By BryonI expected nothing more from my proposed move than the added convenience of living closer to work. My hours spent at the financial consultant's offices were long and I grew tired of the one hour commute from home. It was my first job since I graduated from college a year ago and I could use the extra sleep in the morning to give me the strength I needed to work effectively. I'd spent three months actively looking for a reasonably priced apartment in a popular part of town.
A month ago I met with the landlady of a distinctive three story brownstone only a stone's throw from work. When the landlady, Mrs. Godwin, met me in front of the building, she told me to call her Rachel, and from then on I did. She was an attractive professional woman of about thirty-five years of age who first introduced me to the building and to the apartment which, in the weeks ahead, would turn my life upside down. I followed her to the third floor and into a spacious unfurnished apartment with a polished wood floor and huge bay window overlooking the main street. I couldn't believe that so much could be had for so little. Always shy with beautiful women I stammered a few words about the view and asked her if she was really leasing the space for the price advertised. She smiled and at that moment I knew that I'd revealed the awkward, innocent side of myself that I struggled to conceal.
She told me that due to high turnover she needed some assurance that I would remain a tenant for at least six months. For that reason she was asking that I pay six months in advance. I explained that that was an awful lot of money all at once and that I wasn't sure if I could scrape such an amount together within the next couple of days. She offered to reduce the amount by several hundred dollars to a total just within my limited budget. She also told me that I wouldn't find a deal like this if I wanted to stay in this part of town but explained that she did so because, for safety reasons, she preferred having younger male tenants in the building. She smiled at me and I blushed. Embarrassed about revealing my attraction to her I looked away and said that I wished I could stay and that I could make the payment. I didn't want to allow this golden opportunity to slip through my fingers especially as my landlady seemed to exhibit such an interest in me. She added that it was important to have a man about since the other apartments were occupied by young women with no one to guard their safety should the wrong elements slip inside. She mentioned that she liked to lease this space out to young men with strong active bodies who might serve as some deterrent to the would-be rapist. I blushed.
She touched my shoulder and I felt like kissing her full on the mouth. She said that she trusted me and that it would be nice if she could rely on me. I could refuse her nothing. I wanted to please her, to make her happy and it seemed that I could do that by accepting her kind offer. The tone of her voice, the movement of her body stirred me and I flattered myself that she might even offer herself as part of the deal, that my living here would give us an opportunity to become acquainted. I considered the idea of having such an attractive older woman to worship that I essentially committed myself to the arrangement on the spot. As long as she held my arm I could not allow myself to say anything which might cause her disappointment. She thanked me for being so sweet and considerate and when she kissed me on the cheek I blushed yet again. I say her smiling at me as I turned away in embarrassment. I asked her if I could move in right away once I gave her a check for the full amount. She said she expected me to move in right away and that they don't get very many attractive young men like myself. Her flirtatious and forward manner made my heart race. She urged me to look around but said that she was busy with other properties and had to leave. I followed her black-stocking legs and her behind as she sauntered out the front door.
It all seemed too good to be true, a fabulous apartment offered for peanuts and a knock out single woman who seemed financially secure who appeared to be attracted to me. In my enthusiasm I moved in the following day and delivered a check to her apartment in the building next door. It was on the day that I moved in that I first set eyes on my neighbors. Two young women opened their door as I walked past carrying a box of books. They smiled and greeted me; and I could feel their eyes on me as I ascended the staircase and turned the corner. The woman across from me later opened her door and offered to help me carry my things. On the way downstairs she knocked on doors and introduced me to everyone in the building. All of the women appeared to be between the ages of 20 and 35. They all appeared to be career women and were usually busy during the day except for three of them who were still in college. The two women in the apartment below me were both in their final year at college; so was the young woman who lived alone on the first floor. I was flattered that all of these women, all of whom I found extremely attractive or at least well put together, seemed to be very keen on meeting me and offered to help me settle in. All of the women helped me to carry my things upstairs from the U-Haul truck I'd rented and they even offered to arrange my things in the apartment. They all smiled and most of them told me how wonderful it was to have a man about the place. The last male tenant left in such a hurry; and I couldn't understand why a man would abandon what to me seemed like heaven. But I would soon find out why he fled. I'd never met so many women in one place who seemed so genuinely interested in my presence and all of them insisted that I feel free to visit them for any reason or even just for conversation. I'm sure that I appeared very bashful and embarrassed by all of the attention and , half the time I couldn't even look these attractive women in the eye. They usually smiled, laughed and seemed perpetually cheerful.
