The Bitch Of Channel 6
by Amber K
Sid was geared up for the best summer of his life. His dream to work at a television station, especially in broadcast news, seemed to be coming true. I might not seem like much of dream to some, but to Sid it was everything. He’d been obsessed with the idea ever since his fifth grade class took a tour of the Channel 6 studio. With much whining and conniving, Sid convinced the station manager to let him work on a volunteer basis over the summer for experience. Sid was only 16, but he felt he had finally made it … with or without pay! Things would have been great if it hadn’t been for Stephanie Parks.
Stephanie Parks was the star anchorwoman for Channel 6 news. She was the peoples’ choice. Dark, wavy hair, aristocratic features, ample breasts, long legs and of course her flawless, authoritative news voice. She strode through the Channel 6 building as if she owed the place … which wasn’t far from the truth. Being short for his age and rather on the quiet side, Sid was intimidated by Mrs. Parks from the beginning. Her no-nonsense attitude and mature good looks, coupled with her impressive height of 6’1", was more than enough to paint quite an imposing picture for young Sid. Parks was far from unaware of the power she held at Channel 6 and used her advantage to extremes. She was a force to be reckoned with.
It wasn’t long before Sid loathed the woman and avoided her at all costs. Every time Parks would lay eyes on poor Sid, she’d find some reason to have him of and running on some inane errand. Whether it be fetching her a cup of coffee, or a snack from the lounge or any other lame thing she could think of, it was always degrading. Each command was given with a condescending smirk that put Sid’s teeth on edge.
Of course Sid would never dare complain about Stephanie. Everyone at Channel 6 either loved, hated or feared her … and sometimes a little bit of all three. Sid overhead numerous women at the station, mostly the secretarial staff, complaining jealously about Stephanie’s seemingly perpetual good looks as she crept into her late forties. "Little Miss Perfect-Parks and Dick Clark must be related," he heard one over-weight receptionist remark, "you’d have to stare for an hour to find a wrinkle! And her bra has to be made of solid steel to hold those melons of hers’ up. I bet they sag to her ankles by now!" The rest of the hushed conversation faded as Sid made a quick exit before he was spotted eavesdropping.
After a full summer of enduring janitorial duties and Stephanie Parks’ endless errands, Sid was finally promoted to grip on the evening news. His parents allowed him to work after school and on weekends, as long as his homework was done. Stephanie Parks was on assignment in Cuba when Sid gleefully took on the new responsibilities. By the time she returned to Channel 6, Sid was already well aquatinted with the inner workings of the studio proper, more self confident and less willing to be bossed around by Little Miss Perfect-Parks … at least that’s what he’d told himself the moment before she marched onto the news set clipping her lavaliere mic to her lapel.
Surprisingly, Stephanie’s skin was still cream colored as opposed to the dark tan Sid expected to see as a result of her time in the desert. She still had the same air of unerring confidence … if not more so than when she’d left two months prior. As usual she was dressed smartly in a matching two piece suit jacket and skirt. Her long, shapely legs were covered in pale white stockings ending in an expensive looking pair of leather heels. After taking her seat behind the news desk, she shuffled her copy and waited for the air count.
Sid had long since lost count of the nightly news segments on which he had worked, yet he still suffered from a nervous stomach as the news director counted down from 5 to 3, miming the last two beats of 2 and 1, before pointing to the anchors. Sid would watch the spinning Channel 6 News logo on the monitor above his head, hearing the announcer’s voice piped through the sound system and feel like he was in a dream. He was never able to keep the grin from his face knowing he was finally here … really doing it! Of course this time was no exception. Smiling like an oaf, Sid looked to the News desk the moment before the lights came up and camera 2 went live, its clear plastic dome glowing a dull red. Stephanie Parks was looking directly at him. That infuriatingly condescending smirk was in fine form. Sid’s smile immediately disappeared. Like magic, Stephanie’s smirk transformed into her award wining smile on queue … and tonight’s segment was underway.
