The Smell of Defeat - by Foot_Guy
"Okay. See you then." I had just gotten off the phone with Tara, a girl I know from school. I had told her that I'd meet her at her gymnatics practice that evening, around 6:00. She was a friend of mine, from school. She had gone it with one of my good friends, and I hadn't talked to her much after they had broken up. Over the years we became better friends, and talked more and more. We had planned for me to meet her at the gym where she trained for cheerleading, and then we would go see a movie.
When I got there, I opened the door to see a very comfortable looking gym. Mats were spread out along the floor, with mirrors linning the wall. To my immediate left, was a rectangular trampoline, and off near another wall, there were some very comfy looking chairs and couches. There were about 7 or 8 girls in the room, all wearing a white power cheerleading shirt, small navy shorts that exposed lot's of leg and a pair of running shoes (naturally). I noticed that they all had on the same model of the same shoe. Each girl sported the same pair of white and blue (our school colours) "Avia" running shoes. It struck me as sort of odd, but I figured they had been sponsored by Avia Shoes.
Most of the girls there were my good friends from school. When Tessa saw me, she was the first to come running. I hadn't seen any of them since school ended, so I was anxious to hear how their summers were going. Tessa was a tall, curly haired girl. I had gone out with her for a while, but we stayed at an even friendship now. She immideately ran up and gave me a hug. Fiona, and Michelle were also there.
Fiona was about as tall as me, shorter brown hair, and a very nice body. Michelle was very tall, with long, shapely legs, and short brown hair. We started talking for a bit, before their cheerleading/gymnastics coach interrupted, as she had a class to teach. I apologized for causing a disturbance, not wanting to make any ennemies.
I went and sat down on one of the couches until their class was finished. I wasn't dissapointed or bored while I waited, I mean, any guy would have gladly sat and watched half a dozen very beautiful girls do gymnastics. They finished up with some stretches, and Tara walked up to me, saying she had to get changed, and would be out shortly so we could leave.
I talked some more with Tessa, Fiona, and Michelle, watching them play on the trampoline. :o) When Tara was done, I said goodbye to everybody. As I glanced at their coach, she was a short woman, maybe in her early 20's, and VERY athletic. She had strong legs, and a great body. Suddenly, a large grin started to appear on her face, as if she was hatching a scheme. I brushed it off, and me and Tara went to the movies.
I went to a few more of their practices, to see these lovely ladies workout, and because I would meet some of them there to go out afterwards. Everytime I saw the coach looking at me, she would still have the same grin on her face. I got more and more aprehensive about it, but still tried to ignore her.
One thursday night, I was supposed to meet Fiona at the gym, so we would go out afterwards. As I stepped in the room, everyone's head turned. I got this funny feeling in my stomach. Later I would realize it was my concience and I should've listened to it.
"Just who I was looking for" said Tracy, their cheerleading coach. "Wh- Who... me?" I studdered. "Chris? Was it? Well, that won't be your name anymore. At least not in MY gym. You know," she said, approaching me slowly, "we've been looking for a foot boy for a long time. Our last one dissapeared, and our feet are just aching for a new one." She was now standing right in front of me. "Well. Whatta' ya' say?" she continued, in a soft, comforting voice. "Well... I uhhh.... Uhmmm" was all I could muster out. And before I knew what hit me, my head hit the floor hard, 'causing me to black out for a second or two. When I opened my eyes, Tracy had my in a schoolgirl pin, and was calling to the other girls to come and help.
"Tessa, do you have the rope?" she asked "Yeah." Tessa responded. "Good, let's take off his clothes first." "Hey! What the fuck is going on?!" I shouted. About 5 or 6 girls leaped upon me like a pack of hienas, tearing and trashing at my clothes, until I had only my boxers left. "Fiona, help Tessa tie up his hands." They flipped me over onto my stomach, and Fiona held my wrists together behind my back, while Tessa weaved the rope around them. Then they bound my ankles together, and flipped me onto my back once again. I pulled at my restraints, but to the success of nothing. All the girls were standing around me now, as Tracy spoke. "From now on, you will be called slave, or footboy. You will adress all of us as Mistress. From now on, you are our little footboy, and if you don't comply, maybe we'll send a little present in the mail to some very important people." I had no idea what they were talking about, until Tara came back with a polaroid camera. She took a picture of me, bound and naked. "If this is some kind of sick joke..." I started "What would mummy and daddy think of this? Hmmm..." she said sarcastically. I have never felt so violated in my entire life.