Across from me lived Susan, an ad executive in her mid thirties. Underneath me lived the two college girls, Laura and Alex, in one apartment and, in the other, a 26 year old woman involved with public relations by the name of Monique. On the first floor lived two women between the ages of 28 and 30, Natasha and Olivia, who were both dancers, and across from them, the other college student Sandra who was 20 years old and studying dance and naturally spending much of her time training with the other two dancers. Unfortunately I didn't see much of Rachel while I moved in but she promised to invite me over to dinner sometime during the next few weeks. I was king of the roost and it felt strange as if I had a harem of sorts. I looked forward to paying numerous visits to my friendly neighbors.
I'd settled in to my new situation and felt relieved that 6 months rent could not have been invested more wisely. It was the following weekend when everything changed drastically and that it became clear to me that I'd been lured here and that the landlady appealed to my vanity out of the strangest ulterior motive. I'd felt flattered by their attention but I was soon to discover that they held me in some contempt; and I was soon to feel trapped in a situation from which there appeared to be no escape. I would discover why I would occasionally hear some of the women whisper and giggle behind my back; after all, they were plotting a social event which, at the time, I would have considered very unpleasant.
It all began with an innocuous knock on my door that Saturday afternoon while I was decorating the apartment. Four of the girls -- Monique, Natasha, Laura and Alex -- were at the door and asked me if they could come in; they beamed at me and, of course, I said yes. We discussed the move and they told me how much they enjoyed having me there. But I was literally struck dumb when Monique boldly stated they were looking for a new footboy. I had no idea at the time what they meant and felt concerned about the direction in which the innocent flirtation had suddenly turned. I thought they probably expected some guy to give them occasional footrubs. I turned away in embarrassment and I heared someone giggle. They told me that they'd been interviewing candidates for the position and so far they'd met with eight out of a pool of ten; and that they wanted to ask me a few questions. She added that if I scored higher than 70% I might very well win the title. Apparently some of the other women were interviewing another young man and Monique added that they should be able to determine the winner within the next twenty minutes. Natasha asked me if they could sit down. I couldn't refuse and I didn't have the heart to ask them to leave, even if they wanted me to give them footrubs. I felt sure that they were merely playing around. While sitting in the armchair, Monique pulled out a few sheets of paper from a folder she'd placed on her lap. She crossed her legs and turned to me.
I could feel all of their eyes fastened upon me as Monique read me the first question. "Are you a virgin," she asked with a fiendish grin. I blushed but answered no; I'd lost my virginity during my final year at college to a girlfriend who had made me wait a full three years for the privilege and then dumped me. Monique then asked me if I'd given a woman a footrub. I couldn't remember doing such a thing and I again answered no. "Are you attracted by women's feet?" she asked. I've seen pretty feet but I didn't have a foot fetish so I said "no." "Have you ever received a footjob?" she asked. I responded by asking her what that was. They laughed at me and Monique told me she'd take that as a "no." I blushed again. "Would you consider yourself submissive in sexual relationships?" she asked. I recalled my recent relationship with my ball-busting girlfriend at college but didn't like the idea of being labeled with the word "subservient" so I said "not necessarily." They laughed at that. I smiled in response. "Have you ever sucked on a woman's toes?" "No" "Have you ever sniffed a woman's toes?" "No" "Has a woman ever rubbed her feet on you?" "No" "If a woman asked you to suck on her toes and rub her feet would you?" "It depends" "I'll take that as a yes" "If a woman wanted to rub her feet on your face would you let her?" "I don't know" "I'll also take that as a yes."
