By Footprod
I had decided to take a trip to a foreign country, to relax and treat myself. I was alone, but figured I could clear my head and decide what I was gonna do with myself from now on. I ended up in a pub one night and was enjoying the cold frosty ones of this particuliar land. I began engaging in comfortable conversation with a couple other guys in the pub. I was relating how this bitch or that bitch had taken my love and screwed me over in the recent past. One of the guys kept making faces and cautioning me every time I used the 'bitch' word, and at first I didn't understand. He told me it was against the law to use derogatory words to describe females. "ya RIght", I replied, hald in the bag, " We've got laws like that in the US, like blowing your nose on a Sunday while standing on a bridge". I continued in my conversation, ignoring what I'd been told when, the guys I'd been talking to, suddenly expelled from their stools and disappeared. I was surprised and looked around to see two female police officers approaching me from either side. They asked me to step outside for a minute, and I naturally obliged. Once outside, The taller one, with dark hair and piercing green eyes spoke with a lovely accent. "Sir, you have violated our conduct laws. I understand you are not from here, but the laws apply to everyone. The bar-keep has informed us that other patrons have told you to curb your language, and you have not, So therefore, I am issuing a citation to see the magistrate tomorrow at 10 AM. DO change your manners my then sir, good night." I figured this was some kinda joke, but I decided it was best to get some rest and clear this obstacle so that I could enjoy the rest of my vacation. I arrived at the specified time, wearing very casual and comfortable walking clothes.(I looked like a tourist) I still could not believe I was in a court for saying "bitch" in public. When my name was called I approached the magistrate and was asked innocent, or guilty? I began to plead my case with a slight attempt at apology, but was stopped abruptly and told to plead one or the other, that they didnt have time for the likes of me. I swallowed hard now, sensing saltyness on the female magistrate, and replied softly that I didnt know I was breaking any laws, but that I was guilty and now sorry. "Well, the lady replied, I can see that you are sorry, but we do have laws in this land about being rude and disrespectful towards women'. "And Although you are here as a visitor, I see fit to sentence you to 3 hours in the Center Mall Punishment pit" As I asked what that meant, I was whisked away by tow guards one male and one female. They put me into a van and while driving, the male guard answered my question as to what was going on. "The magistrate has sentenced you to the punishment pit at the mall. That means you will be required to lay on your back inside a small box, and while smirking, told me that since I had disrespected the females of their country, Any females that wished to, could walk up, have a seat above the box, and lower their feet onto me to be kissed, sucked, licked or that they could just rest their tired walking feet on my and that this would remind me next time I had something derogatory to say about women, to not say it. I actually thought he was joking until we pulled up and I was led out of the van to a small square in the center of this mall near the eateries and record stores and a video arcade. I was instruted to lay in a recessed box like pit about 6 inches below the ground beside a concrete bench. I was hand and ankle cuffed to the sides and advised not to struggle or protest, or in any way cause injury or insult to anyone that came along. "But Sir I dont understand" I began. The guard then explained that anyone who wanted to, as long as they were female, because that was what I had disrepected, could put their shoes, socked feet or bare feet on any part of me with the guards present, so that I would feel humiliation and shame, and learn a lesson of their laws. He told me not to worry too much " Younger girls have the stinkiest feet, Ive been told, and most of the girls that come along to these things, by my experience, take off their shoes and socks and will just merely laugh and giggle while they place their bare feet onto your face. And all you have to do is take it for 3 hours, and you're done. If you refuse to comply, It's 30 days in the prison, and you dont want to go there, so just chalk it up and it'll be over soon. I began to relax, and remembered how my sister used to playfully rub her feet on my face and laugh at me. I hadnt thought about that in a while, but I sensed a submissive feeling when she used to do it, and have her friends give it a try. I realized it wouldnt be so bad, and I'd began to not so much like, but accept my sister's and her friend's feet in my face and began to reminesse when I noticed a woman sitting down above me. The guard told her what my conviction was, and she meanly plopped her pumps down onto my face and began grinding down on my nose with them. I saw some chewing gum stuck to the bottom of her shoe and she instructed by to bite it off. The guard gave me a menacing look, and I began gnawing off the unwanted morsel. As I prepared to spit it out, the woman, apparently in her 40's whip her foot out of her shoe and shoved her big toe into my mouth, pushing the gum back into my throat. she bagan to wipe her nylon foot all over my face and soon her other foot joined in the fun. She