Foot Fetish Witch Part 2
Natascha has Kathrin take her shoes off and flexes her toes. Her turquoise polished toenails shine tempting and brightly in Kathrins eyes. She puts the shoe onto the floor and starts to caress Nataschas foot, resting it on her lap. Slowly she becomes aware of the smell of Nataschas foot, a heavy, slightly cheesy scent, that spreads slowly, filling the whole room and confusing Kathrins senses, while at the same time heightening her arousal and her body's heat. Her hands gently caress, the soft skin of the back of Nataschas foot, while she bends down over it to smell it better. Natascha spreads her toes, allows Kathrin to place her nose between her big toe and the next one. The smell becomes more intense, Nataschas feet do really smell, a slightly sour, cheesy smell, warm and heavy, which is sucked into Kathrins nostrils.. the traces of sweat between the toes wettening her nose. Kathrin massages Nataschas foot with her thumbs, until Natascha leans back in joy and leaves her foot to Kathrins hands. Kathrins lips softly press against the ball of Nataschas foot, she sucks it lightly, then trails her tongue, teasing and tickling across Nataschas sole which clenches in reflex. Natascha laughs gently, but does not withdraw her foot, not even as Kathrin drags her tongue, in circles all across her rosy soles, tracing the outline of her sole, then the lines on it. Nataschas body twitches, and her toes move steadily in reflex while a giggling laughter comes from her mouth, as she enjoys. Kathrin takes her tongue up to Nataschas toes, which clench, open and flex, trying to escape her tongue, but Kathrins tongue is long and quick, she pushes it in between Nataschas toes, plays with them, wraps her tongue around them, and sucks Nataschas little toe into her mouth, tickling her with her agile tongue. Natascha leans back into the softness of the sofa, her body moving gently, and strokes herself... her fingers playing dreamfully between her thighs... Kathrins slides her tongue between Nataschas toes, wrapping her lips around her toes, and teasing them with her tongue... after some time Natascha gently withdraws her foot, and smiles warmly at Kathrin: "that was very nice..!"
Kathrin kneels down before her Mistress. "I love to serve You Mistress.."
"Well..." Natascha smiles: "I will reward you Kathrin.. you'll now be allowed to perform a very special task for me..!" With that she raises her feet in front of Kathrin... pointing her soles at Kathrins face at the height of her eyes. "Stay like that!", she hears Nataschas voice, then she feels a sudden and unbearable tickling and tingling all over her body, a sensation of falling, and as her eyes haze over, it seems to her that Nataschas feet vanish out of sight above her.
Kathrins eyes focus again... but she cant believe what she's seeing. Everything around her, couch, table, the carpet which fibres are now clearly visible, seem to have grown to gigantic size. And so have Nataschas feet, which hover above her. Kathrin steps back in fear, as they move down towards her. As her Mistresses feet touch the ground, their impact really knocks her off her feet. Kathrin looks up and makes out Nataschas face high above her. Natascha smiles amiably: "Well, little one?!?" Her voice has a quality of thunder: "Didn't you always dream about, serving your Mistress like that!?!?" Kathrins voice sounds squeaky and thin as she answers: "Mistress, what are you going to do with me?!?"
"Hihi!!!" Natascha giggles. "You'll see!!" With that, Nataschas left foot stretches out towards Kathrin, and before she knows it, Kathrin is trapped between Nataschas big, and her second toe. Kathrin, now about 10 cm tall struggles in vain, she's helpless... Nataschas footsmell seems to have doubled in intensity, and Kathrin starts to get dizzy from the gentle stench that engulfs her completely. She holds on to the shiny blue of Nataschas polished nail, as she is picked up and lifted. She watches Natascha who moves her closer to herself with her foot, until she places it on top of her thigh. Then she extends her hand towards Kathrin, and releases her from the grip of her toes. Kathrin drops onto Nataschas hand, and is brought close up to Nataschas face, the huge green eyes of her Mistress hold hers.
