Author Unknown
Jenny is a young, yet attractive girl of 13. She has long, fine blonde hair, a relatively nice figure, and very nice legs. She is a very sporty girl and surprisingly strong for her age, especially considering she is barely five feet tall.
I first met her hanging around with a group of friends on the beach. We got on well and it wasn't long before we started play-fighting. Being 17 and almost a foot taller than her I didn't expect much of a fight. That is until she climbed on top of me.
She sat her butt on my chest and pinned both of my arms beneath her shins. She was wearing a pair of short shorts and a thin white T-shirt. I moved to sit up and suddenly stopped laughing when I couldn't.
Jenny saw my struggle and laughed.
"Come on." She said, "Why are you just laying there?". I struggled with my arms and legs but she just rested her hands on her thighs and squeezed my head between her legs.
"What's the matter?" she taunted, looking down on me, "am I too strong for you. Can't you get up." I continued wriggling but Jenny just found this funny and held the pin.
"I expected a bit more of a challenge than this." She giggled, still looking down at me, "how does it feel to be pinned by a little girl you pathetic weakling?".
"Get… off" I said, struggling uselessly below her. I was becoming quite frustrated at her strength.
"And what if I don't little boy?" She said, patting her legs, "What the hell are you going to do, down there between my thighs?" She doubled over laughing at her own joke.
"Let me up, I'm serious," I said, getting more angry.
"Or what?", she laughed, patting my face with both hands, "No matter how angry you get I'll just squeeze you until you calm down, and you know it." She boasted.
Now I was really frustrated and thrashed about with all my strength, almost removing the cocky thirteen year old, but not quite. Keeping true to her word she squeezed my face tightly between her thighs.
"Are you gonna calm down you little maggot?" She said sternly, "Or shall I squish you again?".
"I'll… calm down." I subsided. I already knew that this young girl could keep me here for as long as she wanted.
"When will you let me up?" I asked, my face hurting from her squeeze.
"I won't." She grinned, looking down on me. "When you get up is up to you. And you know you can't beat me so I'll keep you here forever."
After half an hour had passed Jenny was still sat cockily on my chest with my face pressed between her thighs.
"Now we've established whose the best I think we should make a few rules." Jenny giggled.
"What?" I groaned from beneath her.
"From now on, you have to do what I say, or I'll pin you like this again."
"Maybe you were just lucky this time." I suggested.
"Let's see, shall we?" she said standing up. I stood up as well, I couldn't believe how short she was.
"Come on," she taunted, "make the first move, if you think you can beat me."
I went to grab her but she ducked and grabbed my waist, stuck out her leg and flipped me easily onto my back, knocking the wind out of me.
"Comfortable?" She laughed sitting back down in the same position.
I struggled but soon realised she was actually stronger than me, I felt totally humiliated.
"Now do we have an agreement, now that I have your face between my thighs?" She said, looking down at me.
"What agreement?" I asked.
"For the rest of the day, no better yet… for the rest of the week you have to be my slave, and you have to follow me everywhere and do exactly what I say." She commanded.
"No way!" I said, I was not going to spend the next week serving a girl 5 years younger than me.
However I soon found myself changing my mind as she squeezed my face once again.
"Submit to me, and you shall feel no more." She laughed teasingly.
"OK," I said meekly.
"Pardon?" She enquired, squeezing my face again.
"OK, I said, now let me up." I begged.
She stood up but as I went to follow she placed her trainer on my chest, pinning me back down.
"You will stay down," she ordered teasingly. "Take of my trainer and put it nice and gently on the floor."
I obey her and place the trainer to my left.
She puts her sock in my face, all sweaty from the fight.
"Sniff my sock." She orders, I turn my head away, and shut my eyes.
"Sniff it slave," she laughs, "or I'll show you how strong my thighs really are."
I turn my head and take in a tiny bit of air.
"Sniff harder." She orders, "and say thank you."
I take in a deep breath and almost choke, after a fit of coughing I wheeze out "thank you Jenny."
"I'm glad you've got the hang of it," she grins, "Now sniff it twenty times and say thank you for each one."
Although reluctant my sore face couldn't take another bout of punishment from her thighs so I begin; "One, thank you Jenny, two, thank you Jenny, three, thank you Jenny."
Jenny, towering above me laughs at how pathetic I am. I feel totally worthless, being made to sniff her socks like this, as she stands above me with her hands on her hips, laughing.