Monique then looked at the sheet and said that though she didn't know what to make of some of my wishy-washy answers she would give me the benefit of the doubt. The others laughed at this. Monique told me that I scored a 90% after only missing the first question. Apparently, they would have preferred a virgin for the position but 90% was not a score to be scoffed at and indicated that I was a perfect combination of inexperience, disinterest and the willingness to accommodate and learn. But before declaring me the winner and calling everyone over to celebrate they would have to wait to hear the results of the other interview. The game was becoming too serious for my liking and I began to pace around the room while they asked me more questions about what I thought of the new place. Monique's cellular phone rang and she answered it. "Yes?" "Oh, that's good. 90% and you? "Only 30%? Does he have a foot fetish or something?" The others laughed. "O.K. I'll see you soon. Hurry up." She hung up the phone and congratulated me and told me how convenient it would be to have a footboy in the same building and that they grew so used to having Mark in the building until he disappeared. "Now that you're the new footboy we'll have a place to bring our sore, tired feet" said Monique." I was beginning to get extremely nervous by this time and thought that the game had gone far enough. "I loved the way Mark rubbed my feet when I came back from rehearsal" added Natasha. "And nothing relieves the tension like having my toes sucked on a Friday evening" replied Monique. Laura and Alex giggled and said that nothing was more fun than having Mark sniff their smelly toes when they came back from their jog. I was horrified and I couldn't believe what they were contemplating. I was beginning to doubt that there were other candidates. I tried to think of an excuse to leave but I heard a knock at the door.
Monique ran to the door and in came the others: Susan, Olivia and Sandra. Alex said that it was time to have some fun and that two weeks was far too long to go without rubbing her feet on a cute guy's face, and that she didn't wear her Keds without socks for nothing. I was frightened and I must have looked it because they were laughing at me. Before I knew what happened, Alex approached me just as I sat on the sofa next to Natasha. Alex sat on my knees facing me and wrapped her legs around my hips. She then began to unbutton my shirt. "That's the spirit" said Monique with a grin. I grabbed her hand but Alex smiled and told me not to be shy and that they just wanted to see me naked and that every footboy must serve them in the nude. I began to struggle as best I could. She pushed me down as Olivia and Laura grabbed my arms while Alex continued to unbutton my shirt and squeeze my waist with her thighs. Sandra also sat on my knees behind Alex as someone else started to pull off my shoes and socks. As soon as hands started fiddling with my belt and pants zipper I struggled even more; but several of them were sitting on me and others were holding my arms and legs. "And now for the piece de resistance" said Monique and I felt my pants slide down my ankles while Sandra stood up to allow the pants to be removed. "Ready girls" said Monique and then my shorts soon followed my pants down to my ankles and off my feet. I don't know if I had a hard-on but I heard whistles and quite a bit of giggling. Olivia said "not bad." My shirt was pulled over my head and they carefully pulled it from my arms as I continued to struggle. They were very good at restricting my freedom of movement. They then tied my ankles to some long cords attached to the legs of the sofa and those who had been sitting on me stood up. I looked up and the seven of them were standing in front of me, gazing at me and smiling. I covered my crotch with my hands and realized that they had tied my ankles to the legs of the sofa. Laura started taking photographs of me as soon as I'd removed my hands from my crotch to attempt to untie myself. "There's no point in fighting it" said Alex. "You're our obedient little footboy now and if you don't like it we can mail these photographs to the company where you work so I'd suggest you get on your knees now." I got on my knees as four of them sat on the sofa before me and three others brought up chairs.
Monique held out her foot encased in a pair of white sweat socks and Keds. "Take of my shoes, footboy" she demanded. I did. As she placed her sweaty sock foot on my face I reacted and attempted to free myself. A few of the others jumped me and held my hands behind my back. They tied them with cord and then pushed me onto the floor on my back. Monique moved over to a chair near my head and told me that I'd better behave. Sandra sat on my chest, covered my mouth with duct tape and held my head with her hands as Monique placed her sock feet back on my face. "Now you're going to lay there and put up with it" said Sandra. Her sock feet were slightly moist and the smell was so overpowering it made me choke. "I've been on a run this morning just for you" added Monique. "Now we could start easy on you, begin with a footrub here, a toe suck there but we don't have time for that. We're going to brake you in with tome intense foot sniffing to overcome your dislike of feet and any resistance to our superiority. So now smell my feet footboy." Sandra slapped my cheek hard and I breathed in the pungent smell of moist, sweaty feet and sneakers. "Now footboy has to sniff harder than that" declared Monique. Sandra slapped me again to the amusement of the others as I breathed in as hard as I could.