"Hihi... You will now clean my toes, slavegirl!!" Kathrin is put down on the couch, and Natascha moves her legs sideways, so that her feet are on their sides, right in front of Kathrin. Kathrin stares at Nataschas gigantic soles, the smell of the feet becomes breathtaking, but Kathrin kneels before her Mistresses feet and kisses her toes with love and devotion. She breathes the cheesy smell, licks across Nataschas little toe then licks the edge of her toenails, works and removes little drops of sweat and toejam with her hands, carefully cleaning every fold of skin, and under Nataschas nails... all the time engulfed in the intimate stench of Nataschas feet which reaches an unknown intensity. Soon she smells nothing else but that footsmell, which soon soaks into her skin, leaving her own body smelling, while her busy tongue works over and inside each crevice, gap or fold of skin, and her nails, meanwhile smelling strongly of Nataschas feet, slide in under Nataschas nails, to remove sweat and footscruff. Natascha enjoys her pedicure, she splices her toes for Kathrin, and moves her toes closer to her face to lick them.. she decides that Kathrin will get to do this joyful duty much more often in the future... but on top of that, she still holds other plans for Kathrin, after she'd be done with cleaning her feet, but for now she lays back and savours the moment. Meanwhile Kathrin has finished cleaning Nataschas toes, now herself smelling of the sour-cheesy stench of the feet. She kneels before Nataschas toes again and starts to massage her little toe with both hands, waiting for her Mistresses further wishes. Natascha smiles down at her: "I'll go out a little now... and you will come... as a foot-cushion!!!" She grabs the helpless Kathrin with her toes again, a nd reaches under the couch, pulling out a pair of well worn, stinky, nylon-stockings. She places her foot on her other thigh and lets go of Kathrin, who grabs hold of Nataschas foot, not to fall off of her thigh. With a joyful grin Natascha holds out one of her nylon-stockings. "Get in there!" Kathrin climbs obediently, and without a word or hesitation into the stocking, which smells strongly of Nataschas feet. Soon she looses her grip on the material and falls into the depths of smelling nylon, until she reaches the soft, doubleseamed tip of the stocking. But as soon as she gets back to her feet, Natascha is sliding the stocking over her foot, pressing Kathrin flat against the nylon, her face against the soles of Nataschas foot... "Yes... that smells delicious... doesn't it?? Breath it in good.. hihi..!" Kathrin try's to turn, to move away, escape the narcotic, putrid stench, after some struggling she manages to lay with her back against Nataschas sole. She stares through the Nylon and makes out Nataschas face above her: "Mistress!!", she calls anxiously, "please let me out.. I'm scared!"
Natascha smiles at her: "Now now... you don't need to be scared... only of that I could like it too much maybe... " Natascha extends a gigantic finger towards Kathrin: "Besides... I wouldn't squish something as adorable as you.. think again... and anyway.. you worry too much... you should be happy.." With the last word she starts to stroke her finger over Kathrins tiny breasts, her fingertip caressing the soft nylon, that holds Kathrin. "After all I did promise you a reward..." Natascha smiles and puts a second finger upon Kathrins lap, massaging softly... Kathrin moans briefly... but Nataschas fingers are so gentle it feels nicely.. very nice actually... Nataschas rubbing arouses her desire... already in a state of sexual excitement by the smell, and now that touch.. she spreads her legs.. and Natascha rubs a little stronger:
"Now little one.. what do you feel when you think of my feet?" Natascha rubs the Nylon in between Kathrins thighs, and Kathrin moans with joy... the footsmell engulfs her... the sensual smell, and the arousing massage mingle in her consciousness.. her hard nipples press against and through the nylon, against Nataschas massaging finger, while the tip of Nataschas second finger, starts to feel moisture... Natascha smiles and keeps massaging, while Kathrin, starting to feel drunken with the scent of Nataschas cheesy feet, feels incredible lust and desire, and all that mingling and soaked through with that smell... that stench... that scent.. that incredibly beautiful smell... her consciousness hazes, and in that Moment Natascha causes her to cum... in Kathrins mind, lust and footsmell mix... fuse into eachother.. she experiences an unbelievable, intense orgasm, accompanied by Nataschas dominating smell.. then her body relaxes, and her senses fade...