I reach twenty and take in a deep breath of fresh air.
"It's not over yet, little boy." She says running her toe down my face.
And then the words I've been dreading;
"Lick my sock."
I stick out my tongue and give it a strong wet lick, hoping that if I do a good job, I won't have to lick it again. I'm wrong.
"Same again," she laughs, "twenty licks and twenty thank yous."
I start licking at her sock and counting them off, saying thank you for each disgusting taste.
"Enjoying the taste of my sock, slave?" She boasts, "you have no idea how pathetic I am making you look."
Scared of those powerful thighs I continue to lick her sock and try to be grateful. After what seems like ages I reach twenty. By now the bottom of her sock is wet from my tongue.
Jenny then sits on my stomach and removes the other trainer.
"Now the other foot, twenty sniffs and twenty licks. Now." She commands, knowing that I'll obey straight away.
After I am finally done she lifts up both feet.
"Now both of them, forty times each." She giggles. I can hardly believe it.
"Unless you want me to crush that feeble head of yours with my legs I suggest you start licking some cotton." She says in a confident tone.
I still can't believe that I've been made to lick a 13 year olds pair of socks over one hundred times. By the end of it my tongue is dry.
"Now take off my socks." She says, "That's right, its far from over you little wimp."
I obey and take off her wet sweaty socks.
"Kiss my feet, just once, because that’s all you deserve." She says in a superior voice. I kiss both of her feet. She gets back up and slips her trainer's back on.
"Before I go, give the bottom of my trainer a lick." She commands.
I stick my dry tongue right out and drag it along the bottom of the 13 year olds sandy trainer.
"Again." She orders.
I repeat the operation, my tongue becoming more swollen every time.
"And again." She orders.
I push my tongue out once again.
"That's it, nice and clean." She laughs.
"I want to see you at five tomorrow morning, outside my house." She says handing me a piece of paper with her address on, "this is only the start of your slavery to me."
She walks off, leaving me spitting sand. After she has disappeared over the horizon I shakily get to my feet, dust myself off and walk back home, a little worried about the following day.
After a long night with little sleep, due to the humiliation of the day before I awake at half three. Ready for my long morning walk to Jenny’s house. I know that if I wanted I wouldn’t have to go there. But then she’d find me and punish me. And although I hated to admit it. I was a little scared of the attractive thirteen-year-old.
So I left my house at four and walked all the way to the address that she had given me the day before. It was a quarter past five when I arrived. I stepped nervously up to the front door when it opened.
"You’re late." Came the voice that had tormented and humiliated me the previous day. "You’ll learn that I won’t tolerate lateness from you." She said confidently.
I looked at her, she was wearing a pair of short shorts, like the ones she wore yesterday but a little tighter. She is also wearing a white Adidas T-shirt. Even on the doorstep she is about an inch shorter than I am. I can’t believe she pinned me yesterday.
"Or what?" I said, filling with confidence, thinking that yesterday was a fluke.
"Have you forgotten about yesterday?" she asked, "I had you licking the bottom of my trainers, terrified of me beating you."
I now looked and felt a little concerned.
"Get inside" she commanded sternly, "into the front room." I walk into the front room.
"Kneel on the mat" she says, "I think you need reminding of who’s in charge."
"OK, I’m sorry Jenny" I say, knowing now that I’m in trouble.
"Not good enough," she giggles at how scared she is making me.
I kneel down and so does she. She then grabs me by the shoulders and shoves hard to the ground, I then see her soft white tennis shoe land on my neck, a spasm of pain shoots through my body. Then her other foot slides below my neck, so that she has my neck clasped between her ankles.
"Comfortable?" she asks, knowing already that she’s won. She gives my neck a little squeeze to show off my helplessness.
She then moves around and slides her legs along my neck, so then her calves now hold my neck up by her knees. She sits up and looks down on my face, which is screwed up with pain from her hold.
She laughs and uses her hand to brush her long blonde hair behind her head.
"I’m 13." She reminds me sternly, "You’re 17, you should be ashamed of yourself, haven’t you got any pride?"
I twist painfully between her legs, with my hands rested on her shins. She tightens her grip slowly and deliberately, still smiling down at me.
Next she slides her butt onto my chest and plants her thighs either side of my head, holding me down in one of her trademark, inescapable schoolgirl pins.