I spent the next five minutes in this fashion until Monique asked me if I was going to behave from now on. I nodded. Sandra and the others let go of me and I then attempted to sit up by rolling over onto my front. I was on my knees when Sandra told me to lean against the sofa. I did and she and Monique pulled a couple of chairs over to me. Sandra sat on one while Monique sat on the other. Monique pulled off my gag and placed her sock feet on my face. "Now pull off my socks with your teeth" demanded Monique. As I struggled to pull them off, tugging at the toe ends and at the ankle ends, the others spoke about me. "Rachel knows how to spot them doesn't she," said Alex. "I mean look at him fiddling with your sweaty socks. She knows if the guy's a push-over like this one or if he's really going to be difficult. How does she know which guys won't." "He's not only a subservient wimp," said Monique, " but he's nice to look at. I mean look at his cute little buns and his you know what's dangling between his legs." I heard giggles. "Rachel has a good eye," said Natasha, "and she can sniff out a subservient man a mile away. I think if more women realized how easy it was to get a guy to smell their feet there would be more apartment buildings like this one all over the city." I couldn't believe what they were saying; and they talked about me as if I were an object without feelings and emotions. I'd managed to pull one sock over Monique's heel and off her toes to reveal toenails painted maroon. She made the process of removing the second stinking sock more difficult by rubbing her sweaty bare foot all over my face, repeatedly covering my eyes and nose. The potent and overpowering smell of her toes as she pressed them over my nostrils made it almost impossible to concentrate on what I was doing with my teeth. I instinctively wanted to pull away from the odor which had been forced upon me but it was no longer that simple. I only hoped that my humiliation wouldn't last long. As soon as I pulled the second sock from her foot she pressed it on my face next to the other one and began rubbing it around. I remained kneeling before her and sitting upright as she amused herself at my expense by having me smell her moist, sweaty, foul-smelling feet. "This is even better than doing it to my boss at the p.r. firm," laughed Monique. I was shocked to hear that the man who paid her wages was forced to undergo this kind of humiliation.
Sandra, who had been watching and laughing the entire time, had slipped off her sneakers, crossed a leg and raised her foot to my face. From behind Monique's two active feet I caught a glimpse of petite feet with black nail polish. Sandra wriggled her toes and told Monique to move over. Monique removed her feet which were promptly replaced by feet which reeked even more of foot sweat and sneaker; and within a matter of seconds my face was wet from having her feet on my face. I didn't really have the stomach for the powerful smell so I backed away from her feet and attempted to stand up. Sandra then threw herself on top of me and straddled my chest. She slapped me around several times and hit the side of my face with her feet. I struggled to push her off but the others were holding me down. She placed a gag over my mouth before standing and returning to her seat. Sandra promptly returned her feet to my face and cupped her warm toes over my nose. "We'll break you yet footboy," said Sandra. "Now do as you're told and sniff my toes." I breathed in the potent foot smell and breathed again so everyone could hear me. Alex laughed. "That a boy," she said. "You're going to learn to smell our feet on command. I don't care if we've been wearing the same pantyhose for a week, you'll sniff our nylon feet until we're satisfied that our feet have been thoroughly appreciated."
They were going to have some fun regardless of how cooperative I was. Struggle was futile and I knew that I was going to sniff everyone's feet. I decided at this point to become the submissive little footboy they wanted, and that they claimed I already was, because I hoped that they might go easy on me. I was determined to play their game and to play it well. I would show them how strong I was by sniffing their smelly toes with all of the energy I could muster. After five or six successive passionate sniffs, Sandra giggled and told the others that I had potential and that I might be the best footboy they've ever had. "You really know how to sniff a girl's toes" she told me. While sitting on my chest, Sandra continued to wriggle her sweaty toes over my nose. After receiving from me her five minutes of impassioned foot sniffing, Susan said that it was high time for the dancers to have their feet sniffed especially because they are usually on their feet all day and deserve a little fun. 