As she wakes up again, its dark around her.. she's lying between something soft, and softly pressing against her... she feels a strong warmth around her body, it feels, like lying in a sleeping bag, which is moving though, and contracts now and then in varying degrees and places.. and it stinks! It stinks like Nataschas feet, the smell is stronger than ever before, her body feels moist.. Kathrin starts to realise... Natascha must have shrunk her even further, and she's now laying underneath her toes.. in that small gap between the balls of her feet and her toes, her feet touch Nataschas little toe, while her head is half covered by Nataschas big toe.. her back touches the Nylon of Nataschas stockings, and she can feel the sole of the shoe underneath it. But Nataschas influence already starts to work... the footsmell is arousing her.. Kathrin feels her sexual desire grow... she's getting hot... she starts to joyfully breathe the unavoidable stench, allows it to seduce herself... relaxes... every Movement of Nataschas toes massages her full body, rub cheesy stinking footsweat into her skin.. she opens her mouth, scoops one of the little sweat-drops up from the surrounding toes.. tasting it, savouring it... the softly salty quality tingles on her tongue, and the endless massage together with the overpowering cheesy smell work her up even the more.. so that her hand, moves on its own account, between her thighs.. and Kathrin starts to caress herself, soon getting impatient, rubbing her clit, taking it between two fingers, and masturbates with desperate greed... her wetness running down her thighs, mixing with the stinking footsweat... Kathrin leaves herself to her own lust, soon feels the joyful wave of climax coming close.. she slows, try's to hold on, delay it.. but the unavoidable massage of the toes on her body is too amazing and the scent too overpowering and present.. she lets herself fall, feels the wave inside her body, cums several times... until she stops gasping, her eyes close, she curls up delightfully cuddling against her Mistresses toes. After a while she feels Natascha, suddenly take off her shoe.. there's light, and a waft of fresh air, clears her senses.
"Well Kathrin.. here we are again... hihi" Nataschas voice echoes loudly into Kathrins ears, as she's still staring helpless through the mesh of Nylon.. up at Natascha. Natascha takes off the stocking, keeping Kathrin trapped between her toes, and drops her into her hand. Kathrin is now only 3 cm tall and Natascha fixes her eyes on her slave. "I'm going to make you a bit bigger now... then you will serve me further..." As soon as the words reach her, Kathrin feels the tingling and tickling sensation again, which runs all through her body, as soon as Natascha is using her witchcraft on her... she is aware that she is growing.. until she is about the size of Nataschas foot... unresisting she holds on to Nataschas hand until she's finished... then her Mistress puts her on the couch again. Kathrin watches while Natascha strips off her clothes... her gigantic body thrills her.. and she watches in fascination, until Natascha looks at her, suddenly, and steps towards her, now completely naked: "Now Kathrin... you will of course be curious what I have in store for you... aren't you??" Natascha lays down on the couch and places Kathrin upon her belly. Kathrin stands, naked, and shrunk, upon Nataschas lower abdomen, her feet at the edge of Nataschas navel, which is big enough to hold one of Kathrins feet. Natascha parts her legs lightly and smiles deeply at Kathrin: "Turn around slavegirl!" Kathrin turns obediently, and looks down upon Nataschas pubic mound, the short bristly hair, look like grass to her now. Nataschas humongous thighs rise up out of sight on both sides of her. "Step down between my lips" commands Natascha and Kathrin steps gingerly upon Nataschas heat and slides carefully down her pussy-lips leaning against her heat. Her feet wedged in between the pussy-lips, which part lightly and with a wet intimate sound.. "Climb in!!" echoes Nataschas voice inside her head, and.. anxiously... she slides her body a little further in between the hot and gooey mouth of Nataschas pussy... until she's stuck up to her hips, her hands holding onto Nataschas pubic hair, moving her legs worriedly, feeling a warm, soft, damp and narrow tightness around them, like a too small sleeping bag... she allows herself to sink in deeper, slides without any greater friction further in, up to her neck, her arms pressing flat on Nataschas vaginal lips... she feels something throbbing and nobby against her stomach, which feels warm and slippery and like its holding her.. Natascha relaxes, closing her eyes and concentrates on Kathrin... who now places her hands on the nob and rubs it mildly.. Nataschas clit. Natascha moans briefly, and Kathrin feels, Nataschas pussy sucking on her body, pulling her in a little more, then briefly releasing her again.. Kathrin's afraid she might be sucked in completely whenever her Mistress might'd please to... she squeezes Nataschas clit between her thighs and presses against it rubbing rhythmically... Natascha moans in lust and starts to buck her hips a little faster, spreading her thighs, coating Kathrin in her juices.. Kathrin rubs on obediently, while Nataschas movements shake and jerk her up and down, like a pinball. Thick slimy juices run over her whole body, Nataschas pussy-lips squeeze her, and suck her in and out in sudden jerks.. Natascha becomes more and more urgent and wild, arcing her back, her hips jerk harder, until she finally reaches orgasm... and cums twitching and bucking... calms down.. and sinks back....
An exhausted Kathrin pulls herself out of her Mistresses pussy, covered in cum over and over, she gets slowly up on softly trembling legs, standing on Nataschas stomach.. Natascha smiles delightedly at her and grabs her gently with her hand while she gets up from the couch: "Time to relax , little one!" she carries the exhausted Kathrin into the bathroom, where slides into the steaming water of the tub, sitting Kathrin down on her stomach again.. sinking back comfortably..
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