Sid was busy following hand signals from the director and camera crew. He scampered here and there, untangling cords, fetching clip boards and assisting the lighting tech. Soon he was lost in the world of live TV. The first commercial break hit and the studio lights dimmed. The makeup and hair department appeared, seemingly out of nowhere, to administer their beautification to Don Marks (sports), Chuck Clemens (Weather), Steve Thomas (news anchorman) and finally Stephanie Parks (professional bitch). A few of the women tittered nervously and said Stephanie was perfect as always … she hardly ever needed a touch-up. The director called out "One minute people!". The hair and make-up department melted away as efficiently as they had materialized and the next segment began.
As soon as the second commercial break began, Craig Lopez, assistant news director, hustled out of the booth and came straight for Sid. "Mrs. Parks is having a problem with her mic … she started cutting out on that last bit and I had to transfer feed to the boom. See if you can find the problem … switch mics if you have to … you got two minutes, thirty seconds kid … do your stuff."
Sid grinned maniacally at Craig and tore ass towards the News Desk. The hair and make-up girls were back fussing over the news anchors as Sid stepped up on the stage.
"Oh hello, Stan," Stephanie purred. She alternated between Stan and Steve, never once calling him Sid. Sid had the feeling she knew damn well what his name was … because of that, he decidedly never made a fool out of himself by repeatedly correcting her. That would only play along with her "I’m too important to know you" game. "We’ve got a problem with your mic, Mrs. Parks," Sid said, trying to sound professional.
"Oh, we do, do we!" she said with mock alarm.
Deciding he didn’t really have the time to engage in her shenanigans, Sid ducked under the news desk and began to hunt for the lavaliere connection. Everything looked OK. Sid figured it was probably a short. Craig’s voice came over the studio intercom, "Lets get a count Mrs. Parks." Stephanie began to repeat "test, test, 1,2,1,2 Welcome to the 6 O’clock News" as Sid ran his fingers over the cord, pinching as he went. Finally he felt a slight kink in the cable and ran his fingers back over the trouble spot. Craig’s hollow sounding voice came back over the intercom, "that’s it kid, I think you got it." Sid let go of the cable, "Ohwp … we lost it again," Craig’s voice declared.
"One minute people!"
"Shit!" Sid whispered. There wasn’t enough time to find another cable … he’d wasted too much time already.
"I guess you’ll have to stay down there and "pinch it" for me, Steve." Sid looked up and saw Stephanie leering down at him with her typical shitty grin.
"In 5, 4, 3,-,- …" Sid’s stomach did a flip. He kept his hand as steady as possible on the cable. All he and to do was wait until they went to tape. Then he could hustle out and find a new cable before they went back to the News Desk. Stephanie was the first one up. Sid began to sweat. What if he total zilched the cable and caused some heinous feedback or something horrible! Unconsciously Sid glanced over at her legs which were only inches away. Sid could actually see up her skirt. The stockings ended mid thigh, from there lacey, white garters traveled the rest of the way to her hips. For a brief moment Sid could swear he saw her privates before she shifted her legs. He wasn’t sure if it was possible, it not only appeared that she was not wearing any underwear … but her pussy looked like it was shaved bald! For a moment the bitter irony dawned on him: how many male, or female for the matter, viewers would kill to be where he was right now … looking up the skirt of the famous Stephanie Parks. The funny things was … there weren’t too many people on the planet that Sid could imagine hating more.
Don Marks added a few comments on the upcoming s
ports segment and Sid used the opportunity to shift a bit, finally laying on his side to alleviate a cramp that was starting in his thigh. Sid’s mind was struggling with whether it was normal for him to be turned on from seeing Stephanie Parks’ pussy. It took a moment for the realization to sink in, but he was definitely becoming a bit aroused. After all, he hated the bitch … but one must remember that Sid was 16 and hormonal as hell. After a few moments visual contemplation of her exposed legs and the memory of the fleeting glance at her goods, Sid’s pants began to tighten uncomfortably.