Within seconds Natasha and Olivia were sitting on either side of me, removing their dance shoes from their bare feet. As they held their sweaty bare feet over my face and wriggle their toes I gazed upon their long, slender, delicate feet and wrinkled soles. Natasha's toes were painted pink and Olivia's toes were painted red though some of the color had worn off. I could already smell the heady, musky aroma of sweaty female feet and tried to imagine some means of escape; but escape was impossible. They lowered their feet and it got dark as one foot was placed over my eyes. I smelled a sharp and potent foot smell as the tips of Olivia's toenails were pressed up against the underside of my nose. The smell was making me dizzy but I was determined to overcome and not allow them to think that I was suffering. I took a deep breath and almost choked on the fetid smell emanating from under Olivia's toenails. As one set of toes were thrust under my nose, the other toes played over my face; and occasionally the foot was removed from my eyes to reveal four very active feet and twenty busy little toes, and the occasional flash of red and pink from the toenails. As I developed a rhythm, I took well paced breaths. Another set of greasy toes were placed over my nose and I breathed in the dry foot smell again as hard as I could. I didn't think about what I was doing anymore. My entire face was moist from foot sweat and the others were in hysterics. "This is the best," Olivia remarked. "I've never had my feet sniffed quite like this, especially when they stink this much."I almost felt proud to hear those words and couldn't believe that they could appeal to my vanity by telling me what a marvelous foot sniffer I was. I almost found enjoyment in the fact that I was providing these attractive women with so much pleasure. "Get the leotards out," yelled Olivia. I continued to inhale the smell of sweaty female feet, no two of which smelled alike, as Alex reached over and dangled a pair of leotards over my face. As the toe ends reached my nose I was greeted with an entirely new smell, one that was especially musty, dry and fetid. The others laughed some more. Natasha pulled her feet from my face and a minute later returned them to my face encased in another pair of foul smelling leotards. She cupped my nose with her toes so I would smell the toe ends. "I haven't washed these for weeks," she said. There was no doubt about that. She got a firm toe hold on my nose and I inhaled the scent of her smelly feminine feet. Alex gave Olivia the other leotards and Olivia pulled her feet from my face to put them on her feet. For the next few minutes or so I was sniffing well-worn, unwashed leotards and the strength of the smell made me all the more determined to overcome it by showing enthusiasm for the task. I wanted to show them that I could take it. "He's the best," said Natasha. "They should breed submissive, attractive men like this on a stud farm." The others laughed. "We should definitely have more men like this underfoot" replied Sandra. "What a sniffer" said Natasha. "I love this."
"O.K. You've had enough fun " said Laura. "Come on Alex" she said and sat on my chest. Natasha and Olivia reluctantly removed their feet from my face and Laura kicked off her flats and pressed her warm feet, clad in black tights, onto my sweat covered face. These feet were a welcome relief from the other sweaty feet which had been in shoes without socks. I inhaled long and deep and could feel her feminine essence going to my head. I was going to sniff Laura's feet more thoroughly than I'd sniffed anything and I set to work to Laura's evident pleasure. "He's great," she said. "Listen to him." I tried to breath her essence into my nose; and this would be my triumph, not my humiliation. Laura made it easy on me by offering feet which, though strong smelling, were not overpowering or sharp. I felt bare toes on my forehead and saw Alex gazing down at me. "I've been wearing sneakers without socks for the last couple of days," she said, "and I haven't washed my feet in days." Olivia laughed. Sandra said "let's see if he's man enough for those." Laura pulled her toes from my nose and Alex slid her moist foot down my face until she could grip the bottom of my nose with her toes, which, by the way, had been painted red. I've never smelled anything like it. You couldn't get something this foul smelling anywhere in the boy's locker room at high school. "He looks sick," said Laura. The smell was beyond overpowering; I breathed it in and it did strange things to my insides. I almost wanted to throw up but I wanted to rise to the challenge. I figure that if I could stomach this smell, I could stomach any feminine odor they through at me. I breathed in the stench as Alex playfully wriggled her little toes. She alternated feet for about five minutes of what may have been the most unpleasant experience of my life; but I soon grew accustomed to it. My breathing became regular again and the fetid, musty smell became a part of me. My face must have reeked of her feet and I could feel her foot sweat on my face over the other foot sweat which had already begun to dry. Laura eventually came to the rescue and cupped her bare toes over my nose. I closed my eyes and began to sniff the toes with so much passion that she might not want to remove them to give Alex another turn. "Oh yes!" she exclaimed. "This is how it should be. If the guy we dragged up here last month was the bottom of the barrel, this one's the very top." I seemed to be making quite an impact. Alex had to content herself with rubbing her moist feet over my forehead and cheeks. Ever since Natasha and Olivia had begun to smother me with their feet, the others took places around my naked body and began to rub their feet on me. By the time I was sniffing Laura's feet for the second time, Natasha and Olivia were rubbing their feet on my chest and stomach. Sandra was occupied with my legs and Monique was teasing me between my legs.