"You know slave, we've gone for weeks now without a footboy to smell our stinky feet. I think that's a little too long. So, we're going to put you through a few little excersises." She paused for a second. "Alright, very funny, let's untie me now." I laughed, trying to call their bluff. "Wait. There's something wrong with this picture." I was trying to figure out what she was talking about. Then, she began to untie one of her workout sneakers. These weren't the same as the other girls. They were much older, and more worn. She slipped off one of her workout sneakers. As she was standing right by my face, a warm rush of air struck the side of my cheek when she removed the shoe. She then peeled off her sweaty sock. I knew what was coming. "Open wide." she said, in a low, demonic tone. "Oh, I get it. Your going to put a sock in my mouth. This is sort of fun." I joked "Open you're fucking mouth, or I will." I just sort of lied, sarcastically begging her not to go on. "Tara." she said, and nodded.
Tara was standing near my legs, and with that nod, she raised her right foot, placed it over my crotch, and very slowly started to apply some pressure. The wieght of her foot on my privates increased, until I howled in pain. My mouth opened to let out a scream, but before a sound escaped, Tracy had rammed the sweaty sock into my mouth, and covered it with a strip of duckt tape. "To make *sure* you breath through you're nose." she said, along with an evil laugh. It tasted sour, and fetid, but I had no choice. With that sock, the doubt in my mind that they were serious subsided extreemly rapidly.
She pulled up a chair, and placed it over me, so the legs of chair were around my torso. She then sat in the chair, and crossed her right leg over her left, with her left foot, by the left side of my face, so her bare foot was dangling inches from my nose. As she lowered her foot, the smell hit me. It was incredible! I almost gagged as the cheesy smell ran through my nostrils. I intuitively turned my head in disgust to try and breath some fresh air. They weren't actually going to make me do this!! "Tessa, hold his head." Tessa circled around, and sat behind my head.
She picked up my head, and wrapped her legs around it, placing her still sneaker clad feet on my stomach. I was trapped between her thighs, with nothing to see but a pink sole dangling inches away from me. "Tessa, why don't we show our little foot bitch what happens if he doesn't listen." Tracy said. I heard Tessa let out a giggle, and I saw her cross her ankles, and the muscles in her legs begin to felx. Slowly, I felt pressure being applied to either side on my head, as she squeezed me. I winced in pain, feeling like my head was getting smaller and smaller and tried to mumble out an apology, which was inefective, as my cries were muffled by the sweaty, foul tasting sock that Tracy had put in my mouth.
I felt like my head was going to pop between Tessa's powerful inner thighs. "Enough." I heard Tracy say. Tessa released the pressure on my head, but kept her ankles locked incase I decided to disobey them. While Tessa was squeezing me with her legs, Tracy had removed her other shoe and sock.
Her pink soles hovered lightly above my face. "You didn't think we were bluffing did you?!" she said witha laugh. She now placed both feet on my face, and it went dark. I could see nothing. Only smell. And what a smell it was. The odour went into my nostrils as she cupped her toes around my nose. I never knew a woman's feet could smell that strong. "It feels soooo good to have a worthless bitch smell your feet you know." I smelt Tracy's feet for a good ten minutes. I never realised how slowly time really could go. Finnally, she lifted her pink soles off of my face, and I thought to myself "Thank god, it's over!", but boy oh boy, was I wrong!
"Who's next?" Tracy asked. My heart sank into my stomach. I had a long practice ahead of me. "I think Tara should go!" I heard someone yell. Reluctantly, Tara made her way over and sat in the chair. Tara was very small. Only about 5'1 or 5'2. "I've been waiting for this for a very long time" she said, with a grin on her face. She pulled off her shoes, and peeled off her sweaty socks. "What do you think of my socks?" she asked, dangling one of them in front of my nose. I was disgusted by the smell, but had no choice, as Tessa's very powerful legs were still wrapped tightly around my face, ensuring that I smell their feet properly. "These are my favorite socks to wear to cheerleading, and I've been wearing them at every practice for about two weeks now," she said, leaning over to whisper "...without washing them." she finished, speaking very softly into my ear. Tara then stuck both of her cute little peds in my face. Of course, they didn't smell very cute.
