carried her all her life. Well, I continued my approach to meet Kristin. When I got up to the
deck, she said to me "It's about time you grew the balls to come over! I was wondering what your problem was!" I
assured her there was no problem and I just didn't want her to think I was hitting on her. She then said "Well, isn't
that exactly what you're doing now?" She smiled as she said this which made me feel better, however I could tell
Kristin was extremely self-confident and was not afraid of being in control.
Well, over time she and I became friends. I had a big crush on her and she knew it. She later would use this to her
advantage. But we only remained friends. We went to the same high school and had many of the same classes. We
graduated in 1993 together, and decided to go off to the same college, about 3 hours from our hometown. That fall,
about a month into our freshman year of college, she called me up and asked me to come over to her apartment.
Her parents were pretty well off, better financially than mine, so she could afford an apartment, whereas I lived in a
dorm. So Kristin called me up and invited me over. When I got there, she opened the door barefoot and in nothing
but a bikini top and a pair of shorts. She looked scrumptious from head to toe. She told me to come in and have a
seat on the floor by her couch. I thought this was a little strange, yet I complied. She sat down on the couch and
stretched out, putting her feet down near my head, which made me a little excited, and even more curious. Kristin
said to me "Mike, we've been friends for how long now, about 3 years? In that time, I've always known you've
liked me..but I've also wondered.. Do you like my feet? Are you a foot fetisher Mike?" I could feel my face getting
red and my heart beat faster. Kristin moved her left foot closer to my face. "You are a foot fetisher, aren't you?"
My erection had started, and I forced out a mumbled "yes, I am." Kristin just smiled wickedly and looked at
me and then she said.. "Ok, here's the deal, and this is not open for negotiation. You are now my slave." I gasped
and said she must be kidding. However I knew she was not. Kristin slapped me across the face and told me to shut
up. She told me that from that moment on until we finished college, 4 years from then, that I was her property, just
like the couch she was sitting on was her property. Kristin told me that from now on, when I finished with my
classes everyday, I was to come to her apartment, clean her apartment, do her laundry, shine her shoes, fix her
meals, do her homework, and have her dinner waiting when she arrived. She only had two classes a day and they
were in the morning, so she spent her days shopping, sunbathing, and relaxing, while I worked for her. Also, since I
was a foot fetisher, part of my daily duties consisted of massaging her feet, sucking her toes, a daily pedicure,
lotion on her feet 5 times a day, and whenever she was in the room I could not rise above my knees. When she
wanted to watch TV, I would either be her footstool myself, on all fours, or I would put her feet on an ottoman as I
was on my knees before her, massaging and tending to her feet. I was to shine all her shoes twice daily, do her
laundry, iron her clothes, clean her apartment and clean her kitchen and bathroom floors with a toothbrush, wash
out the tub before and after she took a bath, fan her and rub her feet at night as she slept, wash and wax her car
twice a week, do all her homework for her, and when she had a reading assignment, I had to read it to her on my
knees as I massaged her feet. I addressed her as Perfect Mistress Kristin. In addition to all this, I worked at a
local video store, and when the pay check guessed went to Kristin. She used the money to buy more
clothes and shoes for me to tend to, and buy herself whatever she pleased. She did own me for four years of my life.
Everyday I waited on her literally hand and foot. She had the best life. She had a slave to wait on her, do her
homework, and give her money so she could spend her afternoons shopping and sunbathing while her slave was at
home shining her shoes or cleaning the tub for her bath or fixing her dinner.
I did envy her some...all play and no work. She didn't seem to mind..and she thought nothing of me, her friend for
three years, on the floor licking the bottoms of her feet. She once told me as I massaged her feet and sucked her
toes that she knew from the start that this was all I would ever be good be her slave. She said I wasn't good
enough to be her friend, however I was good enough to kiss her feet and shine her shoes.
I remained in Kristin's service for the rest of my college days..and sometimes when we're home at the same time,
she calls me over to "reflect on the good times." This means mistress/slave all over again. I can't complain though.
I actually did enjoy it. She worked my little butt off so she didn't have to lift a finger. I'd have to say that's pretty
Part II
As you all may recall, from 1993-1997, my 4 years in college, I was a slave to my mistress, Kristin. Well, believe it
or not less than a week after I posted my story about my experiences with Kristin, I received a call from her.
