Hi, my name is Mark and I'm 32. I met a cute woman at a club two weeks ago, Sarah - who is 39 (but looks 30!!!) Today is the day i visit her at her flat.
I turned up at around 7.30. Knocking the door i was surprised when a young girl answered. This was her daughter, how could i forget.
"Hi, Mark." She grinned. Claudette was 16 and gorgeous, with aperfect body - shapely breasts, and of course gorgeous feet, even if thet were only size 7. She invited me in and led me down the hall in her black strappy top, short black skirt and black heeled sandals.
Sarah greeted me enthusiastically in the living room and we kissed.
We all sat down and Sarah switched on the TV. As the TV burbled on my eyes wandered to Sarah's feet. Pink slippers, how boring. My eyes then wandered to Claudette's lovely teenage feet. She had them rested on a thick pillow that had been left on the floor. At that time she had some sort of discomfort on her bare left shin because she itched it slowly and tantelisingly with her heel on the right sandal.
I stared a little too long, and when i looked up Claudette gave me a sexy grin that made me squirm and go hard straight away. More time passed and i nearly forgot about it.
"Sorry honey." Sarah piped up suddenly, "I've got to go to the shops and get some milk for tomorrow before they close. I won't be long." Sarah slipped on some trainers, kissed my cheek and then left.
Claudette then moved onto my couch and sat next to me. Without a word the teenage temptress rested one leg over my lap and the other on the coffee table. I should have protested but i felt exhilerated by her teasing me.
"Comfy?" She asked.
"Um, y-yes." I answered her awkwardly.
"Well, I'm not." She said stubbornly, rubbing her beautiful thigh as it rested over my left leg.
"Why? What's wrong?" I asked her sympathetically.
"I ache - all over." She said. "Give me a massge -all over, now."
I was a little tempted but this was wrong, and with that attitude, why should I help her?
"NO, I'm sorry." I said standing up, "I..."
From her seating position Claudette raised her right foot and kicked me squarely in the groin. I stammered in pain. She kicked out with her foot again. A direct hit to the same spot made me drop to my knees in agony.
Claudette stood up, and being 5'8 in her heels she looked down on me with hands on hips.
"If you won't do it for me I shall make you do it." She said in a bitchy but matter-of-fact tone.
Claudette took my chin in her slender hand, piercing the skin in several places with her dagger-like black-painted nails. With her free hand she smoothed back her straight brown hair.
"Now are you going to be a good boy?" She asked, moving my head left to right with her hand, "Or do you want another kick in the bollocks?"
Like a pussy I gave in to her, to this spoilt little girl. "I'll be good" I whimpered.
"Good boy." But she kicked my balls once more, allowing me to fall gracefully to her feet.
"Welcome to your new home." She said, sitting down. Claudette slid her left foot below my face and then pressed my face against her toes with her right heel.
Her feet had been washed but had a slight odour about them. I squirmed but to no avail. As she held me with such ease I heard her pick up the phone and dial.
"Mum." She said, "Mark just tried to sexually assault me, he nearly got away with it but I managed to knock him out - i don't even know if he's still alive - I'm really scared."
That lying little bitch! I struggled angrilly beneath her feet but I was still in agony and she had me held tightly and easily between her smooth feet.
"Struggle all you want bitch." Claudette cooed confidently, "Just get used to the smel of my feet, at least until mum get's back - then I have to knock you out."
"Why are you doing this to me?" I called out, but it only came out as a pathetic muffled cry into her foot.
Claudette inspected her fingernails as she squeezed mt face with her feet, which were becoming gradually more sweaty and smelly.
"Sniff my beautiful feet." She sighed, relaxing in her chair, "Ha, you might be an older bloke but I'm still too strong for you." Claudette boasted.
"I'm a bit like a spider aren't I?" She grinned, "And you're like a weedy little fly I've just trapped in my web. Now sniff my feet good and loud and I may let you get away with this. Come on."
I obeyed the dominant teenage beauty and sniffed aloud. The sudden rush of stale air and sweat made me feel ill.
"Again." She ordered mercilessly. I obeyed and sniffed once again with equal enthusiasm.
"And again." I obeyed once more.
"Once more, like a good boy." She teased, grinning in satisfaction as I once again inhaled the rank scent of her beautiful feet.
Just then I heard a key in the door.
"Sorry hun, I lied." Said Claudette, "Light's out for you mate." She then twisted my neck sharply with her deadly feet, rendering me unconscious.
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