I had an enormous hard-on as Monique ran the tips of her toes around and overtop my privates. She gently stroked my ball cleft and the tip of my penis with the soft bottoms of her toes. I was being rewarded and such attentions made me all the more determined to please my ladies so that, in return, they might please me.
I heard the phone ring and Sandra ran over to pick it up. Sandra giggled, and before hanging up the phone she told the person on the other line that it was the best they'd ever had and to hurry up. Alex pushed Laura's feet out of the way and once again tightened her grip over my nose with her warm, moist, foul-smelling toes. I had to stomach five more minutes of this before the door opened and Rachel, the landlady, emerged. ÔI'm sorry," she explained "but I've been running all over town trying to get things done." "Sit down" said Sandra., "it's your turn." "Now it's time for the older women" remarked Susan with a laugh. Sandra and Rachel pulled over a couple of chairs and sat on them as they fiddled with their shoes. They both wore pantyhose and Rachel as usual wore black nylons. I noticed Rachel admiring me with a prolonged smile and she told the others that I was a welcome sight after a busy morning . Within a matter of seconds, they were holding their nylon clad feet over my face so I could smell the combination of odors. They lowered them and began to rub their warm, moist feet all over my face. Rachel wrapped her toes around my nose and told me to give them a good sniff. Her feet were wet but the smell was tolerable; but every foot would seem tolerable after having sniffed Alex's toes.
Rachel wriggled her toes playfully as I breathed in her feminine smell. I especially wanted to please my landlady and decided to out sniff my prior efforts. I sniffed so hard I was in danger of running out of oxygen; and I became rather lightheaded as a result. Rachel looked down at me and said that I would make her very happy. I felt overjoyed to hear that I could make her feel that way and continued to do everything I could to please her. Susan replaced Rachel's toes with hers and her feet, clad in beige pantyhose, revealed nails painted a soft pink. The smell was negligible and her nylon feet were dry. By now the foot sweat had dried on my face and it felt like I'd grown a second skin. It felt strange but I sniffed Susan's toes as Rachel beamed down on me and told me that I was the sweetest little footboy and that she wanted to take me home with her and have me sleep at the foot of her bed cradling her feet. I wanted to say yes but I was still gagged.
After removing their hose, Rachel and Susan took more turns as the others occupied themselves with the rest of my body. I felt several feet in the area of my genitals. Toes pressed into my balls and squeezed my penis. Toes delicately traced outlines around my balls and in the ticklish region between my legs. I was about to explode and with Rachel's bare foot on my face I'd never felt so satisfied in all my life. I was giving this beautiful woman pleasure through my subservience and devotion while others were giving me so much pleasure I could barely contain it. I finally let loose in a series of ecstatic convulsions and something warm tickled my stomach as it ran down my side and onto the floor. I heard some giggling as Monique explained that it got on her feet. "The same thing happened to me at work when we did our boss one month ago," said Monique.
"I think that event will signal the beginning of our next lesson," said Olivia. Olivia stood over me and told me that I was going to lick their feet clean and that I could begin by taking the goo off Monique's feet with my tongue. I heard laughter as Monique kneeled down and pulled the gag from my mouth. I took a deep breath through my mouth as Laura and Alex pulled me up by my arms and pushed my back against the sofa. Olivia pulled up a few chairs and Monique walked over on her heels and sat down. "All good footboys give good foot tongue baths," said Sandra. "With a footboy, a girl won't need to take showers." The others laughed at this. Monique raised her foot and I could see my cum dripping from her toes. I didn't want to disappoint Rachel so when Monique pressed her sticky toes against my lips I took them in my mouth and began to suck off the sweat and cum, two or three toes at a time. "Oh, that tickles," giggled Monique. I sucked and swirled my tongue in between her toes and around the toes while they were in my mouth. "Oh, yes," she exclaimed. "If he can do that to my toes, imagine what it would be like with his head between my legs." The others seemed fascinated by how much Monique was enjoying herself and I was determined to suck on her toes as if they were the sweetest candy. By slipping my tongue between her toes I took in little pieces of dirt from the floor and fibers from her sweat socks; but that wasn't going to deter me from doing the best I could.