The smell of sweaty feet, and old, moldy cheese invaded my nose once again, as she playfully ran her feet all around my face, wriggling her toes. After 5 minutes of smelling her feet, and Tara rubbing them all over my face, I was feeling light headed. "Your not smelling hard enough!" she snapped. "We'll make a good little footsniffer out of you yet. I've got an idea." Tara whispered to her friend, something I couldn't understand. Her friend left, and hurried back with a long portion of some string. Tara left the seat, and took the string. She fassened it to my cock and balls, looping it around almost proffessionally and then giving a large tug. I yelped at the pain that shot through my groin. "Perfect" she purred.
She handed the end of the rope to one of her friends, and sat back down in the chair, replacing her sweaty, raunchy feet in my face. I turned my head in disgust. Tessa caught me with her thighs and gave a rough squeeze. Tara stratejekly placed my nose under her disgusting smelling toes. "Sniff hard slave." I began to smell her feet. "Harder." she demanded. ANd I felt a tug on my balls. I immediately started inhaling as hard as I could. "That's better." she told me. Tara tortured me for a good ten or 15 minutes. If I began to slack off I was promptly put back in my place but a sharp pull on my cock and ball harness.
Next, BOTH Fiona AND Michelle sat in the chair, and removed their shoes and socks. I felt 4 feet and 20 little toes wandering my face. The smell was twice as bad, as there were twice as many feet to smell. "Oh! I've got a good idea." Said Fiona. She picked up her Avia running shoe, and placed one of her dirty gym socks inside. She held it upside down, and very slowly lowered it towards my face. As she eased the entrance of the shoe closer and closer to my nose, the smell began to reach me. It was not a happy smell. Suddenly she stopped. "Wait Fiona! Here, give it to me." I heard Michelle say, and the shoe was pulled away from my face. A rush of releif came over me, but would soon subside as I saw what it was that Michelle was doing. She losened the laces on the shoe, and widened the opening. "Boy, this thing really smells Fiona! I can't wait to see his reaction." She said, and handed it to Fiona. As the shoe very slowly started decending towards me, I struggled to break free. Tessa tightened her hold on me, and I reluctantly went still. I could see inside the shoe, and noticed the sweat stains, almost etched into the insole of the shoe. You could clearly see where Fiona's foot had been sitting while she worked out in the gym. The walls of the shoe were speckled in lint from her thick, cotton socks. The smell now started to reach my nose, and invaded my nostrils.
I heard the other girls laughing as they watched on, giggling at my reaction to the disgusting smell. The smell got stronger and stronger, until the opening of the shoe was now neatly fitted around my nose and mouth, with the toe of the shoe facing towards the top of my head. Michelle bent down, and took hold of the laces, pulling on them, until the shoe tightened around my nose and mouth, putting an almost seal around my face. Now every breath I took (through my nose of course, thanks to the sweaty sock still rammed in my mouth) would be contaminated with the rancid smell of Fiona's sweaty foot.
"I've had these shoes for a long time now my little bitch. I was on the track team, the volleyball team, AND the basketball team, and guess which pair of shoes I wore. Mmm Hmm. How does it smell?" She said, teasingly, knowing full well how much her shoes reeked of that oughful odour. "Take nice big breaths," said Michelle "I want to hear you sniffing!" I sniffed hard, squinting in disgust, and almost gagging at the horrible stench. It was thick and concentrated. The inside of the shoe felt damp around my face. "Yeah, that's right. You'll learn to like it." said Fiona.
After what seemed like life time of sniffing the inside of Fiona's shoe, Tessa released her legs from the head scissor I was trapped in, and stood up. When Fiona had finished, she stepped on my chest, and then onto the floor. Something which triggered an idea in Andrea's mind. Andrea was about 5'6 or 5'7, and maybe 120lbs. She was very good looking, and was not only on the cheerleading and track team, but the wrestling team too!! She walked over to me, and stood by my torso, as I tensed in fear at just the though of what she could do to me. "How do you think it would feel to have me walk all over you're chest?" she asked me. My heart sank into my stomach, and my face must have turned ghost white. "Oh that's right. It's hard to talk when you have a sweaty sock rammed down you're throat huh?. Well, don't worry. You're eyes tell me everything."