Here's what happened as a result:
Kristin called me from her cell phone and said that she was about 2 blocks from my house. She told me to stop what
I was doing and meet her outside my house when she arrived. I complied, because I have never disobeyed Kristin,
and I met her outside. She pulled up in her brand new 1998 Camaro, which made me feel kinda bad because my car
is a heap from the early 80's. She said "get in, I need to talk to you." I noticed that Kristin, as usual, was looking
perfect. She had on a silver dress, with silver nail polish and gold jewellery. She was so fine! She had on black
strapped sandals, and, as usual, her feet were perfect. As you may recall, Kristin's feet never looked like she had
even walked on them. Of course, 4 years of daily pampering from her slave hadn't hurt much either. I asked her
what was going on..she said.."well, I hope you didn't have any plans for the weekend..because if you did, they just
changed." Kristin said "I need you this weekend, I'm having a group of the girls I work with over to stay at my
house, kind of a "executive retreat." They're all early 20's, gorgeous, ambitious, and very much in charge. You,
Mike, will be our slave for the weekend. I've already told them all about you..and they've prepared a few chores
for you to tend to. Think about it Mike, 60 toes for you to worship, 12 feet to kneel to and kiss..6 asses to kiss, 6
cars for you to wash, and who knows how many shoes to shine and outfits to iron! You'll be in heaven slaveboy!"
Well, by the time she finished explaining we were at her house. When we pulled up I saw five other cars out
front..and five other gorgeous women lounging in bikini's by the pool. We went through the back gate, and when we
entered Kristin said cooly "the property's here!" The girls clapped and yelled and hooped and hollered and the first
one I met, Amber, a redhead said to me "hello my little dog! Down boy, on all fours at Amber's a good
slave boy." I felt so degraded, but, I complied. Amber put her feet on the top of my head and said "Mike, I hope
you're not too tired already. I've got lots for you to do. I sure do need a pedicure, a massage, lotion, my shoes
shined, my toes sucked, all my laundry done, my car washed and waxed, and oh yes, after I use the restroom you
are to wipe my ass and give it a kiss. You can do the same for my co-workers here." The girls just laughed.
Stephanie, a knockout blond, stood and went over to a muddy flower bed by the pool, and drug her exquisite foot
across the mud, getting her foot quite muddy. She then said "here boy..slaveboy I'm calling you." I went over to
Stephanie and she extended her muddy foot to me. saying "lick it clean." I complied immediately. Well, as you can
imagine, I had an interesting weekend. Toe sucking, pedicures for sixty toes, twice daily, that's 120 toes a day! I
didn't sleep at all. I fixed them drinks, shined their shoes, kissed their feet, served them meals by the pool on all
fours, and addressed them all as Mistress. Of course, Kristin loved all this, and kept telling me about how nice it
was to have her slave back. Suddenly her eyes sparkled and said you know, why don't you just resume your
former job and reclaim your rightful place in life at my feet where you belong? Yes, that's what we'll do! You're my
slave again! I can't imagine whatever made me decide to give you up? I mentioned that I have a 8-5 job and an
apartment. Kristin said as far as the apartment went, I had to give it up, and as far as the job, to keep it. Of course,
the entire salary went to her. She told me that I wouldn't need it..since I would be living in her place. Actually, in
her cold, dark basement. I resumed all my old duties and for that weekend, had five other mistresses to attend to.
What a weekend! And now, I'm back in Kristin's power. At Perfect Mistress Kristin's feet, where I belong.
Part III
As you may remember when I went to college in 1993 I became a slave to my Mistress, Kristin. I continued in my
service to her and to her feet until I finished in 1997. Then, as you may also remember, I was once again back in
her service soon thereafter when she used me a her slaveboy for her and her friends one weekend last summer,
and I was working for her thereafter. I don't believe some people would really believe how much foot fetish there is
in the world and how much domination/submission (and sometimes slavery) that can produce. It happens. Now
sometimes people may get a little carried away with their fetish stories, but trust me, I don't get carried away with
mine. Perfect Mistress Kristin is is my service to her.
Anyway, let me continue with what has happened since I last wrote. I spent this summer at the beach, I had two
jobs. I worked as a gas station attendant from 8am to 3pm, and then at a local all night diner from 11pm to 4am. Ok,
think about that work. I averaged 3 hours of sleep per day. Why did I do all this. Because I needed money. No,
actually, she needed money, Perfect Mistress Kristin. Kristin decided she wanted to live at the beach this summer.