By now Steve Thomas had finished his intro. Stephanie immediately launched into a report of more terrorist suicide-bombings in the middle east. As usual, her anchorwoman voice flew flawlessly, never missing a beat from the teleprompter. Sid was still staring at her legs, twisting his hips to accommodate the swollen member pushing painfully against his jeans, when on of Stephanie’s feet lifted from the floor. Her voice continued on smoothly as the foot began to jiggle back and forth. The pricey looking high-heeled shoe slipped off her wiggling foot and fell to the floor landing beneath Sid’s face. The stench assaulted him instantaneously. It was disgusting. A foul effluvium of foot stink poured from the leather shoe, choking Sid with its reeking fumes. He wanted to wave the rank odor away, or better yet, toss the shoe, but both of his hands were clutching the cable. He tried to nudge the thing with his chin, but the burning fumes slithered up his nostrils the moment his face was close to the shoes’ opening. Even in the semi-darkness beneath the News Desk, Sid could see beads of perspiration clinging to the interior of the nasty smelling shoe.
Having to endure the wretched stench of Stephanie’s shoe seemed to last an eternity … then the next shoe clunked down beside the first. Sid’s eyes snapped to the now uncovered feet only inches away. For the first time, Sid realized just how large Stephanie’s feet were. Seeing them on their own, in such a disembodied way, not supporting the six foot frame of their owner, definitely lent perspective to their actual size. He glanced back into the shoe and confirmed his suspicions. The numeral "11" was emblazoned in gold on the insole. Stephanie began to flex her toes and rotate her ankles. The horrible aroma of those awful feet bombarded Sid’s senses. Their swampy odor soon had his eyes watering, yet no matter how revolted he was, Sid was unable to tear his eyes away from the writhing feet. It was as if he were hypnotized. He just couldn’t grasp how a woman with such a polished appearance could have feet that smelled so fucking bad!
Sid had never been one to pay overt attention to women’s feet, but the longer he stared, he found himself with a lack of surprise … yep, just like the rest of her, even Stephanie Parks’ feet were pretty. Sure they were big, but they were proportioned in such a way to make that irrelevant. Her toes were rather long, yet chubby. Her big toe in particular was very fat at the end. Her toe nails were immaculately trimmed and painted a powder blue, a color barely visible through the white stockings. High arches and a broad pad … yep, they were perfect looking feet to match the rest of her body. The only thing was that they happened to smell ungodly.

"Now we go on location to Nancy Chow in Cairo," Steve Thomas announced. Finally! Sid almost laughed with relief. Escape was within sight! I’ll duck out as soon as they switch to the live feed! "It seems we’re having technical delays," Steve Thomas continued, "we’ll come back to Nancy in a moment." NO!!! Sid couldn’t take much more … he had to get away from Stephanie Parks’ feet before he passed out or threw up, which ever came first!
Now the toes were working overtime … spreading wide and allowing his nose to slip between them, the sheer material of the stockings stretched around his nose as it sunk into her toe cleavage where new valleys of stench awaited. Soon both feet were pressed over his face, their length covering him from chin to brow. Even breathing through his mouth was useless … he could taste the smell on his tongue with each shuddering breath. Sid fought for air but found nothing but the pungent aroma of her stinky feet. How long would this segment go on? Sid had never hoped for a commercial break so bad in his life.
The rank feet were soon sensuously rubbing back and forth over his face … the toes seemingly exploring each contour of his features, concentrating mostly around his nose. He was now damp with the smelly sweat of her perspiring feet … it was pure agony! The feeling of humiliation was profound … even for a 16 year old. How could she do this to me? How could she be so cruel? His thoughts were answered by further probing of her insistent and noxious feet and toes.
"Well, that concludes tonight’s edition of the 6 o’clock news … join us at 11 for more news and sports from around the globe," Steve’s smarmy voice was music to Sid’s ears. The second the studio lights faded, Sid pushed the offensive feet away and darted from beneath the desk. The other anchormen jumped in surprise, apparently haven forgotten he was still under there.
As he ran from the news room, Sid could hear Stephanie giggling to Don, "He’s so sweet … that little Stanley boy decided to give me a bit of a foot massage while he was under there … what a dear!"