Andrea picked up the chair that was over top of me, and placed it aside. She walked back over to my midsection, and placed her right foot on my chest. I looked down to see she still had on her workout shoes, with thick white socks. She playfully ran her sneakered foot up and down my chest, making little circles with the sole of her shoe, to tease me, as I knew what was coming. She carefully slid her foot up along my stomach, past my chest, and rested her running shoe across my neck. She applied some pressure, pushing my throat down. I squinted in pain and my throat croaked from her choke. She released her foot, and put it back on my chest, but this time, stood up on it, and placed her other foot on me. She was now standing with both feet on me, stairing down.
"This is so much fun." She teased, walking up and down my chest. The pain was incredible, as she hopped up and down. "But I've got something that would make it THAT much MORE fun." She playfully hopped off my chest, and walked to the other side of the room where the couches were.
I turned my head to see what she was doing. A large pillar prevented me from seing what she was getting, but I noticed that all the girls had placed their bags and things in that area. I listened to hear rustling through bags. I heard her sit in one of the leather couches. After a most suspensful wait, she came back out from behind the pillar. She had her running shoes in one hand, and her dirty socks in the other. As my eyes lowered past her waist, and legs, I noticed that she was not in bare feet, but in a pair of very large high heeled boots. They were all brown leather boots, with zipper entry.
The sole of these shoes had a 2 inch platform, with a very wide, large heel, that was about 4 or 5 inches high. I had seen her wear these shoes before, but never did they look so dangerous. As she approaced me, the grin on her face got bigger. She stood beside me, with one foot by my head, and the other around my arm or shoulder.
Slowly, she raised the foot beside my head, and hovered it over my nose. "Don't worry. You'll be able to lick my sweet sole later. For now, I have something -else- planned..."
She lowered it, grazing the surface of my face with her sole. She moved it to the side of my face, and rubbed the soft leather toe of her boot along my cheek, and returned it to the floor. Then, she raised her other foot, and placed it over my neck, lowering it, so my throat was in the arch of her heel. I felt it around my neck, as she began to push harder and harder, until I barely had enough air to breathe. She released her hold, and stood up on my chest, with both feet. These shoes definetly hurt more than her workout shoes.
She walked up and down my chest, and mid section balancing herself. She would lean back on her heels, and twist them as I squeeled in pain. She would jump up and down on my chest, and grind her soles into me. The trampling continued for a good 5 or ten minutes, until Tessa came to intervene. It was her turn.
Fiona took Tessa's spot, wrapping her thighs around my head, and giving a playful little squeeze. I had no reaction. This time, she squeezed harder, and harder, until the pressure made my exhale a cry, like a little girl. "That's better. I like you like this slave." Fiona said, with her ankles locked, and her legs securely in a head scissor around my face. Tessa spoke. "I've been wearing the same pair of socks for about a week. And I've gone for long jogs, in the sweltering heat. As she removed her shoes, a rush of hot air erupted from them, and the smell invaded my nose, even from the distance they were at.
She didn't remove her socks though. Instead, she placed her stocking clad feet over my nose. The smell was like nothing I have ever experienced in my life. It was the strongest smelling odour I have ever encountered. I play hockey, and beleive me, the bags smell.
But at that moment, I would have rather stuck my head in a hockey bag, then smell the feet of Tessa. She playfully ran her moist feet all around my face. Half way through the torture, she removed her socks, and placed them on my nose, so that all the air I breath would be filtered through the dirty, sweaty, foul smelling sock. She forced me to take long deep breaths of her bare feet. "Smell those stinky feet you little bitch. You deserve it." she would taunt, with a laugh.
If I did not smell her feet to expectations, she would nod to Fiona. Her thighs would tighten around my neck like a snake killing it's prey, and I felt a simultaneus tug on my genitals. My head throbbed, and I felt dizzy from the smell. Tessa continued to punish me for well over ten minutes. Although it felt like an hour. She took my nose between her big toe and the one beside it, pinching my nose with her smelly feet. With the sock in my mouth and tape over my lips, I had no way of receiving air. I began to panic, trying madly to break free. Fiona gripped my head tighter than ever with her strong thighs, and Tessa kept my airway blocked with her toes.