She pulled her toes out of my mouth and held the sole of her foot out. I took that as my cue to start licking the dust and dried sweat from her wrinkled soles. I nibbled and licked on the ball of her foot removing all of the flecks of dirt which had accumulated from the floor and from her shoes, and continued to lick and suck as she slowly brought my mouth to her heel. "That was great," she said. "Now do it again. But let's take the ropes off his arms. I'm tired of holding my feet up. He can do that; it's the least he could do." As she replaced her clean foot with the other foot, slightly blackened from the dusty wooden floor, the others released my arms. I then took Monique's heel in my hand and brought her foot to my face. I nibbled and licked up the ridges of her wrinkled sole and over the smooth ball of her foot into her toe groove where I slipped my tongue in between her toes to remove any traces of sock fibers, dirt and cum. She eventually thrust her toes in my mouth and I sucked on each of her toes with such passion that I hoped to be proclaimed the "best toe sucker in the world." I wanted to be thanked for pleasing them and I was glad to hear Monique's moans of pleasure as I sucked and licked. I did what I could to clean any dirt from her soles, from between her toes and even from underneath her toenails, and I wanted her to feel like she had a new pair of feet.
I was surprised to catch myself gazing upon her clean feet as if at a job well done. I actually felt proud of what I'd achieved. "Let me die now," said Monique as she leaned back in the chair with her eyes closed. Olivia, who had been siting next to Olivia and watching my performance with eager anticipation, pushed Monique's feet away and pressed her sweaty toes onto my mouth. The force of the thrust pushed my head against the arm of the sofa as she pushed all of her toes into my mouth until I could feel the toenail of her big toe at the back of my throat. She pulled her toes out and I began to nibble and suck on her toes which had also become slightly dirty from the wood floor. I sucked hard and rhythmically until Olivia closed her eyes and began to moan to herself. "I hereby declare you footboy for life," she said. I heard giggling. "You're wonderful," Olivia added. I sucked and slipped my tongue in between her toes. I worked my tongue down her foot, running it along the cracks, and in between the little ridges on her sole. I did the very same for her other foot and as I passionately nibbled on her toes she even thanked me. No sooner had I finished then Alex pressed her stinking feet on my face and began pressing her toes onto my lips. I quickly overcame my revulsion and began the task of removing, with my tongue, the dried sweat and dirt which she had rubbed all over my face and which had almost made me throw up. The sweat had long dried and left a musty, smelly residue which was also a part of my face. I licked her smelly soles, sucking and nibbling until I removed the greasy sweat. I worked up to the toes and spent several minutes retrieving shoe fibers and dirt from between her toes, and, at her request, even attempted to scrape some of the toe cheese from under her long red toenails with my bottom front teeth. The task was overwhelming but with my tongue I would be able to make up for the face that she hadn't washed her feet in days. After ten minutes or so I no longer noticed a smell. "They look as good as new, said Alex. "Thanks footboy." Natasha, Laura, Sandra and Susan each, in turn, offered me their bare feet to be cleaned and I licked them so clean that Laura told me that it was a shame they had to step on the dirty floor again with their clean feet. I felt proud that I could have made a difference, and that I could satisfy so many lovely women in such an inventive way. I'm sure I wouldn't have been able to satisfy so many woman at once in the conventional way.
When Laura sat in the chair and raised a foot to my face I knew that this was the moment I'd been waiting for. I wanted to worship her and please her like no other woman had been pleased before. When I gazed at her delicate, slightly dirty soles, I wanted to demonstrate my devotion to her. I brought her foot to my face and rained kisses on her soles with the fury of a man possessed and Rachel giggled like a schoolgirl and wriggled her toes with sheer delight. "You're so sweet" she said. I think I'm going to keep you." With her toes on my lips I took her big toe into my mouth and sucked on it as hard as I could while I teased it with my tongue. She moaned as I did the same for her other toes. When she presented me with her soles I proceeded to lick them careful to remove all of the dust. I'd never considered worshiping a woman's foot until that day and I actually felt ecstatic about licking her heels and soles. I wanted to show Rachel how much I desired her; and I wanted to love her body by loving her feet.