The Following day Sid found every way he could think of to avoid Mrs. Parks. If he saw her coming, or better yet, heard her voice from around a corner, he would quickly duck into the next available hiding space. Once he found himself stuck behind a concession machine while she had a ten minute conversation with the station manager about her next trip to Cuba.
It was 4pm and Sid was finally nearing the end of his day. His nerves were completely shot from the cat and mouse game and it was no surprise that he jumped when he heard his name called. His face visibly pale, Sid turned to see the station manager, Mr. Simms briskly walking towards him.
"I'm glad I caught you before you went home. I just got off the phone with Stephanie Parks. It seems she's taken a real shine to you, kid."
Sid blushed thinking of those huge, perfect looking feet that smelled like doom. But mostly he felt the deep seated humiliation of being forced to smell the woman’s feet. He knew it was an ordeal he would be hard pressed to forget. Mr. Simms didn't seem to notice Sid’s pallor nor his discomfort at the mention of the anchorwoman’s name.
"Believe it or not, she's actually requested for you to be her personal assistant whenever she's stateside. I told her you were a bit young … but she says she won’t work you too hard. You didn’t hear it from me … but I got the feeling she’s gonna pay you under the table … at least until you’re old enough to be on payroll."
Sid felt his stomach sink. This time Simms caught the look of disquiet on the boy’s face.
"Hey kid, this is a big break! All you've done since the moment you bullied your way into my office is talk about how much you want to work in the broadcast field ... this is your ticket, Sid. The next best thing would be working on Connie Chung’s team or something. I know Steph is a bit on the bossy side, but she means well. Just do as she says and you'll shine, kid. It'd be a hell of reference and I can't tell you how much experience you'll get." Simms was expecting surprise, but not this look of downright horror. Maybe he's just in shock, he thought. "Well ... why don't you run down to her dressing room. She wants you to start tomorrow ..." Still that look of blind terror. "Honestly, kid, I don't get you. Most people would be jumping all over this."
Sid watched in mute panic as Mr. Simms marched indignantly down the hall. How could he have said anything? Stephanie Parks was the golden goose at Channel 6. Her pay was astronomical just to keep her from jumping ship to another station. How was a dumb kid like Sid going to accuse her of something like .... well, something like what happened. They'd laugh him out of the station. His dreams would be shattered. God, how he hated Stephanie Parks! She was ruining everything!
Sid walked as slowly as he could down to the third floor. He scowled vehemently at every huge portrait of Mrs. Parks he passed. It’d never really occurred to him how many posters there actually were. It seemed every where he turned, there she was, that all knowing smile beaming down at him. Sid was so lost in thought he nearly walked right past Stephanie Parks private dressing room.
He hovered outside the door listening. Maybe he'd missed her. Maybe she'd already gone home! He raised his hand to knock when a clear voice from within said: "Come in ..." Sid again went pale, but turned the handle and walked inside. He'd never been in here before, but he wasn't surprised at the decor. It was swanky to say the least. No wonder she had such a big head. Sid figured if he got this kind of first rate treatment it wouldn't be long before he was looking down his nose at people too.
Mrs. Parks was sitting in a swivel chair doing her make-up. It was a much more toned down version compared to her on-air face. She was adding the finishing touches to her lip gloss as Sid came in. "Take a seat." Sid tried to march angrily to the sofa on the other side of the room ... but he was surprised to find his own mouth opening and responding, "Yes, ma'am." She didn't even bother to look at him as he sheepishly made his way to the overstuffed sofa.
"So," she began, still not bothering to look in his direction, "you have a big day tomorrow. Lots to do, but I'm sure you're up to it. You'll find an itinerary on the table in front of you ... " Sid looked down to see a gray binder ... "Its very important that you stick to the timetable. There isn't a lot of room for mistakes. We're always working against the clock. You'll find a pager on the table as well. Keep that with you. I need you to be available to me at all times ... got it?"
Again Sid said, "Yes, ma'am." What the hell was going on? He'd expected plenty of things, but certainly not this. Was she serious? Was he actually going to be her assistant. It didn't seem possible. Was this really the "big break" Mr. Simms claimed it to be?