I was running out of air, and almost blacking out from lack of oxygen. Finnally, Tessa let go of my nose, and I began panting... through my nose of course. That was the intent. She was forcing me to breath as hard as I could. Tessa's idea was extreemly effective. Not only did I inhale deeply, but as I exhaled, the heat from my breath only moistened her sweaty feet, making them worse and worse with every breath. Suddenly, she stopped. A large smile appeared on her face. face.
She had gotten an idea and I was frightened out of my mind. She left the chair, and placed a sock over my nose. I couldn't see where she went, as my periferal vision was blocked by Fiona's inner thighs. When she returned, she had in her hand, a pair of white canvas shoes, with platform all rubber soles, and a rubber toe cap. She had worn these almost every day during the spring at school, sometimes without socks. They were very dirty, and worn.
"Now, my little slut," she said, pulling the tape off my mouth, and taking out the drity sock, "don't think of this as a sign of mercy. That's not something I do. In fact, by the time I'm done with you, you'll be begging to make me stuff this oughful smelling sock back down your throat."
"First, what we're going to do, is try to get the toe of this shoe, to touch the back of you're throat." she said, pointing at the dirty rubber toe cap on her canvas shoe. "Do you understand?" She asked. "Uh huh." I said, nodding. "Excuse me?" She said, with authority in her voice. She nodded to Fiona, who flexed her legs, crushing my head between them. "Let's try this again. Now, are you ready?" "Yes Mistress Tessa." I said. "That's better. If you ever adress me as anything BUT Mistress, there won't be a next time. Now, open wide." I could only muster out whimpers, and cries for mercy. Begging for her not to continue. She turned and nodded at Tara, who was standing at my legs.
Tara lifted her bare foot, and placed it over my privates. Instead of going slowly, she brutally crushed my privates underfoot, and I holored in pain and agony. As my mouth flew open, Tessa quickly seized the oppertunity, and rammed the toe of her shoe into my mouth, and let me tell you, that is a LOT of shoe. It had about a 1 and a half, to 2 inch platform on it, and it's not an easy thing to fit into your mouth. With the shoe protruding from my mouth, Tessa held it in place, and picked up the other one, holding it by the heel. She placed the sole of the other shoe, against the back of the one that was in my mouth. She then lifted the shoe high into the air.
"Down the hatch." She brought it down hard and furiously. The shoe in my mouth acted as a chisel, and the one in Tessa's hand like a hammer. When she struck the shoe, I felt my mouth become more and more full... of rubber that is. She continued to hammer away at the shoe, attempting to get the tip to reach the back of my throat. I had the entire toe in my mouth... maybe a quarter of the shoe.
After she removed the shoe from my mouth, I was throbbing in pain. But she wasn't finished yet. She placed her bare feet over my face. "I want you to lick them clean. And if you miss a spot, I'll ram that shoe down your throat, and I WON'T stop until I get there." I began to lick her sweaty, dirty soles. Her feet tasted salty, and I swallowed chunks of dirt, and toe jam. After about ten minutes, I had finished both feet. "Let's see how well you did." Said Tessa, examining her beautiful feet. "Uh uh uhhhh... Our little bitch hasn't done an adequete job." she said. "What? N-, n-, no... please, I'm sorry, j-" I whimpered, pleading for mercy." "Now, what did I tell you?" she asked. "I specifically said, if you didn't clean my feet to expectations, I would ram this shoe down you're throat, did I not?" "Yes Mistress Tessa..." I mumbled, as I was extreemly scared.
"Next time, you'll do it right, won't you slave?" "Yes Mistress Tessa." I said. "Good. Now, I'm going to give you a choice. I can either hammer my dirty canvas shoe into you're mouth, or I can put you in a submission hold of my choice." "Please Mistress Tessa, don't do this, I'm sorry" I pleaded. "I'm giving you the choice. Pick now, or I'll do both!" she commanded. "Please no, I'm so sorry, just, please, no, don't" I continued to beg for mercy. "Fine. Both." she said. "Now...I've got an idea."
She flipped me over and untied my wrist restraints. Then, she stood over top of me, with one leg on each side of my body, facing my head. She picked up both my arms, putting each one in the fold where her leg meets her abdomen, while squatting, but putting her weight on my lower back. With my arms secured by her legs, I was suspended in a sort of crucifix postion with my amrs resting over legs. She then laced her fingers underneath my chin, and pulled up and back has hard as she could. The pain shot through me like lightning.