Rachel couldn't keep her feet off of me and Alex had to physically push her from the chair. "I think we've finally broken him" said Susan. "Oh I think we broke him the first ten minutes," quipped Olivia. "I think he adores our feet, or at least he adores Rachel's feet" replied Susan. "I don't think we'll need any restraints anymore" said Natasha as she reached for the ropes on my ankles and untied them. I was about to stand but my nakedness would have made me look so silly among eight fully clothed, attractive women. Rachel must have noticed this hesitation because she told me not to be embarrassed about my body and that it was a real pleasure to look at me. I couldn't disappoint her so I overcame my embarrassment and stood up still struggling to conceal my cock, which, at the time, was still erect and throbbing with the desire to achieve a second release. They laughed at my feeble attempt to conceal my erection and Rachel again told me that I had a beautiful cock and there was no reason to hide it. I removed my hands and I could feel my cheeks redden with shame. "Good boy," said Rachel. I would undergo any humiliation to please Rachel and as I opened my eyes I could see them either sitting or standing and smiling at me. My cock was aching and I waited anxiously for an opportunity for a few moments alone to pump my cock free of the mounting tension I felt.
"Go ahead and masturbate for us," said Monique. "We don't mind, footboy." It was as if she could read my mind. "No It's O.K.," I said. "I want to watch you enjoy yourself," said Rachel with a smile. I couldn't do it with so many eyes watching but Rachel reached in her bag and took out some Vaseline and rubbed it on her hands. She stepped over to me and rubbed some of it on my cock. She then place my hand over my cock and holding her hand over mine began to move my hand up and down my cock until I was masturbating myself with her gentle assistance. My eyes were closed and I was determined to prove that I was not embarrassed or shy. Besides, I so desperately needed to pump myself clean that it only took a few minutes before the stuff surged from me in ecstatic spasms. I heard the clicking of a camera along with laughter and applause. I opened my eyes to notice that everyone had collected in front of me and that Laura was taking pictures of me. I looked away in embarrassment and covered my erect cock as best I could. "You've been wonderful," said Monique. "I don't think you'll have any trouble serving our feet , along with our other equally important body parts, since you've experienced one of the worst case scenarios. From now on we'll invite you in for the occasional footrub and toe suck and, of course, every now and then we'll have an intense footsniffing and footlicking session like this." "Because we have a certain reputation in this town among women in the know," added Susan "other women will try to get involved. Of course we'll be selective about who we invite but just expect a few new faces every now and then." "And feet," laughed Alex. They filed out and showed me eight of the sweetest smiles that woman ever bestowed on man. It wasn't clear to me what happened but I felt like I'd done some good and that I'd made myself indispensable to eight attractive women. I was a desirable cock in the hen house and that was exactly what I wanted. In the last couple of weeks I've spent an awful lot of time under their feet and under the feet of Monique's friends from work; but it still felt like, in some way, I was on top.
I've been spending about half of my free time, or three hours per day, during the week, tending to their feet. I've given footrubs everyday after work while some of the others fix dinner for me. These footrubs usually conclude with requests to have their soles and toes kissed, sniffed and sucked. Needless to say, I'm expected to take off all of my clothes before each footrub, and if I don't remove them quickly enough they usually help me. For the last three days I've taken to walking from apartment to apartment in the nude to dispense with the formality of undressing every time I make a house call. I will instinctively cover my crotch with my hands. They've told me that every female foot on the premises must be referred to as heavenly foot or beautiful foot. I refer to the women as Mistress or Goddess. They never refer to me by my real name but always call me footboy to the amusement of any female visitors. About twice a week they like to stage a masturbation ceremony at which I stand, or sit, before them in the nude and relieve myself. I always dread doing this in front of s many mocking female faces, especially when they have friends over; at the same time I enjoy it and forget about everything else while I'm doing it.
Two nights a week we have sniff days when I'm expected to beg every woman in the house for the honor of smelling her feet and footwear. The sniffing is usually quite intense and they have me sniffing old socks , pantyhose and whatever else they can find. We also have one toe suck night which works along the same lines. Just last night, the girls varied our recreation by taking to sitting on my face and attempting to achieve orgasm by grinding their crotch region onto my face. It was quite successful as far as they were concerned and every one achieved orgasm; they were quite pleased with me even though I did nothing but sit still and behave myself. Apart from being forced to sniff their worn panties, footwear, armpits and feet, apart from jacking off in front of a room of fully clothed women from time to time, apart from being expected to give footrubs, suck toes and lick and kiss soles, and apart from walking around without clothes and existing for the pleasure of at least eight women who recognize my existence only in so far as I amuse and satisfy them, my life hasn't really changed. I have achieved sexual fulfillment so I'm going to keep the location of this house a secret so that no one else will show up to deprive me of this exclusive attention.
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