"Still with me, Sid?" Sid's belly fluttered. It was the first time she'd gotten his name right. he couldn't help but smile. Then his mind leapt to the stench of her feet and the smile was quickly tempered with unease. How was she getting to him like this. It was as if she had him completely cowed. Then it finally dawned on him why he'd always been uncomfortable around her. She'd owned him the moment he saw her. Granted, she was gorgeous, but she exuded such a domineering force that he was teetering on the verge of total slavedom every time she so much as looked at him. What else could explain all the "yes, ma'am," stuff ... even when he totally despised her. Could he really be controlled so readily by someone he hated so much? It didn't make much sense, but Sid had to admit that he practically melted when she called him by his true name.
"Sid?" she had turned around in her chair and was facing him for the first time.
"Yes, ma'am. Still with you."
"Good boy." She spun back to the mirror as she started on her eye-liner. "Please open the binder. You should find a note pad and pen inside ... you'll need to take notes. Get used to it. It'll become habit eventually ... I don't wish to waste my time reminding you when you should jot something down, but this time I'm letting you know before hand."
Sid scribbled with his pen ... a rather fancy looking pen at that ... trying to keep up with everything Mrs. Parks said. She rattled off lists of things to do outside the itinerary, places to go and people to call. Soon Sid's head was spinning.
"Still with me?"
"Yes, ma'am." And she was off again.
Only ten minutes had passed but Sid felt emotionally exhausted. He'd only just realized the power this horrible woman seemed to have over him, but not the time to organize his thoughts on the matter. He kept thinking, when's the hammer going to fall? And then it did.
"Now," she said with a leer as she once again spun to face him, "since we have all of that out of the way ... " Sid watched with rising revulsion as she hooked the toe of one shoe behind the heel of the other and kicked it to the floor. The other shoe followed. Now both feet were visible, this time covered in tan nylons that sparkled with sweat. The stench of her abominable feet slowly crept towards Sid even though he was at least five feet away.
"You now belong to me, little doggie. I've watched you for some time now. I know you're ambitious and I know you want to climb the ladder, yes? Well, I've done you a huge service, you've just skipped at least a dozen rungs. With my recommendation, in a few years, you can slip into just about any slot. Camera man, director, anchorman ... you name it and I'll groom you, doggie. But first you have to learn to fetch. You jump when I say jump ... and you sniff …" she raised her large, shapely foot menacingly before lowing it back to the floor, " …when I say sniff. Got it, little doggie?"
Sid was speechless. There was no "Yes, ma'am" coming this time. He was in shock. Was she nuts? What the hell was going on?
"Of course," she said with a sinister leer, "there's the door. You can walk out any time you want. Although, as cliche as it may sound, I'll make sure you never work in this business again. Understood? Crystal? Good. Now ... choose wisely."
Sid tried to speak but found his mouth dry and devoid of saliva. What came out was a pitiful whimper followed by an incredibly undignified croak. Mrs. Parks smile only deepened as she watched him struggle with the situation. Finally Sid was able to hiss out a dry rasp, "Why?"
"Pardon me?" she said with eyebrows quizzically raised.
"Why are you doing this ... why me?" he finally managed.
Suddenly she was all business, "For starters, young man, I'm good at reading people. I can see that you are more than capable to be my assistant. You're a hard worker, polite, clean and well groomed, and willing to learn. Most of all you have that ambitious streak I mentioned earlier that's a necessity if you ever want to go anywhere in broadcast news," her face seemed to undergo a transformation ... that leering, lecherous look returned as she continued, "I also think you're very cute. Ever heard of a 'casting couch'? Well, just think of the one you're sitting on as a euphemism made real. I've long tired of torturing my husband with my feet. It seems he's actually beginning to like it and that's just not what I need. But you ..., " for a moment her eyes became unfocused and dreamy, "you truly suffered. I could feel your face contorting with each painful sniff … your nostrils flaring beneath my toes ... your mouth turning down in utter revulsion and humiliation," Mrs. Parks shuddered, her face flushed. "I want you, Sidney. I want to own you."