began using my nose as a scratching pad for the sole of her foot, leaning back and releasing some OOOHs and AAHHHS as my face became mangled between her soles. Noticing the line growing behind her, She thanked the guard (not me) slipped her shoes on, and left. Before the next in line took her place, the other guard cut my shirt off and wrote 'prisoner' on my chest and tummy. As she was doing this I heard a lot of giggles and the male guard saying "don't worry about the smell, it couldnt be that bad anyway, besides, that's his punishment. Who here has the stinkiest feet? Again more giggles and I lookedup to see 3 barefoot teenage girls scampering towards the bench, and me, and the guard ushering the girls to the bench. A blonde announced, "I do I do", another blonde, coulda been her twin argued that her feet would make me gag, the third girl, a well developed brunette slyly announced that she would put me to my seath with her 'dogs'. "Whoever can make him wince or frown the most, the guard began, " will win a free pizza slice", The first blonde sat down and plunked her moist feet in my face, smearing her feet without any mercy whatsoever all over my face, while looking down at me and smiling. I announced to the guard that her feet smelled like greasy green olives, to which she laughed and squeezed my nose between her toes so hard I thought I would pass out. The second blonde turned out to be her twin, she too had greasy olive smelling feet, with a hint of shoe leather thrown in, after she was done mashing my face, the cocky brunette smugly laid her feet on my face. Right away she bagan scratching up my face with her unusually long toenails, pained dark blue. Her feet had a more sweaty sock smell to them, and I could feel little pieces of sock lint tickling my nose as she raped my face with her soles. When asked by the guard, I couldnt decide who had the smelliest feet cause they all reeked, so he gave them all coupons for pizza slices. The brunette gave me a swift but somewhat gentle kick to my nose, saying she'd be back. The next to approach was an old lady with crakced long toenails that made me bite her corns for 5 minutes. By the end of the three hours I had smelled feet of all colors crees and odors, and even a few teenage punks had gotten their way to make me smell their putrid skate-boarding feet. a bus load of seniors on their way back from bingo, The local dance team, a group of gymnasts that petrified my face and body with the chalk from their bare stinky feet, and two seemingly homeless chicks who obviously hadn't wahed their feet in days, who found amusement in alternating one pinching my nipples with her dirty long toenailed feet and the other making me lick street grime from in between her cheesy toes and under her toenails, and finally spitting on my face and rubbing it in with her feet. Then as as I was about to be let out, the three girls appeared again, wanting another go.
They said that they had an extra pizza slice for me. I was starting to get hungry despite all the nastiness inflicted upon my face with feet, and once again, all three appeared, kicking off their shoes. One of the blondes stood above me and put her pink foot on the center of my face and whil looking smugly down at me asked if I was hungry. I looked up at her cute face from underneath and between her soft toes and managed a nod. She then threw the pizzza slice upside down upon my face and all three began mashing it around my face with their feet, laughing hysterically as they smeared pizza all about my face and hair with their feet. Finally there was no more pizza left on my face and I was ordered to lick the remnants from their toes, as I did, with the brunette again scratching me with her long toenails and making me clean out the pizza from underneath her long toenails. The guards announced after the girls left, that their shift was over and I was free to go. As I was walking, smeared with pizza and smelling of feet, The female guard pulled up along side me in the parking lot and asked me if I wanted a ride. While driving, She told nme that she was in need of a servant type person to live with her, clean up while she worked, have dinner ready when her and her daughters got home from their jobs, and provide any necessary 'duties' required or demanded. She asked me if I enjoyed the afternoon, and I related the story about my sister and her friends. Whn we pulled up in her driveway, and began to walk towards her house, I noticed three pairs of sandals with red pizza sauce looking substance on them. As I entered the house, I saw the same three teenaged girls sitting on the couch, with their knees tugged against their chest, eyes sparkinling, toes wiggling, and allat once they asked " Mom, can we keep him"? The guard turned to me and said , if you walk out this door Ill drive you back to your hotel, but if you lay down under their stinky feet, Ill know that you wanna stay here forever and give up you life to be our little slave and foot boy, which will require you to be at our feet all day and all night as a foot warmer, when we sleep and a plaything when were awake. And you;ll never go back home, of course your sister will always be welcomed here........As I layed down on the floor they all smiled and released their knees from their chests and their pizza stained bare feet took their rightful places on my body, the guard smiled removed her boots and sat down too.............................
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