"You should be used to this position by now." She taunts me. "The only difference is that I haven’t had to press your face between my thighs yet." She pats her sturdy thighs with both hands. I place both of my hands submissively on her knees, as I know I can not escape.
"Given up already?" she asks. "Is that all you’ve got?"
I lay feebly beneath her, barely moving.
"I would let you up but I can’t think of anything more humiliating than I what I did to you yesterday." She boasts.
"Although I guess crushing you beneath me is enough humiliation for now." She laughs, "I really have to get one of our fights on video, so I can show you just how pathetic you look, squirming uselessly below my body, or licking my sweaty, smelly socks every time I tell you to."
I just lay below her, listening to her threats and insults, I have long given up fighting her, as I know she is far too strong for me and would just laugh if I tried to escape.
"Come on, say something. Defend yourself." She taunts me further.
She places her hands on her hips and looks straight down into my face.
"You are MY slave!" She says clearly, "You do as I say or I hurt you, understand?"
I try nod but it’s a slow and shameful movement.
"Because you tried to fight back you have to do what I say for a whole month, not a week, what do you think about that?"
"Well?" She asks annoyed.
I still say nothing.
"You'd better start talking soon" she giggles.
Next she puts her hand into my pocket and pulls out my wallet.
"I'll take some money now, OK?" She asks taking out the only five pound note.
"No…" I start in protest. As if an automatic reaction her knees swing towards me and my face is crushed mercilessly between her sturdy thighs.
"No?" She asks, "Are you sure?"
"OK!" I yell in submission.
"Good, I'm not stealing it, you just said I could have it."
Next she pulls out the photograph of my girlfriend Laura and holds it above my head.
"Who's this?" She asks relaxing her thighs a little so that I can breathe and my cheeks are not crushed.
"My girlfriend." I tell her.
"You have a girlfriend! Ooh if only SHE could see you squirming between my thighs like this, I bet that would look pretty dodgy, wouldn't it?" She laughs. Suddenly her face becomes more serious, "Give me her phone number."
In sheer panic I receive a burst of energy that I never knew I had and I wriggle free of the cocky thirteen-year-old. I spin around and try to stand but she grabs me by the back of my T-shirt and pulls me back down to the floor. I swing at her and knock her to the ground. I try to grab her but she punches me in the side and then spins behind me. Next I feel her legs wrap tightly around both sides of my body and a soft tennis shoe presses down hard onto my face, pinning it firmly to the floor.
"You will give me her number." She states firmly, pressing down her shoe mercilessly on my head and constricting my chest with her powerful calves at the same time. After about ten seconds her attack subsides but she still leaves me trapped within her legs.
"Nice red shoe print you have on your face there, it rather suits you!" She laughs riotously.
I grunt in pain and try to struggle free but this is the most powerful hold she has used on me yet and even though I can move and thrash around she has her strong legs wrapped tightly around me, pinning my body and arms at an awkward angle so I can't fight back. She presses her shoe again, squashing my face to the carpet. I swat feebly at her shoe, my fingers just brushing it as she increases the pressure on my face.
"Oh look, another foot print!" Jenny exclaims, releasing the foot from my cheek. "And if you don't want the third one to be so bad you give me what I want."
"OK." I relent between her pulsing thighs. "I'll give it to you." I then relate the phone number to her, which she taps into her phone whilst I am still laid limply between her legs.
Jenny then shifts her foot from on top of my face to underneath, so that is pressed up against the bottom of my jaw and rubbing my neck at the same time. This move causes me to gag slightly, as my breathing and the strain on my neck become more difficult.
"You didn't think I'd let you go did you?" She laughed. "This hold I've got you in is one in a million, it might never happen again, so unlucky!" She grins broadly.
"Look on the bright side." She laughs, "At least I'm not wearing high heels!"
She suddenly stops squeezing and looks amazed at the brilliant idea.
"No, please don't?" I whimper.
"Lick my shoes then." She commands.
I obey and repeatedly lick at her shoe, hoping that she does not exchange the reasonably soft pair of tennis shoes for something a lot worse.
She then unwinds her legs and releases me. She stands up with her foot rested on my chest.
"I've got to get ready for school." She says. "I've piled my uniform on the landing upstairs, go fetch it…"
I run upstairs as she commands, but stop in horror as I see the pile. One polo shirt, one knee length skirt and a pair of three-and-a-half inch chunky high heels…
Wow....almost identical when I was that age..weird
ReplyDeleteWow....almost identical when I was that age..weird