How does one respond to that? Sid was finding it hard to breathe. His heart was hammering in his chest. It was the lady or the tiger ... which door to choose. Going into the insurance business with his old man or attaining his life long dream. This woman held the keys to his ambitions and goals!
"Time to decide, little doggie, am I to take you under my wing, or cast you out? Time to choose."
Sid's mouth still felt like the Sahara Desert but he croaked out an answer nonetheless ... "I'd like to be your assistant, Mrs. Parks ... thank you."
Her face bloomed into that famous, award wining smile and Sid felt his stomach flutter again. "I told you I could read people," she said smugly.
Sid began to take his leave, still unsure what he had just signed up for. It was like making a deal with the devil.
"Tut, tut, tut, little doggie. I didn't say we were finished. I'd like to get a good look at what I just purchased. Strip, please."
"W-what," Sid stammered.
"Strip ... take those clothes off."
"But … w-what if someone … "
"What if someone comes in?" she finished for him, "Don't worry, I don't think anyone will come in ... if you're lucky. And don’t worry about my reputation being tarnished on the off chance of someone does see you naked in my dressing room … you’d be amazed at how a simple word like ‘rape’ can explain a situation instantly." Her grin deepened.
Sid realized he was deeper in shock than he had at first thought. He was already unbuttoning his shirt with numb fingers before he realized he was doing it. Shaking like a leaf, he removed his over-shirt, T-shirt, jeans, socks and shoes. He stood there feeling foolish in his underwear ... his face turning bright red.
"I said strip, doggie ... not pose for a boxer-briefs add."
Sid squeezed his eyes shut and pulled down his underwear. He could feel his face going a deeper crimson and knew she was loving every minute of his humiliation.
"Mmmm," she purred, "I caught a big one, didn't I."
Sid opened his eyes to mere slits. She was starring at his penis with the look of a hungry lioness. As Sid was quickly getting used to, her voice became cold and businesslike again.
Sid had to stop himself from stammering "w-what" again. It was stupid to make her repeat it. He’d heard her the first time whether he could believe she said it or not. Taking his cock in hand, he kneaded the flaccid flesh.
"Look at me, little doggie."
Sid opened his eyes all the way. Slowly she opened her blouse revealing two glorious orbs of flesh held at bay by a lacy, black bra. With a snap, the bra sprang open releasing the mammoth D-cup breasts which bounced seductively. Obviously the fat secretary was wrong as she could have been. The breasts were anything but saggy. The areolas where a light tan, about the size of silver dollars, the nipples perky and hard like twin bullets. Mrs. Parks traced her fingers along the under side of both breast, heaved their weight in the palms of her hands and tweaked the nipples before relinquishing them to stand alone. Mrs. Parks then arched her back, jutting her chest out extravagantly, punctuating the movement with a salacious lick of her glistening, frosted lips.
Sid’s cock sprang to attention. Eight inches stood out like a flag pole on its side. He took the thick tool in hand and began to rub it, all the while transfixed on her heaving chest.
"That’s it doggie, jack that cock … show me what it can do."
Sid’s eyes trailed down from her elegant neck to the titanic tits and then down to her flat and toned tummy. He wondered how many TV viewers would kill to see what he was seeing … this was a lot better than peeking up her skirt. He jacked his cock faster, precum now glistening on the swollen head. The aroma of her feet still hung dauntingly in the air, but those tits were beyond words. It was obvious she knew just how to get to him.
"Down on the floor doggie. On your back."
Sid stumbled to the floor still pumping his cock … his eyes glued to her tits, unwilling to give up the view now that he had them in his sights. It was awkward, but he finally managed to lay down with his head towards her, still looking up. She now had the appearance of a giantess looming above … those cyclopean tits only intensifying the impression … and for some reason feeling so small beneath her made Sid even harder still. He watched in dumb amazement as she rolled her stockings down and finally pulled off her skirt. Indeed she was pantiless beneath and the answer to the question of her pubic hair, or lack there of, was finally put to rest. Not a hair could be seen adorning her pink and wet looking folds. Her clit was swollen and very inviting. Sid longed to suck it between his lips.