"How does that feel bitch? Now for the fun part. Fiona, get my shoes." she said. Fiona retreived the shoes that Tessa had forced me to suck on, and stood in front of me. "I want you to hammer them into his mouth like I did okay?" Tessa asked "Okay... this is going to be so much fun Chrissy. I like that name. It's a good little sissy name for you. Chrissy." "Stick out you're tongue." Fiona commanded me. I stuck out my tongue, and Fiona took the sole of the shoe, and ran it along the surface of my tongue. I gathered chunks of dirt, and mud from the sole of Tessa's worn in shoe. "And swallow..." she told me. I swallowed the disgusting mix of rubber and dirt.
"Mmm... how does it taste?" she asked. "I know you want more... maybe later. If I feel you've earned the right to lick filthy soles. Did I mention I have a pair of boots over by the couches that have mud all over the soles? I was going to clean them myself, but I figured why bother when not only do I NOT have to do any work, but I get to see a worthless peice of shit like you lick it clean!"
The torture was only beggining. Fiona finnally got on with my punishment, and placed the toe of the shoe in my mouth, working it just inside. She took hold of the other shoe as Tessa had before, raised it up in the air, and brought it down as fast and as hard as she could. The shoe exploded into my mouth almost causing me to gag. "That's right, you like that slave? How does the rubber taste?" Fiona teased. She continued to hammer away at the shoe, driving it into my mouth.
"That's deep enough for now," Tessa told her friend "I've got an idea." Tessa released her fingers from under my chin, only to wrap her right arm underneath it, so her hand was reaching towards her back, and my chin was fitted neatly in the back of her elbow. "Andrea showed me how to do this. She knows all the good submission holds." She pulled back HARD, attemting to bring her hand as far back as it would go. Straining, I struggled to no success. I could only lie there, with my back aching, Tessa pulling my head back, and a shoe sticking out of my mouth, hoping it would soon end.
Tessa finnally released her hold on me, but only so Fiona could bury the shoe deeper and deeper in my mouth. Fiona took hold of the other shoe, raised it high into the air, and brought it down furiously on the back of the heel of the shoe that was protruding from my mouth. More and more shoe began to fill my mouth. Tessa retook her hold on me, and again pulled back on my head, causing me incredible amounts of pain. She kept me in the camel clutch submission hold for a great period of time, constantly releasing my head, so that Fiona could re insert the shoe, further and further into my mouth. My jaw ached.
Once again, Tessa had released my head. Fiona did the usual of ramming it back down my throat, but this time she took the role of dukt tape, and wrapped it around my head. The tape would run from the back of the shoe, along down the side of the platform, around my head, and back up the other side of the shoe, so that it would not come lose. When the shoe was secure in my mouth, and unable to be removed, Tessa took hold of my head, and forced it further than she had ever gone before. "I can't hear you screaming! Maybe a little more -pain- will do the trick," Tessa shouted My entire body ached with pain. My whimpers and cries were muffled by the large shoe that I had been forced to suck on. Tessa would taunt and tease me in this position, asking me how much it hurt. After a very very long period of time in this position, Tessa released the hold, and stood up. I was exausted.
Andrea walked over to my head, where I was lying, almost lifeless, and ripped the tape off, unwrapping it from around my head. She removed the shoe form my mouth, and placed it on the floor away from me. "Lick my fucking shoe slave." she told me. I gathered every last oucne of strenth I had, and lifted up my head to see her leather boot waiting to be worshiped. I placed loving kisses on the toe of her shoe, then moved all around, kissing the leather, making sure I did a good job, so she wouldn't hurt me further. I licked and kissed her entire shoe, until she commanded me onto my back. She returned the chair over top of me, and sat down in it, placing the sole of her shoe over my face. "Lick every inch of this sole clean." I licked her shoes for everything I was worth, swallowing chunks of dirt. She made me eat, and swallow a piece of gum she had stepped on a day earlier, that was stuck on her platform sole.
When I was done, I was releived to hear I had done an ok job, and she would torture me no further.
"Now," said Tracy, "You will attend each and everyone of our practices, and smell our feet after every one. If you do not, you know what will happen."
To be continued...
By Foot Guy
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