Well, renting a cottage is expensive, so I had to raise the funds to do it. I worked 14 hours a day this summer to
pay for Kristin's beach cottage. I spent the rest of my day on my true job, waiting hand and foot on Mistress
It is beneath Mistress Kristin to actually do any work, so while I worked all day she laid out on the beach, sunning
herself, or she went shopping, or out to lunch with her friends, or she napped, or just lounged around. When I came
in from my job at 4 am I would get busy as she slept preparing her breakfast and her lunch before I left for my
other job.
Let me tell you about a typical day this summer and the attitude of Mistress Kristin lately. My mistress is an early
riser, usually about 6:30 am. So about 5am I would get busy in the kitchen preparing whatever I thought she may
want for breakfast. She never told me the night before what she may want so I got in the habit of preparing a buffet
style breakfast everyday with everything Mistress Kristin may desire. This was done by about 6. About that time I
went quietly into Mistress Kristin's room and lightly began to massage her feet so when she awoke, I would be
down at her feet massaging them. After she awoke I would lay down on the floor face up and she would step on me
as she got out of bed so her perfect feet wouldn't have to step on the cold floor. I would follow her to the restroom,
and after she went, she would bend over the sink for me to wipe her ass and give it a little kiss before she had
breakfast. I always served her breakfast out on the patio by the pool. She laid out in her bathing suit and ate her
breakfast as I served her. She allowed me to massage her feet as she ate and she also wanted her toes sucked as
she ate. When she was done, I went and drew her bath for her. I bathed her as she lay there, sipping wine and
listening to classical music. I'd lick the soap off her toes (which tasted so sour) and when she was out of the tub she
liked to watch me drink a glass of her dirty bathwater. Yes, it sounds kinda gross maybe, but it was another one of
her ways of reminding me that she owned me. Later I would carry all her things down to the beach for her so after I
went to work she could spend her day in luxury. I'd go to work and slave away only to give every penny of my
pay check to her for her to spend. This money paid for the beach house, her food, drinks, clothes, and shoes. I didn't
get to sleep in the house, I slept in the car (when I did sleep) When I ate it was usually anything she had left on her
plate (her scraps) I worked all day at a gas station and then all night at a greasy spoon diner so she would be able
to lounge in the sun all day. When I was at the cottage my duties still consisted of her daily pedicure, shoe shine,
feet rubs, toe sucking, licking her feet, and since we were at the beach, licking the sand and salt off her feet and
from between her toes. She made me swallow all the sand. She would sit there with those fantastic tanned legs
crossed and laugh as she watched me licking and eating the sand and dirt off her feet. She'd say "you're such a worthless little slave dog...aren't you ashamed of yourself. It must be hard to be so ashamed yet at the
same time be so in love with being my footstool, my slave." One day I had the day off so we spent the day on the
beach. It was a secluded area so none really saw what was going on. Yet if they had they would have saw me, on
my knees in the very hot sand, massaging Mistress Kristin's feet as she lay on her comfortable chair. I'd put
tanning oil all over her body, fan her, fix her mixed drinks, and serve her in everyway I could. Mistress Kristin
wouldn't allow me to wear sunscreen or a shirt, so I burned and blistered badly. She said to go bathe in the
saltwater. that would "heal those blisters." She just laughed as I made my way down to the water and felt the
excruciating pain of the salt water on my blisters.
When that was over she told me to carry her things back up to the house and for me to get ready to give her her
daily pedicure. She once again worked my ass life was hell, hers was heaven. Her feet are silky soft, her
toenails perfect, just like her life. She doesn't do anything for herself..why should she? She has me to wait on her.
Who could have known back in 1991 when that sweet looking beautiful brunette moved in next door that I would
soon be her slaveboy for God knows how long. You may be thinking..this is so could this happen? Let
me sum it up. Kristin is a beautiful twentysomething white woman with fabulous feet and toes. She's rich and
spoiled..and she has me for a slave. Her feet are cared for like the precious gems they are. I really don't mind
being hers at all. Foot fetish is an interesting thing. Many people don't or wouldn't understand. But for those of you
out there who the men and women of the world who can't stop eyeing an attractive girls foot..wanting to touch
it, caress it, kiss it, suck it, smell it, lick it and pamper it..providing that girl with ultimate pleasure..I
understand..I'm definitly one of you.
Mesmerized article written on this blog with other relevant information. It is straight to the point that how we can improve our skills as well as how we can be represented to a new stream of professionalism.