"Now, little doggie, I want you … to sniff … my stinky feet …" both bare feet were suddenly on his face. Sid’s body jerked convulsively, his gorge immediately rising. The first surprised sniff had filled his senses with the sharp, brutal odor of Mrs. Parks’ foul feet. His hand fell away from his cock. "Keep jacking your cock, you little bastard, I didn’t say you could stop!" She kicked his hand back towards his penis and Sid immediately resumed. "That’s it doggie. Goood boy. Now sniff."
Sid sniffed audibly. Another shiver of revulsion racked his body.
"Ooooo, yes … suffer beneath my feet," she said throatily. Then switching to her cold, austere business voice again … "Smell them. Smell my stinky feet. Smell those fucking things and suffer, doggie."
This time she merely rested her huge feet on his face, making Sid do all the work. There was no rubbing, but it was enough … there was no way to escape their powerful stench. Surprisingly, Sid was still able to maintain his erection, but he wasn’t sure for how long.
"Yes … that’s it, doggie … jack your meat and smell my feet," she said in a sing-song voice.
Sid’s mind reeled, but suddenly he realized … she really did own him now. Strangely the thought was unsettling and scary but somehow a relief. Sid was broken from his reverie: "I don’t hear you sniffing!" Sid took another loud sniff and was unable to suppress the shudder that came with sampling her horrid foot-smell.
"God, you hate smelling them don’t you?! You hate it! They stink don’t they? They’re very, very smelly! Keep sniffing. Yes … smell me. Smell my stinky, nasty feet! Oh yes, suffer!"
Sid could tell she was out of breath. Her feet had parted a bit in the center, and by craning his neck a bit, he was able to look between her arches. His effort was rewarded with a view of her furiously masturbating. She was utilizing both hands in a piston-like manner. Two fingers were pumping her rectum whilst three from the other hand were pounding away at her now dripping pussy. Her eyes flickered between his cock and her feet on his face … she caught him looking at her and she pressed down with her right foot obscuring herself from view.
"Make it cum, doggie. Make that nasty cock spit for me. Do it now."
Sid fixed the image of Mrs. Parks fucking herself in the blind frenzy he had just witnessed and soon felt the telltale tightening of his balls. Stinky feet or no, he was about to blow his wad in a big way. With a grunt, the first rope of cum shot upwards like a geyser.
"YES!" Mrs. Parks screamed.
Another gout of cum shot skyward, splashing down on Mrs. Parks ankles and feet. Sid’s body jerked up and down as he violently milked the orgasm from his fat cock. It seemed to last forever, Sid couldn’t remember ever cuming so hard in his life. There seemed to be no end.
Finally the spasms subsided and the last of the pearly white jizzum was spit forth. Then the worst part of the entire experience began. Sid lay there, panting for breathe, completely exhausted and now drained of all sexual energy … but the feet remained. "This is the fun part," Mrs. Parks said, "You get to lay there and smell them until I let you up. They smell worse now don’t they."
It was hard to believe, but somehow her feet did smell worse. He’d released all the sexual drive he had and with it went all of his endurance. Now there was nothing standing between him and those wretched feet. Nothing to cushion the offensive smell … nothing for his mind to center on … he was wiped clean. A total wreck. And that smell … oh god that horrible smell … it seemed to permeate his entire being. His sniffs became measured and deep … each one a shuddering, lancing torture … but a torture he knew he had to endure.
He lay there for the next twenty minutes, painfully subjected to Stephanie Parks’ feet. His arms were sprawled out on either side of him, limp and useless as was his once again flaccid cock. His cum drying on his chest and stomach, he felt utterly vulnerable and defenseless. Sid then felt her fingers on his nipples. She began to pinch and flick them with her long manicured nails until they were erect. Then taking a nipple with each hand, she began to pinch and twist them.
"How horrible they must smell … those dirty feet. Mmmmm … I knew you’d be perfect, doggie."
Part 2 could follow if you all think it is warranted.
Yes. A part 2 PLEASE!!!!!